Carlos was the last one to be asked to join the cause. Although they had always trusted each other with Lila, this seemed a bit too much. One of the oldest members of Nature, the one who had indoctrinated many great names like Zabren, Daren, Jeremiah, being a mentor for the North family and tens of other members. The Grey Eminence, Cardinal, True Guardian of Gaea is being asked to join the Cult and let Dennac’s wrath flow through his veins.
„WHAT?!“ he screamed to Lila. „Are you absolutely crazy? Do you have any idea what this might cause?“
„Calm down and lower the voice,“ Lila spoke calmly. „There’s nothing to go wrong, it’s the perfect plan to end the war and get peace to Gaea’s lands“
„Look what it did to Simmo, he can barely sleep due to his nightmares. It is something to be taken seriously. You are talking like it’s some kind of child’s play!“ he continued.
„We have all understood the risks we might face, together we can take them“ she answered.
„You are really serious about this, aren’t you? It’s not an easy task. When we sent Simmo there, we all thought there’s nothing to go wrong. He sacrificed himself for the greater good, but we were there to keep him alive and still loyal to us. Who will keep us alive and loyal when we all leave to finish what he started?“ Carlos speaks in his calm voice.
„You are correct again, brother. Yet we all think it was because Simmo was there alone, in the middle of them. If we all go, we will be stronger and won’t let Dennac’s hatred get near us“ she continued convincingly.
„Might be and might not be. I am not going to join you, sorry. Someone has to keep an eye on you all. I am not approving the quest but I will pray for you every night ’til you are back.“
To be continued…
The hostile take over plot
Moderator: RP Moderators
Re: The hostile take over plot
Philip Azevedo:
na dude, fu*k uni... that shit wont lead you anywhere
pang on the otherhand....
na dude, fu*k uni... that shit wont lead you anywhere
pang on the otherhand....
Re: The hostile take over plot
1 month ago
The day was clean and the sun shining, beautiful, outside you could listen the birds singing and see animals walking inside the temple, Yew was at peace. I was walking through the temple chambers with Daren.
“The peace has returned Ardamir! Tekstones are no more or I must believe they are so weak they can’t leave there cave.”
“We must stay vigilantes Cardinal, Dennac are tricky and he got many ways to strike… I sense evil coming, Tekstones attacking?”
“I sense it too, grab your scepter Ardamir”.
Daren worry to talk with the sentinels, when one of them yelled, “Lila North is returning”. Daren looked to me in confusion, but there was no attack.
After a while a lot of members were on the main saloon, I arrive and saw Lila covered in blood with Darian’s head in his hand. Something was wrong, I sensed Dennac presence all over, it was strong, many others could sense it too, Daren, Jeremiah, Raziel, Carlos Dargon, I could see confusion and fear in their eyes. And then I looked to Lila and I had sure, she was the source of that evil, she had a different look in her eyes like she was possessed by Dennac himself, showing she was proud for Darian dead and for starting a war. I was confused and revolted inside but she was Lila, the most important person of my life and my leader. I couldn’t say anything in that moment and I went down to my room and pray with only one thought: “Dennac was succeed, the peace was broken, in the next days Tekstones will raise their arms once again under Darian command. Plague and destruction will descend upon Yew and or Order once again, I have to prepare myself for war.”
Later that night
The night was long when Lila came to see me at my room. We start talking about what had happened.
“Do you know what you have done Lila?”
“Darian was my enemy and a true cultist. Today we start something that will shake the ground of the world.”
“Yes you started a war. Tekstones are proud warriors they will not leave this without revenge!”
“Ardamir give me your hand and awnser me. What do you think about joining Tekstones?”- I was stunned couldn’t believe she was serious about that question. At same time i start had a headache and my heart squeezed, I couldn’t even talk. And she continues.
“Tekstones warriors are weak, they are lost and Dennac are not satisfied with them. I just need you Ardamir to understand the signs. Your family will need you! Here, read we talk tomorrow.”
Lila gave me a couple of letters, I opened them and I began to read them. In them there was a plot discussion between Lila and Darian, a plot to take over the Cult.
The war inside
The nightmares began at the first night I manage to sleep, that was 3 nights after my conversation with Lila and last for the entire month until they were just dreams.
The first 2 weeks, the days were dark, I was sick with high fever and hallucinations, I could see a monster everywhere, my Brothers try to use all time of remedies and holy rituals to cure me but without success. When I manage to sleep there was that nightmare.
The first was like this. I was locked inside of the lowest dungeon in the world fighting endless hordes of orcs, daemons, dark wisps, vampires, but with praying for Gaea strength I managed to destroy them all, but then he appear an enormous shadow wearing a cloak of flames with a dark Halberd with a dark blade. I woke up right after.
The dream was always the same but my Gaea’s strength start to be weaker day after day. After 2 week that monster makes a move and we start to battle. He swings his halberd and I block it and I feel it right away, that was not to kill me, was to test my strength. In the middle of the fight I woke up. This last for 2 more weeks, and then in the same dream the shadow manage to defeat me. I thought I was death but the shadow approach and speak. “You shall go and fulfill your destiny!”
I asked him “who are you?”
“The question is. Who are you Ardamir North?”
And I ask it and got my answer. “You are a priest of the 4 Gods, Dennac is your father and Gaea is your mother.”
In the first lights of the morning I had leave the Temple to meet Lila at his house. Inside he saw Darian, Rebbeca and an unknown person. Darian asked me “Who are you?”
“I’m Ardamir North, priest of the 4 Gods. I’m here to meet my father!”

The day was clean and the sun shining, beautiful, outside you could listen the birds singing and see animals walking inside the temple, Yew was at peace. I was walking through the temple chambers with Daren.
“The peace has returned Ardamir! Tekstones are no more or I must believe they are so weak they can’t leave there cave.”
“We must stay vigilantes Cardinal, Dennac are tricky and he got many ways to strike… I sense evil coming, Tekstones attacking?”
