To Headpriest of Law

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To Headpriest of Law

Post by Rodan »

Dear Headpriest of the Order of Law,

I need to speak with you. Could you contact me and we could settle a safe place where we can speak. This matter concerns me about beeing an outlaw. Thank you beforehand.

-Sarah Bealyn-
Rodan al'Ferran - Necromancer
Sarah Bealyn - Grandmaster alchemist
Rahvin - poor knight
ICQ: 382704571
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Gorath Blackmind
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Re: To Headpriest of Law

Post by Gorath Blackmind »

*Jonathan walks to the altar, noticing a small note attached to a wall of the Headquarters. He turns and walks towards the note, pauses to eye the note for a few seconds, and tears it off. After reading it, he replies with a note:*

Dear Miss Sarah Bealyn. I believe I have a clue about what the matter is about. Meet me at Serpent's Hold, after midnight. I shall meet you there, and we can discuss this over. I'll take my 2nd in command or and elder priest with me as a witness. I believe this should suit you fine.

Jonathan Icewind, Head Priest of Law.
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