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Vaux Family Farm Hands

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:07 pm
by Vaux27
As winter fast approaches it's become increasingly obvious that I can no longer maintain all of the fields owned by my dear family. It's most excruciating picking all of this flax alone, without the aid of an able-bodied male to lend a hand. This is why I, Victoria Vaux, seek the help of an accomplice or group with fine character to assist myself. I of course will pay handsomely to whomever volunteers for this task,

I have hired an artist to paint a drawing of one field that will need harvesting


On behalf of the Vaux Family,

Victoria Vaux

Re: Vaux Family Farm Hands

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:08 pm
by Breg
That'd be me.. and the Wolf Pack is more then ready to help when needed all citizens note this. Whenever in need a Wolf is bound to heed.

Breg Tamowee--

Re: Vaux Family Farm Hands

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:10 pm
by Azrael
I would be more than delighted to assist you with this field.


Re: Vaux Family Farm Hands

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:48 pm
by Vaux27
Just as quick as my feathered pen touched to the parchment, help had already arrived. Breg Tamowee of The Wolf Pack was most generous enough to lend this fair Cook the help needed. Let it be known fair citizens of Britannia that The Wolf Pack are profound carriers of many arts, and my family holds every one of them in high esteem.

Making good use of the artist I hired, another painting was made...


On behalf of the Vaux Family,

Victoria Vaux