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Seeking Pet, Josko

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:38 pm
by Danielle

*The note is posted on the Wall of Britain Bank*
Seeking Missing Pet

I am seeking my eight-legged friend.
He answers to Josko.
He is an above average sized garden spider.
Still small enough to be sat on.
One of his legs on the right is shorter than the rest, it is the fourth one counting back from the front of him.
He is very shy and tends to bite if threatened... He may make you ill, so be warned.
Last known sighting was in Britain Bank, he must have escaped his lovely pouch.
Any sightings would be greatly appreciated if written below.
He is a dear friend to me, and I truly do love my Josko.

Thank you,
Irilana Le'Wales

Re: Seeking Pet, Josko

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:43 pm
by Yudhishthir
*a light blue parchment scribed in a glossy black ink is attached below the note*

Miss Irilana,

It's always a shame to lose a friend. No matter how small. Furry. Or even eight-legged. I have noticed a lack of crickets at the stables inside Lord British's castle grounds over the last few nights. Perhaps your friend made his way there!
