The Renewal of Faith

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The Renewal of Faith

Post by Vaux27 »

*Raoul kneeled at the altar, to pray on the direction of Her Order, to find guidance in Her answers*

The leadership of the Imperium now fell on his shoulders once more, a task he welcomed full-heartedly. He promised that the direction would be true, never changing Her path of expanding the kingdom. The only changing that would come now would be the leadership, the welcoming of the weight upon others trusted shoulder, to lessen it's perceived burden that fell on others in the past.

"I beckon your name, our Goddess, the stunning and powerful one, we all know to be true. Please, guide me with your light!"

The glow of the temple walls became brighter, as the light shining became whiter, enveloping the room. He knew what this signified, the time had come to hear the Goddesses words. The feelings of remorse, weakness and all else began to dissolve, now only left with strength, wisdom and the true power of Her. It was the ultimate presence bestowed upon an Imperialist, the glow of Esuna neared. The energy flowed through the altar's room, the temple shaking below. A bright figure appeared above the altar, one so beautiful no mortal would dare to cast it's eyes upon its shape. Its radiance blinding, gleaming through closed eyes, forcing one to bow it's head in Her awe.

"My Goddess, I call upon you to..."

"I know this!" a disembodied voice interrupts. He shuttered slightly as the beautiful voice rang clear, lowering his head and nodding. "The path is now set, your strength remains true", She said. He began to gather himself and respond, "Yes, my Goddess". The warmth intensified, a feeling he was familiar with, Her power now transferring through his veins. "I thank you, it is my honor, once more." he exclaimed. As he looked down, the colors of his robe begins to fade. Horrified, he begins to question himself, what had he done? The powerful titan-like colors of the Imperium now faded to grey...

"Your test now begins, one of trust. Go forth, renew the faith of those who follow." She said. He looked around himself, as the color of the banners and curtains begin to fade. "Do not fear, the awakening has begun." She exclaims. The light from the room begins to fade, allowing him to look up directly. His thoughts assured, Her given path now set, one that was seemingly never given before. The faded colors of time, the tattered cloths of war, it was clear now that a restoration was at his hands. An opportunity arisen, a true introduction to his leadership of the seat as Her loyal Head Priest. He stood on his feet, turning towards the temple entrance, the renewal of faith had now begun.
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