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A note is pinned to the alter of Nature

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:27 pm
by carlton
I was on my travels throughout the beautiful an exhilarating forest of yew when i stumbled upon this Eden like fortress i could not belive what i was seeing iv never seen such a breath taking dwelling like this. As I walked closer through the forest to the temple i heard a voice in my ears ... "join us and help us sustain and preserve the true balance of nature. Your life will be more meaningful ... " i instantly felt inner peace. I knew this was my calling from Gaea. Your life will be more meaningful ... " When I entred the temple that voice slowly faded away. I had a beatufull day there studying the ways of gaea,

I had a bad feeling when I was leaving this place. other parts of the world seemed so bland and dull in my eyes.As i lay trying to fall asleep in the evening the sight of the Shangri-laair like temple could not leave my thoughts. I knew the temple was my home.
Now I know ... My meaning of life

"I wish to join your religion"

~.Sienna De Vitus.~