Demian wrote:Well I have to say that I have seen the old Tekstone members around more than I have the new ones Dargon. Atleast they have been doing what they were supposed to be doing, plaguing towns and attacking Nature temple. Even though they were kind of pussies about it and ran if Law showed up, they still did it whereas the new Tek members didn't even try. Yet the new Tek members get rewarded for that inactivity due to our staffs inability to make hard decisions. That is constructive critisism towards the staff. And besides, the shard can't handle 5 religions. There's simply no playerbase for that. + It makes no sense to just conjure up a new religion like this. That is more constructive critisism and it has all been said in this thread already. Stuff like this is what will just drag the shard down. Just one more step in the failures of our staff and even when people point that out, they keep doing as they please. And all the while the online counts are getting lower. For a reason.