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Family Business

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:51 am
by Yudhishthir
"Another round!" Hakim called to the bartender.

"So what do ya think Melik and Cyan would think.. If we strayed a bit, and didn't go into merchantry?" Jaheed asked as he swirled the rest of his ale around in his stein.

"We're merchants cousin." Hakim asked, "How would we stray from merchantry?"

"I mean with the guild." Jaheed answered, "We could honor the dang ol' Wolfsblood family in name, but pursue a different path pardner. Take up the tents where they left off, instead of pursuing merchantry, we could travel. Adventure the land, slay the beasts that get in our way. Take down in groups what we could only dream to do alone. Be a tightly-knit hunting clan."

"You dream big Jaheed," Hakim chortled, "But again I say, we're merchants! Like the Wolfsblood's! Much like the rest of our family!"

"You got that right pardner," Jaheed smiled, "But any good set of adventurers needs a good set of wares. We could provide those pardner. I'd say poundin' an orc's face ain't much different then an anvil. I'd like to see more then just the inside of towns."

"So be it then. Let us honor the family in name, and strive towards seeing the lands, and overcoming every obstacle before us." Hakim spoke stoutly.

"Every obstacle."

"Like a tightly-nit pack, we will travel the lands!"

"Like. A wolf pack."

A smile spread across both of their faces, "Like a wolf pack!" they agreed.
