Havel patroling the woods of Yew, hears a noise of trampling something towards him.
He doesn't know what has yet to meet him, but he clearly knows this sound is familliar he is hearing.
The monk is directing himself towards the voices and they are coming closer and closer.
The woods are breaching a view of the voices and it is nothing but a march.
A march of the brothers, sisters of the Order of Nature passing trough him without turning an eye or attention to Havel, without a significant attention to the Monk - they run off into a portal without looking back.
The monk is confused, without getting a greeting by his very own brothers and sisters.
He looks at the portal and tries to walk towards it, in hopes to see what they are up to.
The portal closes, the monk stops and looks up to the sky.
A few words coming from him after the incident
Gaea, make sure they will be safe...
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