“I sense it too, grab your scepter Ardamir”.
Daren worry to talk with the sentinels, when one of them yelled, “Lila North is returning”. Daren looked to me in confusion, but there was no attack.
After a while a lot of members were on the main saloon, I arrive and saw Lila covered in blood with Darian’s head in his hand. Something was wrong, I sensed Dennac presence all over, it was strong, many others could sense it too, Daren, Jeremiah, Raziel, Carlos Dargon, I could see confusion and fear in their eyes. And then I looked to Lila and I had sure, she was the source of that evil, she had a different look in her eyes like she was possessed by Dennac himself, showing she was proud for Darian dead and for starting a war. I was confused and revolted inside but she was Lila, the most important person of my life and my leader. I couldn’t say anything in that moment and I went down to my room and pray with only one thought: “Dennac was succeed, the peace was broken, in the next days Tekstones will raise their arms once again under Darian command. Plague and destruction will descend upon Yew and or Order once again, I have to prepare myself for war.”
Later that night
The night was long when Lila came to see me at my room. We start talking about what had happened.
“Do you know what you have done Lila?”
“Darian was my enemy and a true cultist. Today we start something that will shake the ground of the world.”
“Yes you started a war. Tekstones are proud warriors they will not leave this without revenge!”
“Ardamir give me your hand and awnser me. What do you think about joining Tekstones?”- I was stunned couldn’t believe she was serious about that question. At same time i start had a headache and my heart squeezed, I couldn’t even talk. And she continues.
“Tekstones warriors are weak, they are lost and Dennac are not satisfied with them. I just need you Ardamir to understand the signs. Your family will need you! Here, read we talk tomorrow.”
Lila gave me a couple of letters, I opened them and I began to read them. In them there was a plot discussion between Lila and Darian, a plot to take over the Cult.
The war inside
The nightmares began at the first night I manage to sleep, that was 3 nights after my conversation with Lila and last for the entire month until they were just dreams.
The first 2 weeks, the days were dark, I was sick with high fever and hallucinations, I could see a monster everywhere, my Brothers try to use all time of remedies and holy rituals to cure me but without success. When I manage to sleep there was that nightmare.
The first was like this. I was locked inside of the lowest dungeon in the world fighting endless hordes of orcs, daemons, dark wisps, vampires, but with praying for Gaea strength I managed to destroy them all, but then he appear an enormous shadow wearing a cloak of flames with a dark Halberd with a dark blade. I woke up right after.
The dream was always the same but my Gaea’s strength start to be weaker day after day. After 2 week that monster makes a move and we start to battle. He swings his halberd and I block it and I feel it right away, that was not to kill me, was to test my strength. In the middle of the fight I woke up. This last for 2 more weeks, and then in the same dream the shadow manage to defeat me. I thought I was death but the shadow approach and speak. “You shall go and fulfill your destiny!”
I asked him “who are you?”
“The question is. Who are you Ardamir North?”
And I ask it and got my answer. “You are a priest of the 4 Gods, Dennac is your father and Gaea is your mother.”
In the first lights of the morning I had leave the Temple to meet Lila at his house. Inside he saw Darian, Rebbeca and an unknown person. Darian asked me “Who are you?”
“I’m Ardamir North, priest of the 4 Gods. I’m here to meet my father!”

Re: The hostile take over plot
When Lila left the room, Carlos began to meditate. He saw a dream where all the cities were clean and fresh, cool seabreeze making it even better. The grass was greener and children running around happier than ever before. Suddenly everything became dark. The sky turned into blood and the town was covered with screams. The cultists were all over and Carlos couldn’t do anything. He tried reaching his scepter but the hands didn’t co-operate. He wanted to scream Gaea’s holy word, but the mouth didn’t open. Being in the middle of the whole thing but couldn’t move a muscle. Noone even seemed to notice his presence.
Suddenly he woke up. Pulled on his robe and stepped into sandals. He ran up the stairs and saw corpses and plague everywhere. „VERITAS!“ he screamed.

But it was too late. The cultists had already left.
„This has to end,“ he mumbled to himself, „the Cultists have no honour. I have to finish what Simmo started.“
He made his last prayers to Gaea, packed his things, left his Warden’s staff with the robe and tome to altar and began his journey. The next day he arrived to Lila’s outpost and knocked on the door. Lila opened.
„Hello, brother, I was expecting you. Step in.“ she said.
Carlos wondered how could she know about him but greeted him back and stepped inside.
„I am here to join the cause. Even if I know I have to suffer, I believe it’s for the greater good. I will be surrounded with most of my family anyway. You better have planned this well!“
Suddenly he felt himself cold and anxious. Carlos turned around and faced Darian Darkmind. He grabbed his scepter out of reflex, but lowered it immidiately. „I am sorry, old habits…“

He had no idea what he’d walked himself into. All he got was his faith and believings. He lowered the head and whispered „this is for you, Gaea...“
Suddenly he woke up. Pulled on his robe and stepped into sandals. He ran up the stairs and saw corpses and plague everywhere. „VERITAS!“ he screamed.

But it was too late. The cultists had already left.
„This has to end,“ he mumbled to himself, „the Cultists have no honour. I have to finish what Simmo started.“
He made his last prayers to Gaea, packed his things, left his Warden’s staff with the robe and tome to altar and began his journey. The next day he arrived to Lila’s outpost and knocked on the door. Lila opened.
„Hello, brother, I was expecting you. Step in.“ she said.
Carlos wondered how could she know about him but greeted him back and stepped inside.
„I am here to join the cause. Even if I know I have to suffer, I believe it’s for the greater good. I will be surrounded with most of my family anyway. You better have planned this well!“
Suddenly he felt himself cold and anxious. Carlos turned around and faced Darian Darkmind. He grabbed his scepter out of reflex, but lowered it immidiately. „I am sorry, old habits…“

He had no idea what he’d walked himself into. All he got was his faith and believings. He lowered the head and whispered „this is for you, Gaea...“
Philip Azevedo:
na dude, fu*k uni... that shit wont lead you anywhere
pang on the otherhand....
na dude, fu*k uni... that shit wont lead you anywhere
pang on the otherhand....
