*a letter delivered to the Order of Nature*

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*a letter delivered to the Order of Nature*

Post by Yudhishthir »

*a small roll of papyrus with a wax seal is dropped off near Empath Abbey*

To whom it may concern.

It appears some of your clergy is intrusive and dishonest. As I was in my house. One of your members ran up and opened my door. When I went to check the commotion, he ran in and I stood in the doorway. Said he was checking on some sound. Ye check on sounds in other people's houses? Talk about complete invasion of privacy.

I said I never knew the Order of Nature to be so intrusive and just run into people's houses.
Your clergy member replied with, "I didn't."

Not even good at lying. Ye were standing in my house as I spoke to ye. Yet ye didn't enter?

I locked my doors and sent him on his way.
Ye may want to speak with your clergy. His actions are those of a liar and a snoop. Is this how you want your order portrayed by your clergy?

I wrote down the conversation as I remembered it and provided it to you as well.

Mr. Flinks

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Re: *a letter delivered to the Order of Nature*

Post by Palma »

Good morning dear Sir,

The person you speak was Ardamir, he has a few problems which you clearly noticed and forced yourself to ignore.
I have to insist that your way of dealing with this topic which is dear and sensible to us, was plain rude.
Not only that, I wish to thank you for making it public. You must really be one of those...

Earlier he came back happy saying he had made a friend, now I can see it was just a weaker mind than him.

Regards and in the name of Ardamir who cannot speak for himself, I'm sorry.
Lila North
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Re: *a letter delivered to the Order of Nature*

Post by Yudhishthir »

"His intrustion was just plain rude. With all the thievery going around you can't just barge into people's homes these days, and she's defending his actions?" Yorl blurted as he pulled out another roll of papyrus and a nearby quill.

Percival quickly slapped Yorl's hands, "Just ignore it old man, knowing ye, you'll forget about this whole situation tomorrow."

Yorl looked over at Percival, "What? Who are you? Have we met?"

Percival rolled his eyes, "Nope. Never. You're needed for a delivery. Now hop to it, take these to Britain."

Looking a bit confused, Yorl looked around slowly. "I suppose I have some free time. But there was something I was going to do.. I just can't put my finger o"

"GO!" Percival shouted.
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Re: *a letter delivered to the Order of Nature*

Post by Aznar »

"I heard your son had gotten into some kind of trouble?" Lilo asked her sister.
"Yes. This time he entered someone's house without their approval. Now he thinks he has a new friend, " Lila said. She sighed and continued, "Sometimes I just don't know what to do with the kid anymore."
Lilo's expression was full of compassion when she said, "We'll find a way to make him fit into the order and this society. His love for nature is obvious. Just look at him, playing with that chicken, talking to it as if they have been friends for years. Sometimes I wonder if he's actually able to talk to animals. Just look at how the chicken reacts to his words!"
Lila laughed and said, "Aye I think my son is gifted alright."
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Re: *a letter delivered to the Order of Nature*

Post by Dillon »

*Lila called Ardamir while he was playing with a chicken*

Read this Ardamir! - Lila said in a threatening tone.

Ardamir started reading the papyrus and thought, " I remember this, but this wasn't what happ... ho a cute little rabbit!", and dropped the paper to go play with the rabbit.
After a while, when he was going to Empath Abbey, saw a paper on the floor and begins to read it, and thought, " wait a minute, this wasn´t what happened, I remember and this is not the truh... for the love of Gaea, that is a good looking girl!". Ardamir started running toward her, when he threw out the paper.
And when he would touch the shoulder of the woman, she turned around and asked in a grave voice: "What are you doing Ardamir?". He looked confused to the person's face and thought, "ho... it´s just Simmo Alverena in a lady´s dress".
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Re: *a letter delivered to the Order of Nature*

Post by Simmo »

Mr. Flinks,

Ardamir told that he heard something strange. And you pop out and start to strangle? You should be shamed of this! If our religion would leave thieves, robbers alone then there would be disaster everywhere.
People around Britannia should thank us not slander us.

Aswell this is a wake up call to Order of Law. You noble Whitecoats should keep an eye on your city borders all the time.

Simmo Alverena
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Re: *a letter delivered to the Order of Nature*

Post by Yudhishthir »

*a light blue parchment is delivered inscribed in a glossy black ink*

From my understanding of the situation. Yorl was standing still when this other gentlemen opened the door and ran it. There was no sound to investigate.

