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Basil Brotheamus
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Re: Macrocheck

Post by Basil Brotheamus »

Related poll: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=5752
There's some pretty good arguments for and against by the playerbase. Just for reference.
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Kent Strider
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Re: Macrocheck

Post by Kent Strider »

That is only because it was 10 minutes and harsher punishments, why not 10 minutes and same punishment? It's a game, not a military base.
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Basil Brotheamus
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Re: Macrocheck

Post by Basil Brotheamus »

Kent Strider wrote:That is only because it was 10 minutes and harsher punishments, why not 10 minutes and same punishment? It's a game, not a military base.
Read the replies aswell, not only the vote counts.

For example:
5 minutes.

Why? Becouse if I just have to leave for something in house, im sure to be back in 5 minutes. If its a bigger job, you should realize that you cant play while working with something else.

5 minutes is fair time for anyone who is training to actually need to check their screen - even becouse of possible roleplay encounter.
Never missed a macro check in all my 10+ years of UO.

It's not hard to turn your macros off if you know your going AFK for longer then 5. Even if you're going away for 2 minutes, and something happens like a kid spills something, or your dog crapped on the floor. It happened. You coulda turned your macro off and saved yourself from an even bigger hassle. Now you're frustrated from the spill, go back to the computer and missed a macro check. Now your ticked. All in all, you could of turned your macro off.

Get a macro alarm for those alt-tabbers. When your in another window, it's easy to surpass 5 minutes thinking it's 2 writing an email. Get a warning to let you know?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Maybe just make punishments harsher, especially for repeat do-ers.
Why the sudden change now? How does 5 more minutes make anyone's life easier? You can finally stretch out your legs and relax on the toilet now? Just don't macro if you don't have the time guys. Yeah it sucks staying near a computer to grind out annoying skills, but most of you choosed to stay with this shard for the challenge. Suck it up.
I've been doing some hard-core macroing the last few days and haven't missed one check.

In all my pang life (which is quite extensive), I've missed one macro check.

Para de ser mariquinhas.
I voted 5 minutes.
In 10 years of game play I've missed 3 macrochecks, from which 2 were because I forgot I was macroing. Increasing it to 10 minutes would only increase my chances of getting caught.

The 3rd macrocheck was an emergency situation where I went outside my bedroom and couldn't come back until a couple of hours later. Still no grudge held because 10 minutes wouldn't have helped anyway on that situation.
And last but not least:
Kent Strider wrote:There were some good points made and I am not a biased person. My mind was changed to 5 mins and punishment staying as is.
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Kent Strider
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Re: Macrocheck

Post by Kent Strider »

I said what I said because of the "harsher punishments" part.
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Re: Macrocheck

Post by Diamond »

I don't think that 5 or 10 minutes would make any difference anyway...
You can swap windows every 2, 3 or even 5 minutes and see if a macrocheck gump appeared.
You can also setup a macrocheck alert and stay for 2, 3 or 4 hours without switching windows.
But... Is this a game?
Does it sound fun to you?
When I have time to play, REALLY play, I start running in town, searching for someone to RP or hunt with.
In 90% of the times I find noone, so I just macro a skill.
In less than a month I GMd anatomy and I am close in GMing Taste ID.
In less than a month I am getting bored.
There was a quest, something like a week after I created my account, which I didn't participate cause my char was really weak...
Now I wish I would participate, only for the fun of seeing other players fighting.

In my opionion it's wrong to brag that Pang is a difficult shard to play.
I know, old players tried a lot to GM their skills. But what a shard needs is new players. Not old ones that login for 5 minutes to refresh their house and logout.
Give something in return to the old players that still play and let the new players train faster, let them make a good char to play soon.
I don't care if I hunt in Despise for the rest of my char's life.
What makes me sad is that I hunt alone.
I wouldn't care if I would go to Despise and find all the monsters dead, if I would also find another player and deside to go together to a more difficult dungeon.
It's just an online game. We play here for fun.
Ruining other player's game is not fun. We are old enough to be happy for looting other player's things.
Macroying is not fun. It's borring.
Playing alone, is not fun. I have better games with better graphics installed to my android phone. You can RP alone there as well...

The times where we could invest 12 or more hours online for playing a game are gone and they will never return.
Get over it.
A man once told Buddha, "I want happiness."
Buddha replied, "First, remove I" That's Ego.
Then remove "want". That's desire.
And now all you're left with is Happiness.
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Basil Brotheamus
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Re: Macrocheck

Post by Basil Brotheamus »

Diamond, the playercount always drops on summer time. 2-3 months ago we had ~70 peeps online. There's no-one to be blamed about and it doesn't change anything if we complain about it on forums. :) It's just the way it goes.
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Re: Macrocheck

Post by Jyrgen »

Basil Brotheamus wrote:Diamond, the playercount always drops on summer time. 2-3 months ago we had ~70 peeps online. There's no-one to be blamed about and it doesn't change anything if we complain about it on forums. :) It's just the way it goes.
I'm prettttttty sure the playerbase started decreasing way before that so-called summer, with the shard player amount being somewhat like it is atm 2-3 months ago already.
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Basil Brotheamus
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Re: Macrocheck

Post by Basil Brotheamus »

Jyrgen wrote:
Basil Brotheamus wrote:Diamond, the playercount always drops on summer time. 2-3 months ago we had ~70 peeps online. There's no-one to be blamed about and it doesn't change anything if we complain about it on forums. :) It's just the way it goes.
I'm prettttttty sure the playerbase started decreasing way before that so-called summer, with the shard player amount being somewhat like it is atm 2-3 months ago already.
That's posted less than 3 months ago. It was a steady 50+ online during evenings/weekends much after that also.
I'd love to have a graph for the online count during each month and compare it to last year, I'm 99% sure it would be pretty much identical.

People always tend to freak out when the summer gets closer and playercount drops. But the fact is it's always the same.
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Re: Macrocheck

Post by Glarundis »

i hope you're right, because i always get paranoid like wtf is going on
but i wouldn't say april/may is summer
i would understand if the online count was shitty in july/august
early june and late september can't be counted as summer imo, not to mention may..
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Re: Macrocheck

Post by Simmo »

Glarundis wrote:i hope you're right, because i always get paranoid like wtf is going on
but i wouldn't say april/may is summer
i would understand if the online count was shitty in july/august
early june and late september can't be counted as summer imo, not to mention may..
What are you, forecaster? From April just because weather is starting to go nice, brings lots of opportunities to people i.e construction workers (civil, road whatever), their season starts then. Dont even mention that universities start the killing spree around that time, lots of exams etc. Even +10 degrees and all day sunshine moves people out of their homes. Not that you understand it in portugal, just because you dont know the feeling between -30 and +10 :D.
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