- Celebrindus
- Posts: 104
- Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:04 pm
Re: The hostile take over plot
Celebrindus was awakened from his deep meditative state by a loud banging noise.
"Who is disturbing me?!" He screamed after realising the banging noise was someone at the door.
"It is I, old brother, Lila, I hope you still recognize my voice" she said.
Celebrindus did not sense the aura of anyone of his brethren nearby, which was surprising, so he thought that it must be some imposter, posing as his former mentor. He started to strenghten the belts around his knuckled gloves, preparing himself for a fight when suddenly the stranger answered.
"Worry not, old friend, it is truly me, I went through much trouble to get a hold of you"
Celebrindus was still not convinced of the identity of this stranger
"How can I trust you?" he asked.
After finishing his question, a second, more familiar voice spoke out.
"Open up, brother! It is I, Galahad!"
The moment Celebrindus heard his brothers voice he started to loosen his knuckled gloves. He walked to the door and opened it, to find that it had been truly Lila as stated before. He happily let them both in and offered them a seat and started brewing some herbal tea. He showed himself to be calm, yet was burning with excitement because seeing family, always brought this feeling out of him
"So what brings you to my house?" Celebrindus asked them
"Celebrindus, I think you have not heard of this, but there are big changes going about, I am no longer the leader of our Order" Lila said.
Celebrindus had not heard of this, since he had been in a meditative state for quite some time. He takes a sip of the freshly made tea and continues to ask furiously:
"What is the meaning of this? What happened? Who is in charge now?!"
"Do not worry, it is in the past, there are more pressing matters to attend" She said.
"As I said before, many changes are coming our way, I'm trying to gather my oldest and must trustworthy friends" She continued
"For what, if I may ask?" Celebrindus asked.
"To bring an end to the Cultists" She said
"Why are you trying to gather your former friends then? We fight them with our Order!" Celebrindus stated
"No, I've come to understand that this war will never end, it will not bring peace to anyone, we must destroy them from the inside" She said.
"From the inside? What are you talking about?!" Celebrindus asked furiously
"I'm talking about joining their ranks, I'm gonna need people I can trust, people who have enough willpower to stay true to our cause and not be persuaded by Dennacs will, that is why I have come here, I need you to join us!" Lila answered him
The idea sickened Celebrindus, yet it seemed like the right way to deal with this war-problem that has engulfed our world.
"Well then.. I'm glad that you've come to me with this problem. As I have said before, I owe you my life, you gave me everything when I had nothing and I promised to stand with you with all my might and I am a man of my word, you can count me in." Celebrindus said.
"That is good to hear, old friend, we will end this soon" Lila promised.
"But how did you get ahold of my brother? And why bring him into this?" Celebrindus asked her.
"As you know, your brother was a noble member of our Order aswell, I trust him the same way I trust you. He has also accepted my recruitment, I had to bring him with me, otherwise you wouldn't of even opened the door for us heh." She said.
"You know me too well, Lila" he said.
They finished the tea, grabbed their cloaks and left the house, Celebrindus was the last to walk out the house, he locked the door and went with Lila. Galahad left the two and went to the inn to rest. As the two were walking Celebrindus started to worry a bit, this did not feel right to him.
"Lila, you know that all of this does not feel right, it's going against everything you have believed in before" Celebrindus said.
"I know dear friend, this does not feel right for me aswell, but we must do it! We must do this for the greater good of our land ,we must do this for the ones we love, if we can finish this, history will be rewritten, we will finally be able to rid ourselves of this Cult! Nothing would stop us!" She said.
The emotion which was coming from Lila as she said it, left Celebrindus a bit unsettled, it sounded like she was power hungry, she did not sound like she sounded before. Her words had more anger in them.
"We must do, what we must do." Celebrindus mumbled.
For the entire upcoming trip, they did not say anything to eachother, the silence cleared their minds for the task that was to come.
"Who is disturbing me?!" He screamed after realising the banging noise was someone at the door.
"It is I, old brother, Lila, I hope you still recognize my voice" she said.
Celebrindus did not sense the aura of anyone of his brethren nearby, which was surprising, so he thought that it must be some imposter, posing as his former mentor. He started to strenghten the belts around his knuckled gloves, preparing himself for a fight when suddenly the stranger answered.
"Worry not, old friend, it is truly me, I went through much trouble to get a hold of you"
Celebrindus was still not convinced of the identity of this stranger
"How can I trust you?" he asked.
After finishing his question, a second, more familiar voice spoke out.
"Open up, brother! It is I, Galahad!"
The moment Celebrindus heard his brothers voice he started to loosen his knuckled gloves. He walked to the door and opened it, to find that it had been truly Lila as stated before. He happily let them both in and offered them a seat and started brewing some herbal tea. He showed himself to be calm, yet was burning with excitement because seeing family, always brought this feeling out of him
"So what brings you to my house?" Celebrindus asked them
"Celebrindus, I think you have not heard of this, but there are big changes going about, I am no longer the leader of our Order" Lila said.
Celebrindus had not heard of this, since he had been in a meditative state for quite some time. He takes a sip of the freshly made tea and continues to ask furiously:
"What is the meaning of this? What happened? Who is in charge now?!"
"Do not worry, it is in the past, there are more pressing matters to attend" She said.
"As I said before, many changes are coming our way, I'm trying to gather my oldest and must trustworthy friends" She continued
"For what, if I may ask?" Celebrindus asked.
"To bring an end to the Cultists" She said
"Why are you trying to gather your former friends then? We fight them with our Order!" Celebrindus stated
"No, I've come to understand that this war will never end, it will not bring peace to anyone, we must destroy them from the inside" She said.
