~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

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~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

Post by Tyrion »

Citizens of Felucca,

The Order of Imperial hereto and forthwith assimilates the island cities known as: Buccaneer's Den and Serpent's Hold; into Imperial Kingdom territory. Recently, there have been disturbing reports of a buildup of enemies of the Imperium on these, now, sovereign Imperial Kingdom lands. Consider this an eviction notice to those whom claim these islands their home, and continue a futile war of arms against us. Inhabitants whom continue their aggression against the most illustrious Order of Imperial will be subject to the uninhibited fury of Esuna's Holy Officers.

Please find a depiction of the boundaries of Imperial ownership below:


Enemies of the false gods can be considered for sanctuary. Should you be interested, contact an Imperial officer for further details. Citizens of Felucca are encouraged to avoid these islands until a follow-up Imperial decree is announced, declaring the cleansing stench of pirates, murderers, vagabonds and all other manner of foul troglodytes, completed. We strongly urge any and all currently in war with the Imperium to recant your allegiances, wherever you call home so that you may, once more, know peace.

Order of Imperial
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Re: ~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

Post by Lily Shiar »

Don't believe in lies Citizen of Felucca!

I don't know about Buccaneer's Den but one thing I can say for sure. Serpent's Hold is not territory of Imperial Kingdom and will never be. The island is mainly controlled by Cult of Tekstone and the guilds of The Red Alliance. All Imperials seen in this island will be slain at sight!

If you wish to get this island of Serpent's Hold, bring it on! We're not gonna give it without fight!

- Cult of Tekstone
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Re: ~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

My deity is Winchester. Yet I will not move from this island ever, be the one commanding me to leave Tekstone, Telbo or Imperial.

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Re: ~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

Post by Ivan »

Dear Sebastian

Did you think i would allow you leave the island? Just to remind you about the fact i was the one to left you rot next to the docs.

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Re: ~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

Post by Azrael »

I have paid for my home completely and fully. I am the one that dictates when and where I shall move, not Esuna's Unholy Mongering Baboons, you are not my land lord. You will not move me from my home. Step foot on my grounds and there is where you will stay.

I believe I am fully within my rights to protect my land from anyone trying to force me away from it. The Order of Law will not be called and I will bury you under my house.

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Re: ~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

I will not leave the island, whoever tells me to...

Be it Imperial, Tekstone or All Old Gods from the empire of Thyllburgeria.

Bring it on!

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Re: ~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

Post by Quintoz »

Don't worry we like having you around Sebulba.

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Re: ~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Even thouhgh I use Spiritual Hammers, through your wals, to wake you from your sleep? To enter different kind of sleep! Still like me?

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Re: ~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

Post by Quintoz »

As the public can see we don't ban anyone from Serpent's and this is the hostility we are meet with. It's so sad to see that Law is the religon of hatred and Tekstone is the one who wants to have a town where everybody is accepted no matter religon, guild or faction. A place that everybody can call home... What has the world come to when all you seek is war.

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Re: ~*~Imperial Kingdom Decree~*~

Post by Biggs »

Due time has been given, Mr Lloth I am sorry but the order of law has not been granted permission onto our land to date so we will ask you to leave and move onto your home soil of course we will allow you time to move your possesions, where you can protect your civilians more easly.

Maybe if our two orders relationship continues on the rightous path a embassy may be granted to be commisioned with order of laws funding upon the churches authority but this will not be allowed to be withing the citys walls, and any weapons you carry shall not be wielded at any time.

In regards to the rest of you seek an imperial representative to confirm your house ownership and all those that may live with you. Any and all enemys of imperial found in our new additions of island will be removed by force you are not welcome in the lands of esuna you may ofcourse seek a meeting with our headpriest to come to some sort of agreement without blood being spilt but do so quickly. A warning is here by in effect that any enemy will be seen as an intruder and attacked on sight.

Soon members of the church will come to your homes to make a complete census on occupation and ownership of all homes on the islands.

- Viven O'Hie.
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