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A letter to The Wayfarers

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:41 pm
by Dargon
Dear Thoran,

I heard that you obtained enough funds to get yourselves a nice place to stay!
Let us help you by decorating the house. I will send our best carpenter to fulfil your wishes of furniture!

Best regards,
Tauno De'Mauno
The leader of The DeMauno Shop

Re: A letter to The Wayfarers

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:53 pm
by Thoran
Tauno De'Mauno,

rumors travel fast in Britain indeed. What you have heard is true. Earlier today we managed to gather sufficient funds needed for a house suitable to our use. We graciously accept any aid, and a donation from The De'Mauno Shop is something we will cherish. I wish for good relations between our guilds and hope to meet you in person.

The house is located at the very center of Britain just south of the Main Gate. I will attach a map just in case.


Thoran Ravenwing
Guildmaster of The Wayfarers

Re: A letter to The Wayfarers

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:21 pm
by Thoran
Dear Tauno,

The guildhouse has now been under construction for some time and I must confess that I had my doubts at first. The carpenter that you appointed has shown few odd quirks and he might have seen too many winters. His methods seemed questionable at times—to say the least.


Nevertheless, he was able to furnish us a great house that suits our needs. I have yet to see his fee for the work, but you'll receive that sum in time no doubt. All in all I am more than pleased for the final look of the house as it is a combination of practical and comfy. I hope that you can visit and review his work in person. At such time we could also discuss the future of our guilds.

Thoran Ravenwing
Guildmaster of The Wayfarers


Re: A letter to The Wayfarers

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:04 pm
by Dargon
Dear Thoran,

I am glad it finally worked out. I wouldn't had offered Jonathan to do the work if I had any doubt that he couldn't finish it with such perfection. He's a one of a kind and very special to us.

About the fee..I think you got me wrong in my first letter. It was a sign of respect towards your guild. I have always admired your work and in my opinion we need more men like you. Guilds like us have to hold together in this cruel word. Take it as a first step in our long mutual future!

Yours sincerely,
Tauno De'Mauno
Leader of The De'Mauno Shop