"From the inside? What are you talking about?!" Celebrindus asked furiously
"I'm talking about joining their ranks, I'm gonna need people I can trust, people who have enough willpower to stay true to our cause and not be persuaded by Dennacs will, that is why I have come here, I need you to join us!" Lila answered him
The idea sickened Celebrindus, yet it seemed like the right way to deal with this war-problem that has engulfed our world.
"Well then.. I'm glad that you've come to me with this problem. As I have said before, I owe you my life, you gave me everything when I had nothing and I promised to stand with you with all my might and I am a man of my word, you can count me in." Celebrindus said.
"That is good to hear, old friend, we will end this soon" Lila promised.
"But how did you get ahold of my brother? And why bring him into this?" Celebrindus asked her.
"As you know, your brother was a noble member of our Order aswell, I trust him the same way I trust you. He has also accepted my recruitment, I had to bring him with me, otherwise you wouldn't of even opened the door for us heh." She said.
"You know me too well, Lila" he said.
They finished the tea, grabbed their cloaks and left the house, Celebrindus was the last to walk out the house, he locked the door and went with Lila. Galahad left the two and went to the inn to rest. As the two were walking Celebrindus started to worry a bit, this did not feel right to him.
"Lila, you know that all of this does not feel right, it's going against everything you have believed in before" Celebrindus said.
"I know dear friend, this does not feel right for me aswell, but we must do it! We must do this for the greater good of our land ,we must do this for the ones we love, if we can finish this, history will be rewritten, we will finally be able to rid ourselves of this Cult! Nothing would stop us!" She said.
The emotion which was coming from Lila as she said it, left Celebrindus a bit unsettled, it sounded like she was power hungry, she did not sound like she sounded before. Her words had more anger in them.
"We must do, what we must do." Celebrindus mumbled.
For the entire upcoming trip, they did not say anything to eachother, the silence cleared their minds for the task that was to come.
Re: The hostile take over plot
Raziel; Raemus; and Ricardus, had a long conversation about the cultists most recent harm doings, all wore in the will of doing something about it even if it lead to their death.
Ricardus was the most measured about his thoughts, but Raziel and Raemus went to the extreme.
Both wanted to join the group that was going to destroy those criminals for what they had done!
Ric argued with both of them, but wasn't able to make them change their minds...
Raziel told them about his conversation with Lila and the plan.
Raemus told them about the latest events, that lead to his standing...that innocent stablemaster and his family being slaughtered like that, was more than he could bare...he was so filled of those bullies!
Ric stayed in silence while they are talking about those matters, but when they finished he agreed something had to be done, but not signing their own death sentence.
Finaly he was forced to admit that was the best way to end what he started few years before.
Raziel and Raemus, geared up, took some supplies, said goodbye to Ricardus and went to meet their group.
Even unaware of what the future reserves to both of them, they are certain of one thing:
Those criminals will pay for all they have done so far!
Ricardus was the most measured about his thoughts, but Raziel and Raemus went to the extreme.
Both wanted to join the group that was going to destroy those criminals for what they had done!
Ric argued with both of them, but wasn't able to make them change their minds...
Raziel told them about his conversation with Lila and the plan.
Raemus told them about the latest events, that lead to his standing...that innocent stablemaster and his family being slaughtered like that, was more than he could bare...he was so filled of those bullies!
Ric stayed in silence while they are talking about those matters, but when they finished he agreed something had to be done, but not signing their own death sentence.
Finaly he was forced to admit that was the best way to end what he started few years before.
Raziel and Raemus, geared up, took some supplies, said goodbye to Ricardus and went to meet their group.
Even unaware of what the future reserves to both of them, they are certain of one thing:
Those criminals will pay for all they have done so far!
Re: The hostile take over plot
*Part 1*
There it was Atlantis North on another training day in the forest. It was a very nice and sunny day... The birds making beautiful songs with the soft wind blow...
At the end of the day, as she was heading back to the Nature temple, something or someone crossed head in her way, with an abnormal super speed... She only had time to see a big black form... Atlantis fell from her horse... her heart started to beat faster and faster... Voices yelling in her head made her panic. As she raised her head she finally saw it! This was not a wild horse… It was a Tekstone’s rider horse...
“Ahoy!” – Said the wicked voice.
“Time has come!” – Said Darian.
Right behind her it there was Lila North.
Lila started her speech: “This was what I was preparing you for Sister. Finally we can set free our true desires, since the time has come. For long we have been preparing ourselves, gathering all the knowledge about our enemy. But now the time has come, to give Dennac its deserved holy glory. We need you to follow us, and help us rebuilt the Cult, so it can achieve the great things for our Lord.”
Atlantis’s love for her family was everything for her, so she only had one question.
“Have you notified our sisters and brothers?”
“Aye, North family shall never split. Come now! We have no time to loose!”
Atlantis mounted her horse and started to ride with them to Outpost.
As they arrived, everything was ready for the ceremony.

Darian Darkmind started the speech, the speech that would change the fate of Pangaea.
"May the true storm begin!…"
There it was Atlantis North on another training day in the forest. It was a very nice and sunny day... The birds making beautiful songs with the soft wind blow...
At the end of the day, as she was heading back to the Nature temple, something or someone crossed head in her way, with an abnormal super speed... She only had time to see a big black form... Atlantis fell from her horse... her heart started to beat faster and faster... Voices yelling in her head made her panic. As she raised her head she finally saw it! This was not a wild horse… It was a Tekstone’s rider horse...
“Ahoy!” – Said the wicked voice.
“Time has come!” – Said Darian.
Right behind her it there was Lila North.
Lila started her speech: “This was what I was preparing you for Sister. Finally we can set free our true desires, since the time has come. For long we have been preparing ourselves, gathering all the knowledge about our enemy. But now the time has come, to give Dennac its deserved holy glory. We need you to follow us, and help us rebuilt the Cult, so it can achieve the great things for our Lord.”
Atlantis’s love for her family was everything for her, so she only had one question.
“Have you notified our sisters and brothers?”
“Aye, North family shall never split. Come now! We have no time to loose!”
