Note to citizens

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Johnny Walac
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Note to citizens

Post by Johnny Walac »

I wish to warn the people of this land. Order of Law are attacking innocent citizens.
I do not know exactly why but I belive the current officers have grown crazy with power.
It saddens me to see this but I must warn everyone. Beware the hounds of tyranny.
They are corrupted by greed and will do anything to feed it.

Argyle Melius
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Re: Note to citizens

Post by Akkarrin »

i do not know who you are but i assume you refer to our recent banishings of supporters of Telborea, they are not innocents, if you go arround Lord British's lands praising murderers and raiders then expect to be punished.

-Akkarrin, Second in Command of Law
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Johnny Walac
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Re: Note to citizens

Post by Johnny Walac »

Your wicked lies might work on some but not one me.
It grieves me to see what Order of Law have become.
It is not only bad leadership but evil too.
I warn all people of Felucca. Do not trust the officers.

Argyle Melius
Kent Strider

Re: Note to citizens

Post by Kent Strider »

Yes do not trust us, Order of Law. Trust this brand new random citizen! Sound stupid? Cause it is.
~Kent Strider, Guardian of Law
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Johnny Walac
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Re: Note to citizens

Post by Johnny Walac »

There are thousands of citizens in Felucca and you call me random.
You, Kent Strider who were once Cult of Tekstone and killed innocent people.
You are probably a part of this corruption. Akkarrin and Azreal have fallen for the darkness.
The current Order of Law are full of murderers and brigands.
Do not trust these officers. Seek protection elsewhere.
Heed my words. Beware these criminals in white coats.

Argyle Melius.
Kent Strider

Re: Note to citizens

Post by Kent Strider »

Check your facts before you speak idiot. I may have once been in The Cult but I did not kill one innocent person. Have a Law member check me if you do not believe me. You are more than likely King Retard himself, Theaok or whatever your name is, in disguise. Think before you speak lowly moron.
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Johnny Walac
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Re: Note to citizens

Post by Johnny Walac »

It grieves me Order of Law are now in the hands of those like Kent Strider.
See the anger in his notes. See how he lack wisdom.
He once followed Dennac and he admit it.
This is what Order of Law have become.
Beware the white coats. Beware the slayer of innocents.

Argyle Melius
Kent Strider

Re: Note to citizens

Post by Kent Strider »

I do have anger in my tone, for you are a moron that knows nothing, yet you speak as if your some wise all knowing oracle.
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Re: Note to citizens

Post by Aerius »


I do not believe we have ever met, but your words of slander concern me. I do not know of these recent actions of attack on innocent citizens. I am aware of the recent steps our Law has taken to protect our citizens from the spy and supporters of the Telborean mob. These supporters are simply ordered to leave the city and are not harmed unless they show first the act of aggression towards our Officers or citizens. so any attack, would have been against someone who is not innocent. If an officer has made an unjust action against someone, I suggest you take it up with our Head Priest rather than spout of your personal opinion and negative propaganda of an Order set to protect the people. I will hear what you have to say in person from this point on.

Aerius, Elder Priest of Law
Uzriel Raven
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Re: Note to citizens

Post by Uzriel Raven »

Argyle Melius, I, Uzriel Raven, am a confused citizen of Felucca. You tell me to not trust Law. Who do I turn to then? Surely not Telborea. I've practiced my lockpicking in general areas only to be pursued by these hounds of tyranny cloaked as saviors. They even side with the Cult of Tekstone, one of their members would not let me escape, so she called forth the evil, black-robed servant of the diety of destruction. Even the member of Dennac told me to Run to Kent Strider. Not long after, Law came to my rescue and felled these brigands and crazed souls.

So help me and my confused mind, Argyle, I truly don't understand, do I side with the people that protect me without asking for gold or thanks, or side with those that threaten my life and my belongings unless I pay them 10,000 gold? And these same people are comrade-in-arms with Tekstone. With you using Kent's history as a Tekstone as slander... Why the fuck do I want to turn to anyone else but Law?

Help me Argyle. You seem to have good intentions, but your methods reek of the seeds of anarchy. Are you a friend, or a devil?
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