This.Hilda wrote:Destard:
Needs diversity, level one is always only greys, level 2 always greats (used to be venemous sometimes, doesn`t seem to be the case now) and 1 royal/ancient on level 3.
Level 1 dragons should be greys/whites/venemous maybe greats.
Level 2 should greats and royals
Level 3 should be royals and ancients (maybe one or two more spawns activated by levers, very little space)
I would reduce the maximum amount of ores to 10 (well really I would put it to 0 but that`s another story ) so there isn't a flood of auro/dwarven.
Nice dungeons that shouldn't be touched: Deceit, Hythlot, Venom, Salos, Ice and Ice World, Terathan keep. Shame 3/4, Kaldhun.
There is a huge gap between despise (the relic system could disapear) and couvetus, i think couvetous should be made easier, and also I agree that the matriarch in ant cave might be too hard for newbie charaters.
First two levels of shame could be more profitable.
Can't talk much about Storm, didn't visit since last changes.