Atlantis mounted her horse and started to ride with them to Outpost.
As they arrived, everything was ready for the ceremony.

Darian Darkmind started the speech, the speech that would change the fate of Pangaea.
"May the true storm begin!…"
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:23 pm
- Location: Estonia
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Re: The hostile take over plot
20 years had passed since Desiree had been in her home where she grew up.
Now she has returned to the outskirts of Britain only to find, that the home,
where she had grown up is in ruin. It barely stood up, the fields next to it
have grown full of weeds. It was awful to look at, but it is a part of life
everything that exists will return to the earth, taking all the memories with them.
Desiree hesitates for a second, takes a deep breath, and continues walking towards the house.
When she reached out, to open the front door, she noticed that the door was already open.
She armed her scepter and entered the building slowly while thinking:
"Why should anybody even come here? There is nothing here to rob"
She continued through the hallway and heard somekind of mumbling coming from her mothers bedroom.
When she reached the doorway that lead to her mothers bedroom, she peeked into the room and saw
a man who was going through some old papers. She strengthened her grip around her scepter,
preparing herself to knock the stranger over the head.
Just when she was about to attack, the man spoke:
"Worry not, Desiree, I'm not a robber"
Desiree reckognized the voice.
"Celebrindus, is that you?" she asked.
"Of course it is me" he replied.
"What are you doing here?" she continued asking.
"Well, since you've been away for quite some time, I stumbled upon this old chest, which belonged to your mother" He said.
"Continue" said Desiree.
"She was quite a powerful monk, was she not?" Celebrindus asked.
"Yes, she was, but I don't know how any of this is your concern." She replied furiously.
"No need to get upset, my friend" He said.
"This chest, it contained your mothers grimoire, which I've been decyphering for several weeks now. I've just completed it." He continued
"Yes, and?" Desiree said.
"She had encrypted a message, a message for you." He replied.
This fascinated her because her mother was the person she looked up to the most.
"What does it say then?" She asked.
"This may shock you, Desiree, but your mother was never who you thought she was."
Celebrindus hands her the book and leaves.
She opened the book, lit a candle and started reading.
"To my dearly beloved child, if you are reading this, it means something has happened to me.
I want to start off by saying that I've always loved you with all my heart and would never want you to get hurt
but we all have secrets, some small, some are big. I couldn't speak of this when you were a child, you simply would have not understood
so I'm writing this here, for you to find out in the future. Dear Desiree, I am not who you think I am, sure, I raised you
to believe in the ways of Gaea, but that was a deception for I was a spy, sent by Tekstone to lure on the Order of Nature."
Desiree could not believe what she was reading, her mother, who taught her everything she knows, the woman who persuaded her
to join the ranks of Nature, was a cultist. This enraged her, but she had to keep on reading.
"When I no longer could hide my identity, I had to escape, it was not safe for me in our home. When I tried to reach out to my real allies, they said that I had been corrupted by Gaea and that they would not have me back, they cursed me with an awful plague
I do not know how much time I have left before I die.
I'm writing this to tell you that I am so sorry, my child, I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me."
The note ends with a greenish bloody stain.
Desiree started crying. This was too much for her to bare. Suddenly Celebrindus walked in the door with open arms, Desiree ran to him and
hugged him as strongly as she could.
"I'm sorry, Des, I know this must be difficult for you but you calm down and hear me out." he said.
Desiree wiped her tears off her face and nodded.
"You can avenge your mother Desiree, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but we're forming a plot, to destroy the cultists once and for all.
But you must trust me. Do you trust me, Desiree?" Celebrindus said.
"Yes, I trust you" she replied.
"We must join the cultists ranks, to destroy them from the inside. We must become spies, just like your mother was. This is the only way to defeat them.
Desiree, will you join us? We can finally put an end to their reign, you will be able to have your revenge on those backstabbers!" Celebrindus continued.
Desiree once again cleaned her face from the tears and replied.
"Yes, I will join you."
After agreeing to join with Celebrindus, Desiree stopped crying. Her face, which was sad before, was not motionless. Almost as if something dark had taken root in her.
"Let's finish this!" Desiree said.
They left the house and burned it down with the book. When they were walking away from the burning house Desiree turned to Celebrindus and said.
"We will never speak of this again."
Celebrindus nodded. They both got on their steeds and set sights towards an old outpost where Celebrindus had set up a meeting with Lila.
Now she has returned to the outskirts of Britain only to find, that the home,
where she had grown up is in ruin. It barely stood up, the fields next to it
have grown full of weeds. It was awful to look at, but it is a part of life
everything that exists will return to the earth, taking all the memories with them.
Desiree hesitates for a second, takes a deep breath, and continues walking towards the house.
When she reached out, to open the front door, she noticed that the door was already open.
She armed her scepter and entered the building slowly while thinking:
"Why should anybody even come here? There is nothing here to rob"
She continued through the hallway and heard somekind of mumbling coming from her mothers bedroom.
When she reached the doorway that lead to her mothers bedroom, she peeked into the room and saw
a man who was going through some old papers. She strengthened her grip around her scepter,
preparing herself to knock the stranger over the head.
Just when she was about to attack, the man spoke:
"Worry not, Desiree, I'm not a robber"
Desiree reckognized the voice.
"Celebrindus, is that you?" she asked.
"Of course it is me" he replied.
"What are you doing here?" she continued asking.
"Well, since you've been away for quite some time, I stumbled upon this old chest, which belonged to your mother" He said.
"Continue" said Desiree.
"She was quite a powerful monk, was she not?" Celebrindus asked.
"Yes, she was, but I don't know how any of this is your concern." She replied furiously.
"No need to get upset, my friend" He said.
"This chest, it contained your mothers grimoire, which I've been decyphering for several weeks now. I've just completed it." He continued
"Yes, and?" Desiree said.
"She had encrypted a message, a message for you." He replied.
This fascinated her because her mother was the person she looked up to the most.
