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Citizens of Felluca

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:51 am
by Troy
*A Dark cloaked figure approaches the banks of all the cities and leaves a note*

Citizens of all cities,

I am a follower of Dennac, my name is not important but my message is. Today I was in Britain, seiged the town and ran into a few people who live in the town. I informed them about my purpose for coming forth right now but I figured it necessary to inform all of you. I am the spreader of destruction, I am here to demand the immediate destruction of Nature. Gaea and those brown cloaked fools have stood in the way of Dennac for far too long, and it is time for them to be removed. For the next week, each day, I am going to seige a new city, drowning it in poison and ghouls. I am offering everyone a safe way out by allowing you all to get rid of this band of fools. For each day that they still are around and stand in my way I will kill everyone that is in my path and that I see, no one will be spared. I urge you all not to underestimate my power and the will of Dennac. To the followers of Gaea who may read this, prepare because if you all do not disband and bow to the will of Dennac I am going to send all that you know and love into darkness, every animal will be corrupted and all the plants will turn black and wilt. If within one week you all or any of the citizens who live in this world have not fulfilled my request I will come to Yew myself and leave everything in ruins. Consider yourselves warned.

Also I am looking to see which of you people are loyal to Dennac, if you are willing to be by his side should the day come when I recruit people to his cause. I am looking for the strongest and smartest of all the warriors in the lands. If you think you are worthy should the time come that I am in need of your assistance please sign your name in blood at the bottom of this message. I will check it each day that I am in the cities pillaging.

Yours truely
Apostle of Dennac

Re: Citizens of Felluca

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:43 pm
by Corvus Albus
Your words and threats are as empty as your altar. Dennac is finished and by even trying to revive a myth your acts of terror will not siege in Feluccia. Your manipulative threats mean nothing to our people, so I spit on your offer and give you only one opportunity - leave. Leave these lands while you can, because once we've caught you, even Dennac wishes he hadn't been born. Take your ghouls and plague with you and hide in a deep dark cave the people of Britannia are not afraid of you. They know that good will always conquer evil and there's nothing you can do. Even the ones worship Dennac turned against you, that's how great the power of Gaea is.

So people of Britannia, don't act foolish as Strider because he will fall and he will fall deep. I have no sympathy against him as he chose his destiny. Stay on our side and you'll be victorious.

Matriarch of Nature
Corvus Albus

Re: Citizens of Felluca

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:57 pm
by Geryn Farodae
Whatever your threats, whatever your intentions, and whatever Master you follow, we will resist you. The people of this land are strong, bred and raised in hard times, war, and the death of their king. Yet they continue on, and not with the slow, determined trudging of those who have lost too much, and have little to give. No, the people of these cities you and your foul ilk have besieged walk methodically one foot in front of the other, with an upraised chin of pride.

Time and time again, these cities have weathered the persistant if minimally successful attacks against them, and if an entire Order, whom is backed by the army of Blackthorn, cannot succeed. What makes you thiink you, a mere diciple of a forgotten and powerless shadow of a god that once was, are able to succeed where they fail?

Your ghouls are easily destroyed, and your poisons are quite effectively cured so if I were to measure the chances of your one-man crusade succeeding, I would say the odds are long indeed.

Continue your march as you will, know that everytime you attack, the army of British will be there. Should you attack Yew, and if the Order of Nature desires, you will face not JUST Gaea, you will face the wrath of Justice. You will face the diciples of Winchester.

And like your predecessors in Tekstone discovered, you will once again fail if you wage war upon us.

Attack our cities just once more, and I assure you you will regret the deed for the rest of your life...

Both seconds of it.


Geryn Farodae
Head Priest
Order of Law

Re: Citizens of Felluca

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:06 pm
by Whitewolf
*reads the note, and writes name down*

Killing with you last night was fun, lets do it again somtimes.

Re: Citizens of Felluca

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:31 pm
by Evilyine
*Dennac's energy, spreading everywhere and rising, woke Nessaya Antrim from deep coma*
*Nessaya heard Dennac's voice which lead her to these boards*

I'm here to serve you my Lord. Just let me know how can i help and thy will shall come true. *she whispers*

*Nessaya cuts her left arm and writes down with her finger*

I'm sure it won't be hard to find me.

Nessaya Antrim

Re: Citizens of Felluca

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:58 am
by Troy
*Dark cloaked figure comes to boards of Yew*

Dear Nature,

I have given you all a very long time to discuss the decision to disband and I am afraid I have not seen this happen. I am tired of this whole thing and have decided that it is your alls time to feel Dennac's wrath. Within this week Yew and the Nature temple will be left in shambles. The ground will turn to ash, the water around will run red, and all the plants will decay. I am doing this as your final warning, I will leave no survivors when I bring down Dennac's wrath.

For everyone else who has decided to intervene, I hope that you decide to join in because everyone that opposes me will find themselves left in a cold, black stone! I will blacken everything with chaos and if you happen to be in the way do not expect to live.

Law and Imperial, you two have opposed Dennac's will before but if you intervene this time I am afraid the consequences will be much more drastic than before.

Yours Truly
Apostle of Dennac

Re: Citizens of Felluca

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:47 pm
by Geryn Farodae
Bold words, I shall look forward to ramming them down your throat.

Heed my warning this time, you have failed every time thus far, with laughable attempts that could only be compared to Imperial's utter and completely failed war campaigne.

We shall see you on the battle field...

~Stamped with the official seal of the Order of Law~

Re: Citizens of Felluca

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:57 pm
by Mike
Though we bear no ill will towards the Order of Nature, we have assisted the sheep who soil themselves in excitement when ever British passes by far too many times. Keep your campaign out of Malas and our forces will not clash, Cultists.

-Order of Imperial

Re: Citizens of Felluca

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:43 am
by Maximilian Lhoth
The supreme Order of the Dark Moustache will only act in defense of Britain or any other town of no religious significance to any religion, to spare lives of innocent civilians who never wanted to serve any god or fight any religion. Basically this means: as long as your plague is spread in Yew, Luna or Trinsic, the supreme power will not interfere.

Konrad Lhoth
Order of the Dark Moustache

Re: Citizens of Felluca

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:59 am
by Kent Strider
Well I got two words for ya' cultist, "Let's rumble!"