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Re: Achievements

Post by Ivan »

Darian Darkmind wrote:Idea for an achievement:

Kill a Gamemaster.

How many you ask? All of them.

Been there, done that. Now where's my prize? :)
Done that aswell(Well killed just one gm while him being gm actualy, not before or after him being gm), this achievement thing does sound interesting. Try to keep it in things that truly require achieving, not like in rpg's usualy that the achievements pop like shrooms at fall.
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Re: Achievements

Post by Shednil »

On a shard that is this focused on roleplay as much as this one I do not believe achievements would be of any addition to it.

If I would get a message for killing or doing something as a "well done" it would take away the feeling of adventuring in the world and encourage me to find more of them instead of just following my own way.

The most negative part I can see is others starting to hunt the achievements just to collect points (OOC reasons which don't really belong in a roleplaying world) and that is somthing that will affect the whole shard.

Generally the less things out of character that affect the way you play the better it is.
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Re: Achievements

Post by Glarundis »

shednil does have a point.
if we are able to focus more on rp then isn't necessary.
if not, then this may be interesting since it's a new kind of virtue. but do keep in mind, in the rp department, this will mean everyone's rp will be that of a hunter who wants to be the best. isn't that what pangaea is about at the moment, though, just replace pvp for pvm :S
if you need ideas for achievements, maybe that realm of the mad god thing, that game i posted on a link months ago, maybe it can help you
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Re: Achievements

Post by Boris »

It's just virtual penis. No need to take it too seriously.

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Re: Achievements

Post by Wolfie »

These achievements can be used for RP. The one where you kill the big mobs your character is simply gaining recognition for the deeds they are doing. I agree some work the opposite direction but saying Pangaea is very much focused on RP is a far stretch to me. There are only a handful of people that play this game for the role play it provides.
Cyrus Tegyr
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Re: Achievements

Post by Cyrus Tegyr »

I'm just going to say it, World of Borecraft has met Ultima Online!

I like the idea of these achievements, I say however, keep them personal, no in game rewards or anything. I haven't had a chance to hop on and check it out, personally I am and have never been an achievement whore, so I doubt I shall try to "catch 'em all".

But should this be expanded, we should consider also achievements of some sort for the boring side of the game, I am indeed talking about the crafting side.
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Re: Achievements

Post by Ares »

Ares wrote:all it does is display a message and play a sound effect when you complete an achievement..
Would you guys lighten up? Almost all new games have achievements, not just World of Warcraft Cyrus.

It's just a bit of extra things to do for personal fun, no one is forcing anyone to participate in it. No, it's not focused on RP.. So what?
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Re: Achievements

Post by Johnny Walac »


Small details like these make the everday grind abit funnier. Nice one.
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Basil Brotheamus
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Re: Achievements

Post by Basil Brotheamus »

I can understand the small annoyance from some of the peeps because when I talked with Ares about it, it reminded me too much of a games with huge flashy announcements of ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED etc. and I found it a bit disturbing to the RP atmosphere. But when I tested it with Ares, the message and sound was nicely subtle and I doubt it is going to spoil anyones RP atmosphere if there's some small addons like that. It doesn't make you better or stronger or doesn't allow you to do anything else than those without achievements.

If we are splitting the hairs here, I think the word achievement is a bit wrong. Because it's nothing what effects your character or gameplay, therefore "deed" or just "victory" would be more fitting in this case.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Achievements

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Let's call them "Fame"? That way it's partly RP. You must be famous if you've killed a thousand Balrons. Although some of the achievements... erm, I mean FAME might be given by doing something stupid like wash 1.000.000 bloody bandages. We should not take it so seriously. Maybe I'm a famous bandage washer... I mean SOMEONE has to do it! Achievements are just fine, because they don't make you any stronger.
Ares wrote:
tehsquish wrote:However when we downed him my dragon and all our fire ellies got achievements as well.
Oh, hah! I'll fix that asap.
Is that actually a bug? I have a feeling the dragon and the ellies actually killed the giant and therefore the achievement is rightfully theirs ;)
Ivan wrote:Done that aswell(Well killed just one gm while him being gm actualy.
Gratz, considering you're not in a religion. I've killed a lot of them from Repsak to Seraph, but that's by casting imprisonment on them which went through their invulnerability.

Maybe I should have added "Kill an invulnerable GM!" ;)
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