"What does it say then?" She asked.
"This may shock you, Desiree, but your mother was never who you thought she was."
Celebrindus hands her the book and leaves.
She opened the book, lit a candle and started reading.
"To my dearly beloved child, if you are reading this, it means something has happened to me.
I want to start off by saying that I've always loved you with all my heart and would never want you to get hurt
but we all have secrets, some small, some are big. I couldn't speak of this when you were a child, you simply would have not understood
so I'm writing this here, for you to find out in the future. Dear Desiree, I am not who you think I am, sure, I raised you
to believe in the ways of Gaea, but that was a deception for I was a spy, sent by Tekstone to lure on the Order of Nature."
Desiree could not believe what she was reading, her mother, who taught her everything she knows, the woman who persuaded her
to join the ranks of Nature, was a cultist. This enraged her, but she had to keep on reading.
"When I no longer could hide my identity, I had to escape, it was not safe for me in our home. When I tried to reach out to my real allies, they said that I had been corrupted by Gaea and that they would not have me back, they cursed me with an awful plague
I do not know how much time I have left before I die.
I'm writing this to tell you that I am so sorry, my child, I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me."
The note ends with a greenish bloody stain.
Desiree started crying. This was too much for her to bare. Suddenly Celebrindus walked in the door with open arms, Desiree ran to him and
hugged him as strongly as she could.
"I'm sorry, Des, I know this must be difficult for you but you calm down and hear me out." he said.
Desiree wiped her tears off her face and nodded.
"You can avenge your mother Desiree, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but we're forming a plot, to destroy the cultists once and for all.
But you must trust me. Do you trust me, Desiree?" Celebrindus said.
"Yes, I trust you" she replied.
"We must join the cultists ranks, to destroy them from the inside. We must become spies, just like your mother was. This is the only way to defeat them.
Desiree, will you join us? We can finally put an end to their reign, you will be able to have your revenge on those backstabbers!" Celebrindus continued.
Desiree once again cleaned her face from the tears and replied.
"Yes, I will join you."
After agreeing to join with Celebrindus, Desiree stopped crying. Her face, which was sad before, was not motionless. Almost as if something dark had taken root in her.
"Let's finish this!" Desiree said.
They left the house and burned it down with the book. When they were walking away from the burning house Desiree turned to Celebrindus and said.
"We will never speak of this again."
Celebrindus nodded. They both got on their steeds and set sights towards an old outpost where Celebrindus had set up a meeting with Lila.
- Posts: 570
- Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:20 pm
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Re: The hostile take over plot
Kaal had a dream, a dream of death and destruction.
As he was wandering the wilderness, he could only see slain animals, dead bodies hanging from trees, flowers withering and more.
-No...thi--this can't be..what happened?
A man sharply dressed, in black robes, onyx jewels walked to Kaal:
-Ah! Kaal, my son! There you are!
-Wh-who are you?! Stay back!
-Awh, don't be like that, please follow me, I'll...'guide' you through this new world.
-New wor-? What? What are you talking about about? Who are you?!
-Ok ok, you got me! I am Dennac, Lord of Chaos and Destruction? Pretty good with the ladies too! You probably heard of me in the past!
-Dennac! You monster! You took the lives of millions of peoples!
-Naw...just, just a few, I swear!
-I'll kill you!
Kaal pulled his scepter and tried to bash Dennac's head with it
Dennac chanted a few ancient words and Kaal froze.
-You see, I created the world and everything in it, means I am the father of this world, and you're basically my son! Ain't that weird, huh?Now, would you be so kind and come with me?
Kaal threw away his scepter because he knew it wouldn't be of any use.
-You see, Kaal...this world has really gone to crap, I gotta be honest with ya pal! And you know who's fault it is?
-Everyone!...Well not everyone of course! But pretty much the majority is doomed to walk the planes of death in eternal suffering and blah blah blah
-What...? How can it be everyone's fault that this world is 'lost'?
-You see, there are 4 religions, which 3 of them are fake! A farce, a lie! Oh! And don't forget the other Gods too!
-How dare you talk about Winchester like that?!
-*Sigh* Kaal, Kaal, Kaal...poor soul...! Tell me, what did Winchester give you while you were at his command?
-He showed me a path full of glory and compassion and---
-WRONG! He gave you a white robe and something like an aura with shiny sparkles!
...You see, I can give you power! Glory! I will help you in your darkest hours! And I can do magic tricks too if you want!
- ...
-Ok! For example, let's go to that poor fella trying to save his own life by trying to bandage his wounds and not bleed to death.
The two gathered around the man that was lying on the cold floor, starving, bleeding...
-Kaal, tell me what would you do to save him?
-I would of course--
*Dennac grabbed the man by his neck and snapped it*.
-Why did you do that?!
-Because he was weak of course! You see, that's the faith of the ones that don't follow my word...true story!
Kaal look, I'll make a deal with you if you're in as well?
-Ah wonderful! IF YOU join my army of darkness and destruction I WILL grant you power, fortune, a better future, immortality, ladies and more!
...Now, whaddya say?
- Bu--But how do I know you will grant me all of that?
-Ah! Pfft, silly me! Hmm...Alright, you see those men dressed in black, with a mean look, often called The Cultists?
- Yes...
-I gave them power, I gave them a better future, I gave them everything!!!
Now look at them, they're strong, disciplined, nobody messes with them, that's for damn sure!
And...I can give you all of that...*cough* Which Winchester couldn't give *cough* with just, one, simple, thing!
-I'm listening...
-You just have to give your blood! I gotta see that you're committed to join my army, my son!
*Kaal took some time to think*
-I shall give my blood for you...for Tekstone...
-Splendid!Now now, this miiiiight hurt a lil' bit!
*Dennac grabbed a ceremonial knife and pierced Kaal's hand and blood was spilled*
*Kaal crouched in agony and pain*
-See? Wasn't that bad, was it?
Now, sleep tight my dark son! You have a long day ahead of ya!
