The current version is a waste of reagents as transfusion does more damage (90% of the time - could do with looking into the damage/casting time of that also as it blows, its like 1 60p malleus with 6x the casting time and the same mana)Cirius Do'Brim wrote:Generally frost resistance charges are the most common ones. People rarely use them, so that's why everyone has piles of them. Otherwise I'm not a fan of frost strike mainly due to dragons. TF vs. TW vs. EB is pretty much in balance currently, so I wouldn't stick my nose there.
Kill is fine. Not a fan of the current version, but you guys need to test it more. There's feedback from 2 players. "This is shit" or "this is the shit" isn't really worth a dime.
Keeping in mind when im testing things I have 113/113 always.
For the frost strike regarding killing dragons - if you have any idea how fast 2 fighters (i witnessed ivan and frost personally) kill dragons, even if this spell did 150 damage per strike the fighters prevail for speed.
Instead of kill (once again, against anything that instakills) id rather see
- transfusion fixed ( higher damage more related to skill, casting time revamped also)
-summonspirit lasting more than 2-3 minutes and not being hit by my own sides veritas
-frostring casting time is a joke and isn't useable in pvp due to the short time the shards stay on the ground
-kill changed to bone spear (malleus that uses a daemonbone and instead of pretargetting you target after cast, different graphic ofcourse)
-kill changed to just deal a variable damage (based on skill/random dice) with a chance to poison your enemy based on spiritspeak (for example poison levels 1-5 based on spiritspeak 102/104/106/108/110)
-kill changed to frost strike, based on spiritspeak and very similar to mages flamestrike
Ofcourse the reagents for kill would have to be changed accordingly but that goes without saying?
I'm just brainfarting here with various ideas that don't render the class useless in pvp as it currently has been made. Feedback would be nice