The Uncanny Exmen

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Kat Asherstone
Posts: 336
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:38 pm

The Uncanny Exmen

Post by Kat Asherstone »

*rainbow colored papers adorn every street corner and lamp-post from Britain to Moonglow and as far north as Yew and south to Trinsic, they read*

We are the Uncanny Exmen
If you have found yourself at one point to be a man... and now you're not
You can join! You should join!
We have many members, we have some that can change shapes and make themselves look to be other things... like dragons or such
We have some members that can become invisible at the drop of a hat!
We have some members that die.. and then come back from the dead!
If you have any special powers... you too can apply to our guild
However, if you're a man... that's gotta change, sorry
ex-men for a reason

*the note is signed with a Yellow circle encompassing a large yellow X*
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