*Kaal woke up sweating...
-...It was all a nightmare...
...and his hand was covered in blood*
-I...I gave my blood for Dennac...and for The Cult...
*Kaal grabbed his items and went to the meeting.
-It is serve my true Lord...Dennac!
As he was wandering the wilderness, he could only see slain animals, dead bodies hanging from trees, flowers withering and more.
-No...thi--this can't be..what happened?
A man sharply dressed, in black robes, onyx jewels walked to Kaal:
-Ah! Kaal, my son! There you are!
-Wh-who are you?! Stay back!
-Awh, don't be like that, please follow me, I'll...'guide' you through this new world.
-New wor-? What? What are you talking about about? Who are you?!
-Ok ok, you got me! I am Dennac, Lord of Chaos and Destruction? Pretty good with the ladies too! You probably heard of me in the past!
-Dennac! You monster! You took the lives of millions of peoples!
-Naw...just, just a few, I swear!
-I'll kill you!
Kaal pulled his scepter and tried to bash Dennac's head with it
Dennac chanted a few ancient words and Kaal froze.
-You see, I created the world and everything in it, means I am the father of this world, and you're basically my son! Ain't that weird, huh?Now, would you be so kind and come with me?
Kaal threw away his scepter because he knew it wouldn't be of any use.
-You see, Kaal...this world has really gone to crap, I gotta be honest with ya pal! And you know who's fault it is?
-Everyone!...Well not everyone of course! But pretty much the majority is doomed to walk the planes of death in eternal suffering and blah blah blah
-What...? How can it be everyone's fault that this world is 'lost'?
-You see, there are 4 religions, which 3 of them are fake! A farce, a lie! Oh! And don't forget the other Gods too!
-How dare you talk about Winchester like that?!
-*Sigh* Kaal, Kaal, Kaal...poor soul...! Tell me, what did Winchester give you while you were at his command?
-He showed me a path full of glory and compassion and---
-WRONG! He gave you a white robe and something like an aura with shiny sparkles!
...You see, I can give you power! Glory! I will help you in your darkest hours! And I can do magic tricks too if you want!
- ...
-Ok! For example, let's go to that poor fella trying to save his own life by trying to bandage his wounds and not bleed to death.
The two gathered around the man that was lying on the cold floor, starving, bleeding...
-Kaal, tell me what would you do to save him?
-I would of course--
*Dennac grabbed the man by his neck and snapped it*.
-Why did you do that?!
-Because he was weak of course! You see, that's the faith of the ones that don't follow my word...true story!
Kaal look, I'll make a deal with you if you're in as well?
-Ah wonderful! IF YOU join my army of darkness and destruction I WILL grant you power, fortune, a better future, immortality, ladies and more!
...Now, whaddya say?
- Bu--But how do I know you will grant me all of that?
-Ah! Pfft, silly me! Hmm...Alright, you see those men dressed in black, with a mean look, often called The Cultists?
- Yes...
-I gave them power, I gave them a better future, I gave them everything!!!
Now look at them, they're strong, disciplined, nobody messes with them, that's for damn sure!
And...I can give you all of that...*cough* Which Winchester couldn't give *cough* with just, one, simple, thing!
-I'm listening...
-You just have to give your blood! I gotta see that you're committed to join my army, my son!
*Kaal took some time to think*
-I shall give my blood for you...for Tekstone...
-Splendid!Now now, this miiiiight hurt a lil' bit!
*Dennac grabbed a ceremonial knife and pierced Kaal's hand and blood was spilled*
*Kaal crouched in agony and pain*
-See? Wasn't that bad, was it?
Now, sleep tight my dark son! You have a long day ahead of ya!
*Kaal woke up sweating...
-...It was all a nightmare...
...and his hand was covered in blood*
-I...I gave my blood for Dennac...and for The Cult...
*Kaal grabbed his items and went to the meeting.
-It is serve my true Lord...Dennac!
Re: The hostile take over plot
For months now Adrian has been keeping to himself in his outpost
trying to figure out if the path he chose so many years ago is truly the right one.
Even though he has been a follower of Gaea for so long he is confused about his true faith.
With every day he sees more plague and blight around him. Seems like there is no stop to Dennac's wrath.
Constantly being under attack from this disease leaves him worn and weak. His prayers towards Gaea have gone on deaf ears.
Perhaps being a guardian of Nature is not his destiny.
Adrian raises his hands and starts praying towards Gaea
"Gaea, purest of the pure, creator of all living, have thou left me?
I pray for your aid in these darkest of days, show me a sign that you have not abandoned me!"
It's quiet, Adrian feels nothing. His words of prayer continue with rage.
"I have fought for your Order for so long, yet THIS is how you repay me? You abandon me, ME!
ME who has been fighting for your cause! Yet you can't even give me a sign, that you truly care?
You are pathetic! I should never of believed in you! I have given my life for you and asked so little in return!
Yet you still lay silent!"
Adrian starts to understand that he is truly alone now, his God nolonger hears him.
Suddenly he hears rumbling near the trees of his house. He left the safety of his house to find that there was an army of ghouls
and zombies moving towards him. They had spotted Adrian and moved towards him with great haste.
Adrian who had been in the middle of his prayers, forgot his armors and weapony in his house.
Just when he was about to turn around and run in the house, ghouls had trapped him in.
"Come on! I'm here, show me what you can do!" He shouted.
He wrestles many of them down but their numbers were too great and they pinned him down.
This seems to be the end for him, in his last effort for struggle, he shouts to Gaea.
"Gaea, forgive me, for I was confused. Come to my aid, help me crush these foul beasts!"
All of a sudden Adrian hears someone speaking from the forest
"STOP! Do not harm this man!" The voice said.
The ghouls started to retreat back into the forest.
Adrian struggles to get himself up, he lays down on his knees and says
"Gaea, thank you my Mother! Thank you for sending aid to me!"
"Shush!" said the voice.
"Gaea is not here with you, she hasn't been with you for quite some time now. You think this is the work of Gaea? HAH!
