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A sealed letter delivered to Tyrion and Ondoher

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:13 pm
by Darian Darkmind
Tyrion and Ondoher,

I call upon a meeting to discuss a few matters of interest and importance.

Darian Darkmind

Re: A sealed letter delivered to Tyrion and Ondoher

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:32 pm
by Tyrion
*the meeting had been held and Tyrion decided to send a follow-up communique to inform the cultists of the status of the items which had been discussed*

Dearest Darian,

We have considered your words at the meeting we had and would like to point out that there seems to be no way forward. Your knowledge of our order not-withstanding did little to impress upon us the need to consider your words more seriously. It is sad, that members of your cult have historically and will negatively impact upon future dealings we may have. Actions speak louder than words though and the outcome of the talks may already be decided. However, we thank you for taking the time to meet with us and include us in your grandiose plan. We do not however see a way forward unless a genuine plan is laid out or more effort is put into any treaty you would have us be privy too.

Order of Imperial

Re: A sealed letter delivered to Tyrion and Ondoher

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:53 am
by Darian Darkmind
Order of Imperial

When we arrive to the meeting unarmed, prepared to bury the hatchet and all you contribute in return is insults and deaf ears, it was obvious the meeting could not go as it was planned. The very plan and the reasons behind the meeting was left unheard and you skipped to your own quick conclusions and end. It was obvious since the beginning that your arrogance and ignorance stood on the way of something that would have benefited you above all the most. We promised you gold on the silver plating. Today we shall ride to your gates and by then I wish you will have reconsidered. If you are unable to set the well-fare of your own kingdom before your own personal issues and, because of that the answer is no, then I am afraid but there is no salvation to your hatred and the pointless bloodshed shall continue.

This is a war you have the word to end. And that word is "yes". Set aside our grudges. Take a leap of faith and your kingdom will finally grow to its full potential and power. You know this to be true, now it's only up to you.

Eagerly waiting,
Darian Darkmind

Re: A sealed letter delivered to Tyrion and Ondoher

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:15 pm
by Tyrion
Dearest Darian,

You have made a critical error, yet again, there will not be an "OUR Kingdom", It will be an Imperial Kingdom. Your demeanor and intentions during, through and at the end of the meeting is what lead us to our decision. The next time you come to Moonglow, do so with an army at your back and attempt to hail the clergy, to defend. There's no honor in murdering defenseless men woman and children, however that does seem to be your modus operandi: Take advantage of anything that involves the deaths of innocent People and furthers your lust filled delusional dreams of grandiosity. Our answer is no, now, later, and in the future. Perhaps a change of leadership that does not pit you at the helm pulling the strings like a marionette puppeteer would change our position some and time has passed for bad feelings to dissipate. An alliance from total war? Please do not insult us further with this ridiculous proposition.

Order of Imperial

Re: A sealed letter delivered to Tyrion and Ondoher

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:43 pm
by Darian Darkmind
Dear Tyrion

You should choose your words with more care. "The next time you come to Moonglow, do so with an army at your back". You see, this is very a bad choice of words. You ask for an army and we damn sure shall deliver you an army.
It's a shame really that you turned down our proposal. We could have been friends, you could have had an access to the most powerful weapon on the world, but you rather fought, died and perished.
Until next time,
Darian Darkmind

Re: A sealed letter delivered to Tyrion and Ondoher

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:01 pm
by Guilmor
"You can come with 3 armies", speaking to himself, "you can break the walls, the benches, everything you see and touch, you will never break my faith and inner strengh. As long as i have that, i shall rebuild every single stone.

You can plague everyone around me, you can plague even me, kill me over and over, until all there is left is my robe, but you will never plague my spirit.

I care not to die every single day for Her, if that is whats needed from me, for that is what i chose..."

*leaves a note in orange paper on the floor of the temple*
"Enjoy you success as it lasts and remember: No one is unbeatable."

Re: A sealed letter delivered to Tyrion and Ondoher

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:31 am
by Tyrion
Guilmor was present when the letter appeared on the floor outside the temple grounds. Tyrion hastily opened the letter and began to read. He clenched his fist, crumpling up the paper in the same motion and tossed it to the ground. Reading his body language, Guilmor quickly picked up the letter and began to speak aloud:

Guilmor wrote:"You can come with 3 armies, you can break the walls, the benches, everything you see and touch, you will never break my faith and inner strengh. As long as i have that, i shall rebuild every single stone.

You can plague everyone around me, you can plague even me, kill me over and over, until all there is left is my robe, but you will never plague my spirit.

I care not to die every single day for Her, if that is whats needed from me, for that is what i chose... Let them enjoy a success while it lasts and remember: No one is unbeatable."
Tyrion and Ondoher both nodded at Guilmor's inspiring words and began to formulate battle plans for the next encounter.