Yorl is an old man. Not capable of popping out and strangling someone. But this person was lucky they didn't get flamestruck upon entering. Our other guildmates were robbed this exact way just last week. Having someone just run up, open the door, and run in.

Now ye can believe what ye want. Yorl provided ye with the proof. But ye want to believe someone who ye say can't speak for themselves.

Your first note said this is a topic that is dear and sensible to ye. This topic is about a member of your order barging into someones home like a thief uninvited. I'm glad the topic of your barging into peoples homes like common thieves is dear and sensitive to you. I hope ye cover it well at your meetings. And your next attempts go better. Thank you for making that known to the public.

He didn't knock. Listen at windows, check for any suspicious sound. Just barged right in. Now ye can paint this anyway you want to, to make that crochety old Yorl look bad. But in all truth, your member barged into our house un-invited. Said he was investigating a sound which there was none of. And you're defending him to try and make him look innocent and you're trying to make Yorl out to be bad for defending his own household from uninvited guests?

You could've handled the situation differently yourselves. The more you defend his actions, with everything that has been said, including your own notes and words. You're just making yourselves look worse. Defending those kind of actions and turning it around on the home owner. I'll let Yorl know it's OK to unlock the doors of his house, and when unknown people barge in un-invited. Let them. Greet them with fire. No welcome is necessary.

When I read this whole mess of notes over. You just sound like you have no control of your members, and you're unorganized, you have no idea how to handle small situations without inflation. Both notes I received regarding this mess, just make you look like unintelligible fools. Now Yorl may be a crochety rude old man. But you simply cannot defend home invasion this day and age. No matter how you describe it.

I wasn't there for this, and Mr. Flinks has already forgotten the event due to his amnesia. But I wouldn't be surprised if he fries the next uninvited guest. Innocent or not. It is not Nature's place to investigate the sounds in other peoples houses. If there were suspicious sounds in our house, I would expect Law to cover it. It is NOT ok for ANYONE, Nature or not, to run into someone else's house uninvited and say they were investigating ANYTHING. That in itself is suspicious activity.

Was Yorl suspicious for being in his own home? No
Was Ardamir suspicious for barging in unvited? Yes
Is Nature suspicious for defending him? Yes

And I highly agree with Simmo. This is a wake-up call to Law. Please keep an eye on our borders. From all intrusive people. Seemingly innocent or not. We know what has come out of Yew in the past.

Oh and Simmo. I will not thank ye for your member breaking into our house, even if you believe it should be so. Providing the truth is not slander either.

I will not entertain this event any further. You can paint it any color you want, and send further notes. But I think Yorl has made his point, and your replies have helped Yorl to make his point.

Good day.

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Re: *a letter delivered to the Order of Nature*

Post by Aznar »

Today it was Lilo's duty to work on the mails, sent to the Order of Nature. She was reading the stack of parchments and so far it had been a boring duty. Then she noticed the letter from someone named Percy. She read it and couldn't help but frown. Why was this man causing such a distress for something so harmless? Lila's son was a bit on the daft side and easilly distracted, but that is no reason for anyone to blame this harmless little incident on the entire Order. She decided to write one more letter to this Percy.

Dear Percy,

I assume you speak for Mr Flinks in this matter.
May I take a brief moment of your time to explain what happened?
This whole situation is being blown way out of proportions.
Ardamir, the boy who entered Mr Flinks' home without his consent, was born with a weak mind.
He may look like a young man in his late teens, but his mind is that of a child.
However, I can assure you that he is perfectly harmless to those that do not threaten him.
He is no thief, no murderer, no robber, no brigand, no assasin, no culprit, no pirate and especially no burglar.
I do not expect you to apologize, but I do expect you to reconsider sending accusing notes to our order, without having investigated the situation beforehand.

To show our goodwill, I have reserved a small sum of gold for Mr Flinks' inconvenience here at our temple in Yew. If you wish to collect the gold or even talk further about this, I welcome you at Empath Abbey at any time.


Lilo North
Priestess of Gaea

Lilo sealed the parchment, using her ring and some candle wax, then dropped it on the pile of outgoing mail.
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Re: *a letter delivered to the Order of Nature*

Post by Yudhishthir »

*Percy takes a quick glance at the note to check it for importance, notices the subject, and crumples it without reading it*

"Moving on..." he said under his breath.
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