The Event

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The Event

Post by regdab »

*A figure appears and sends the sharp point of his kryss straight through the heart of a towns-person, the sound of broken glass, and he is gone again*
Nooo! Father! What has happened?
*The words of a small child as he mourns the tragedy that has just happened to his father, he lays there his small hands clutched over the rugged knuckles of his father.*
Son, some men in this world are evil, to their very core. Some of these men will do evil things, just to hurt others. I do not want you to grow up to be one of these men son, please promise me you won't be one of these men.
*Barely able to choke out the words through all of the sobbing, the son, feeling the warmth leave his fathers hands, replies*
I could never grow up to be like that father, I swear to you. How can you even think that would be possible?
I know, I just wanted you to say it. You are the best son a father could hope for. I love you, and please never forget what you have just promi . . . .
*His speech fades to a dull murmur. The only warmth left on his skin is that from the tears of his son, still clutching his fathers hand.*

*Memories like this are what plague the mind of a silent victim day in and day out. Memories like this are what have driven him to be this misguided. After years of growing up without a father, he has sworn to never be alone again. Never again will he be the only one who has had such tragedies in his life. He will make everyone feel it. Breaking the greatest promise he had ever made, one from a son to a father, he is going to be one of those evil men, the ones who inflict just to cause misery. He has become consumed by this, mastering the techniques of his fathers killer, he wont need an invisibility potion to get away,he wont even need to make any noise at all. After years of training, he is certain of that.*
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