She has abandoned you, Adrian. You think these ghouls would heed to someone worshiping the Mother? These beasts were
made for destroying everything living, they are dead, merciless creatures, even the Mother cannot control them." The voice continued.
"What is this then?" Adrian questioned the voice.
Someone walks out of the woods, riding a steed that is darker than the darkest nights in the forest.
"This is the work of Dennac, ofcourse. Destroyer of all, bringer of death. He has some special plans for you Adrian." The stranger replied.
"Well then, tell your percious Dennac to go screw himself!" Adrian replied furiously.
"You still believe in Gaea? After all this? Adrian, you're not listening to me, she has abandoned you! You have fought for her Order
for countless years, yet she still abandons you? And even in the direst of moments, she did not come to your aid! Yet Dennac, our master
heard your prayers. You need to understand something.. Gaea works like a snake! Dennac has taken root in your soul since you were born, but Gaea,
that bitch, she turns those who are born to please Dennac into warriors for her Order. And then abandons them in their darkest hour!
Trust me, had Gaea not abandoned you, you would feel her presence.. You are meant for Dennac! It has been a part of you since your birth
and it will be a part of you when you pass on! Awaken his presence in your soul, and you will truly feel what a God can give you!
Join us! Fulfill your destiny for you Adrian have always been a part of Dennac's plan. You must join us!" the stranger told him.
This makes Adrian confused, yet he sees hope, that the Cult will give him what he has been lacking the most in Nature. A true connection
with a higher being.
The stranger told Adrian: "Follow me, and you will receive the blessing of Dennac, and in the end, when our purpose if done, we will join
Dennac amongs the stars as dieties ourselves!"
Adrian has accepted his destiny, and it's with the cultists. He follows the stranger to a outpost and the indoctrionation process has begun for him.
Yet another servant of Nature has been converted into a soldier of Chaos. Little did Adrian know, that the stranger had once been his
sister in the Order of Nature, the famous Lila North.
trying to figure out if the path he chose so many years ago is truly the right one.
Even though he has been a follower of Gaea for so long he is confused about his true faith.
With every day he sees more plague and blight around him. Seems like there is no stop to Dennac's wrath.
Constantly being under attack from this disease leaves him worn and weak. His prayers towards Gaea have gone on deaf ears.
Perhaps being a guardian of Nature is not his destiny.
Adrian raises his hands and starts praying towards Gaea
"Gaea, purest of the pure, creator of all living, have thou left me?
I pray for your aid in these darkest of days, show me a sign that you have not abandoned me!"
It's quiet, Adrian feels nothing. His words of prayer continue with rage.
"I have fought for your Order for so long, yet THIS is how you repay me? You abandon me, ME!
ME who has been fighting for your cause! Yet you can't even give me a sign, that you truly care?
You are pathetic! I should never of believed in you! I have given my life for you and asked so little in return!
Yet you still lay silent!"
Adrian starts to understand that he is truly alone now, his God nolonger hears him.
Suddenly he hears rumbling near the trees of his house. He left the safety of his house to find that there was an army of ghouls
and zombies moving towards him. They had spotted Adrian and moved towards him with great haste.
Adrian who had been in the middle of his prayers, forgot his armors and weapony in his house.
Just when he was about to turn around and run in the house, ghouls had trapped him in.
"Come on! I'm here, show me what you can do!" He shouted.
He wrestles many of them down but their numbers were too great and they pinned him down.
This seems to be the end for him, in his last effort for struggle, he shouts to Gaea.
"Gaea, forgive me, for I was confused. Come to my aid, help me crush these foul beasts!"
All of a sudden Adrian hears someone speaking from the forest
"STOP! Do not harm this man!" The voice said.
The ghouls started to retreat back into the forest.
Adrian struggles to get himself up, he lays down on his knees and says
"Gaea, thank you my Mother! Thank you for sending aid to me!"
"Shush!" said the voice.
"Gaea is not here with you, she hasn't been with you for quite some time now. You think this is the work of Gaea? HAH!
She has abandoned you, Adrian. You think these ghouls would heed to someone worshiping the Mother? These beasts were
made for destroying everything living, they are dead, merciless creatures, even the Mother cannot control them." The voice continued.
"What is this then?" Adrian questioned the voice.
Someone walks out of the woods, riding a steed that is darker than the darkest nights in the forest.
"This is the work of Dennac, ofcourse. Destroyer of all, bringer of death. He has some special plans for you Adrian." The stranger replied.
"Well then, tell your percious Dennac to go screw himself!" Adrian replied furiously.
"You still believe in Gaea? After all this? Adrian, you're not listening to me, she has abandoned you! You have fought for her Order
for countless years, yet she still abandons you? And even in the direst of moments, she did not come to your aid! Yet Dennac, our master
heard your prayers. You need to understand something.. Gaea works like a snake! Dennac has taken root in your soul since you were born, but Gaea,
that bitch, she turns those who are born to please Dennac into warriors for her Order. And then abandons them in their darkest hour!
Trust me, had Gaea not abandoned you, you would feel her presence.. You are meant for Dennac! It has been a part of you since your birth
and it will be a part of you when you pass on! Awaken his presence in your soul, and you will truly feel what a God can give you!
Join us! Fulfill your destiny for you Adrian have always been a part of Dennac's plan. You must join us!" the stranger told him.
This makes Adrian confused, yet he sees hope, that the Cult will give him what he has been lacking the most in Nature. A true connection
with a higher being.
The stranger told Adrian: "Follow me, and you will receive the blessing of Dennac, and in the end, when our purpose if done, we will join
Dennac amongs the stars as dieties ourselves!"
Adrian has accepted his destiny, and it's with the cultists. He follows the stranger to a outpost and the indoctrionation process has begun for him.
Yet another servant of Nature has been converted into a soldier of Chaos. Little did Adrian know, that the stranger had once been his
sister in the Order of Nature, the famous Lila North.
