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Post by Yudhishthir »

"Well pardner I suppose it be a good thing to let some folks know we've established ourselves, eh?" Jaheed spoke as he dug through a pile of blank maps.

"Aye, I agree. But you could keep your dusty mitts out of my chest good sir." Alamar replied distastefully, "I could've gotten you some parchments had you asked. My hands are clean."

"Dang ol' you and your dust." Jaheed chuckled, "Not everything's made of gold and jewels pardner! Even your gaw dang gold comes out of the dirt! Now let me write up a few words here, let's see." Jaheed pondered as he chewed on the end of the quill.

"Oh great. Now I need a new pen." Alamar rolled his eyes.

"Hush you!"

Just then the door came smashing in almost falling off the hinges, "Vlak home!" Vlak yelled as he came crashing in after the door itself.

"Oh great, another smart one." Alamar mumbled as he slipped out the door quietly. "Time to leave!"

"Vlak! Howdy pardner!" Jaheed said quickly as he watched Alamar sneak away. "How about doin' your ol' pal a favor?"

"Vlak what?" Vlak eyes glazed over.

"Well uhm. How do I put this." Jaheed thought. "Vlak do job!"

"Vlak do!" a small smile crept across his face as he understood! "Vlak do good job! Job smash?"

"Well yes Vlak. Go smash these papers against towns!" Jaheed said as he handed Vlak a few parchments and nails.

"Vlak smash paper!" He said as he crashed his way back out through the door.

"Well dang ol that was easier then I thought. Time to kick my fee.." *CRASH* Just as Jaheed was kickin' his feet up on the table a warhammer smashed through the door and he fell back onto the floor, "Dang ol' what in the hell?"

"Vlak smash!" he yelled as small torn up pieces up parchment fell off the tip of the warhammer.

"Vlak. Vlak. Not this town. Forget the smash. Just go throw them around the towns.

"Vlak.. no smash?"

"No Vlak. No smash. Next time.." Jaheed said as he picked himself up and dusted himself off. Just go!"

"Vlak go!"
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