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Letter from concerned citizen

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:38 pm
by Mercer
*A note is attached to the Law temple door*

The fact that me and many more citizens around the cities of Lord British are daily being harassed, robbed and murdered by the infamous Exorsus Nox without any kind of reaction or answer from the officers is making me feel very betrayed. I constantly see officers running around Britain, but when they are needed they don't arrive to the scene, or do anything to stop the Exorsus Nox.

So I just wish to know what is the reason for this? Is it the fear for your own lives, even though you have sworn to protect the citizens of Lord British? Or is it becouse your unexperienced officers have no chance in this battle against robbers, which seem to get more and more powerful every day? It seems even the Vanguards of Telborea are more efficient in protecting the people.


Re: Letter from concerned citizen

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:07 pm
by Sylvan Darkarrow
The fact that nobody from the Order has responded to this speaks volumes.

~ S

Re: Letter from concerned citizen

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:25 pm
by Johnny Walac
Order of Law has grown tired and weak. They are no longer capable to protect you against these robbers. They have abandon you but do not fear. The Kingdom of Telborea offers protection to all it's citizens. Feel free to contact me to become a citizen.
Johnny Walac wrote:*Notes are being spread out across the land*

Telborea has risen once again to liberate this land from it's oppressors. Lord British and his dogs have been abusing this land and its citizens for too long now.
Become a citizen of Telborea and support our cause.

Those who already paid taxes shall remain a citizen of Telborea.
Pay 10.000 gold coins one time and live the rest of your life in peace and harmony.

All Hail Telborea

Thoeak Milner
King of Telborea

Mike wrote:Citizens are required to register for the census. Contact me for your citizenship documents.

Gaius Lucretius
King of Telborea
Thoeak Milner


Re: Letter from concerned citizen

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:12 pm
by Masano
If you have concerns about the Order of Law get in contact with a member- this is the fastest way to get a response. If you cant manage to do that (which im assuming is the only possible reason for writing too the public message boards) you should leave your full name and a form of getting in contact with you. Your surname doesnt happen to be Sole does it? We've had a previous complaint from a Mister R Sole before but never managed to contact him.

~Eldath Morn, 307-532-899

Re: Letter from concerned citizen

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:17 pm
by Jessica
These brave soldiers of order of law, trying to defend their city armorless, weaponless. Just in their bare robes, refusing to leave guardline, who seems to be their whole defence. They have been smashed, scattered, destroyed. This is the time when you - citizens, need to find another group to protect you, or be prepared to face the pain.

Also, don't try to contact them in person, theyre filthy thieves with no honor. Most likely they feel your questions as a personal offence and will use their powers cowardly to hunt you away from the city. Thats why theyre asking for your full name. I've seen it happen many times, thats why im delivering the pain.


Re: Letter from concerned citizen

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:22 pm
by Masano
We've all heard the same boring, unoriginal propaganda from various robber groups and Im sure it wont be the last time we have to endure it. Robber groups come and go yet the fact is the Order of Law remains constant and steadfast in defending innocent people no matter what their opinion of us happens to be, free of charge.


Re: Letter from concerned citizen

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:05 pm
by Demian
I have to admit the note has a point. As an alchemist, weekly, I see plague, tekstone and Exorsus Nox inside Britain, and officers are nowhere to be found. And if you manage to find an officer and tell him of the incidents, he just ignores me, or tells me he will inform his fellow officers, but still, nothing changes.

I wish that was everything, but no. I have even been harasssed by an officer while I've been just minding my own business in Britain. The officer simply stated he doesn't like my appearance and that I should get dressed to his liking or I would be in trouble. To add, I have never heard a bad word about my clothing from anyone else.

This can't just be a coinsidence. The officers are simply cowards and abuse their power only to cause misery to the weaker citizens.

I will not leave my full name here, for I am honestly scared for my well-being because of these current "officers"


Re: Letter from concerned citizen

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:15 pm
by Johnny Walac
Do not leave your name here. These corrupted officers will seek you out and throw you into prison. I have stood up against these people when I saw them harassing a citizen but I had to flee. They throw around the rite called Banishment more then people realize. Do not write your name here because your friends and family will be in danger.

I have warned you all before.

A note to citizens

Re: Letter from concerned citizen

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:34 pm
by Masano
If you want to pay for protection and put your trust in a band of robbers, go ahead. Its been proven that they are untrustworthy and have no honour or dignity. You all have minds of your own. No-one is forcing you to stay under the protection of the Order of Law and Lord British. If you hate the Order of Law or Lord British, you are free to leave Britain at any time. If you enjoy the relative safety of Britain along with its amenities and atmosphere compared to the unguarded towns or woodlands then it is better to organize meetings with us to discuss any problems you may have. Alternatively, if you would just like to blow off steam and make complaints about the Order of Law without actually wanting a meeting or seeking any solution you are more than welcome to do that too. Any complaints about a particular Officer from the Order of Law should be directed to the Headpriest or Lord British himself, the matter will be discussed and you will have a response as soon as possible.

~Eldath, 307-532-899

Re: Letter from concerned citizen

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:51 pm
by Evander
Cant believe you wrote " under the protection of the Order of Law" even you know you cant protect us, and if you believe you can, you live in a lie. Do something visible so people knows you can do what you say.