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A Priest's Journey

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:28 pm
by Aerius
Aerius had come into these lands a few weeks ago, from his home in a small Village several days journey by boat to the North. He had come here with nothing but the clothes on his back and the strong desire to do something more with his life than to live and die in the small village his family tree had firmly planted it's roots.

His first few days into the lands of Britannia were not as welcoming as he had hoped. Within his first few days in the lands, a local had approached him and took his life in the name of his “god” a being of Death while working in the fields. Days of hard labor on local farms for meager wages to pay for food and slowly save up for armor and and a horse. At the days end of work, he found time to train his skills to become a Priest. With his arms already sore from harvesting crops, often times the creatures in the local Training Grounds often got the best of him.

Despite these few moments of hardship, after some time working and training he was able to quit working the fields and start his training full time. Earning money from selling various items from the creatures he killed in the mountains and valleys around the city Britain, he also managed time to make a few friends who would venture with him and often train hand to hand with him.

After having become a Priest and thinking it would all be down hill from here, others started asking questions regarding which Religion he had in mind to join. He knew damn well he would not follow the “god” of the man who slayed him in the fields, and despite the visit to Moonglow's Temple and introduction to the Imperial by Tyrion he knew that was not for him either.

During his travels he entered the city of Trinsic to further his study of Anatomy and happened to walk by the Temple, as if an answer to his prayers, it seems he had stumbled upon his path. He took off his shoes and entered the Temple. A warm and welcoming feeling enveloped him as he looked around, Aerius decided to spend the night in Prayer and Meditation.

In the morning, he opened his eyes and disregarding his fatigue and felt relieved that he had found what he had been looking for, faith. Aerius searched out the Head Priest and a conversation about his desire to join, and received a list of skills he must master before entering the Order and begin his path.

Weeks later, after having mastered the required skills... Aerius sent a Pigeon to the Head Priest of Law and took a boat to Trinsic. He entered the Temple and knelt at the Alter, putting himself in a state of meditation awaiting any sign that he was ready to enter the Order.

It was clear his training was just beginning...

Re: A Priest's Journey

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:11 am
by Aerius
Aerius strolled into Lord British's castle court, the new location that the Order of Law was serving Winchester in aiding Lord British to return order to the lands. He looked around at the renovations that had been made to suit the Order's needs for worship, meditation, and the new Counsel room for court hearings.

"Evening sir, how are you this fine day?", a virtue guard says with a salute as Aerius walks up to the temple doors.
Aerius responds with a smile and a returned salute, "Quite fine, a little tired and sore from yesterdays training and patrols, but am in high spirits these days.”
"Aye Sir, its been an honor amongst us guards to have your Temple moved amongst us in town. I know the people are quite happy with the increase of patrols by your Order." the guard stated, while trying to hide his obvious weariness.
"Thank you.", Aerius says with a nod. "I'll see that the guard is changed as soon as possible. You look tired, and have earned some rest." he puts his hand on the guards shoulder, then walks into the Temple.

Aerius walks up to the Altar, kneels, and begins his usual prayer to Winchester. With a clear head he then gets up and walks over to a bench close to the altar to begin a deep meditation.

After about an hour he was no longer able to concentrate, as thoughts began to flow through. He began thinking of when he had first joined Law, the training that led up to this point and the recent events. When he had joined, the Order had grown quiet and the people were becoming frustrated and losing their trust in Law. Regrettably, Darion decided he could no longer put the time that was needed to lead the Order and a vote was passed. Only a put in their hand written scrolls stating they would run for the open position to lead our Order.

Several days later, most had stepped down from the running’s and only Orin had remained. Some were skeptical of his abilities to lead, but Aerius knew him well and knew he deserved the chance to turn the Order into a positive change. With the voting passing in Orin's favor the changes in the Order has taken a sudden turn. He began to see faces of members he had not seen before. Some members stayed despite the change of leadership, and others decided it was time to take a different path and they took their leave.

Orin then needed to pick his second in command, he had asked Akkarrin and Aerius if either of them would be up for the task. Aerius smiled and stepped aside saying, "I would be honored brother, however, I feel Akkarrin here deserves such a position far more than I."
“I did not expect that of you Aerius,” he slaps him gently gently on the back with a grin. “but I thank you for the compliment.”

He watches as Orin appoints Akkarrin with his new rank and role in the Order. Then Salutes Akkarrin with a grin and a wink as he turns around. Orin looks at Aerius and laughs, saying. “Well Aerius, if you would like, I'd appreciate it if you would be my Trustee. I know you're honest and will give me your opinion on situations whether its good or bad.”
Aerius' face nods and says in a serious tone. “I would love to Orin, no question about.”

Aerius shook his head clear of the past events and stood up from the bench. He focused his thoughts back on current events as he walked back out of the temple and hopped on his mount Sagacity. The war with Imperial was growing to be a thorn in everyone's side, it was not only disrupting the peace in numerous cities, but also in the peace between Order of Nature and Law. He desired a solid truce that would put a cease fire between the two Orders and have them permitted back into each other's cities. So that they may work side by side in dealing with the barbaric outlaws of band of Telboreans running rampid in the lands. They seemed to be taking advantage of the war between the two Orders that enforce law in the lands.

He shook his head with a sigh and went about town to start another patrol before heading to bed...