Is there anyway someone could help me, I haven't played on Pangaea for a very long time and I can't remeber the password to save my life.
Account name - Fonzo
EMail Address -
I can't remember my character's name but I think it was Fonzo, but I can for sure remember his class, he was a Ranger for sure. I will be around later today to check the status on this post but another thing I tried was I went to the website and made a ticket for my lossed password. Don't know if I was suppose to do that or not but I tried it anyways. Thanks... Catch you guys around...
Forgot Password, Please help....
Moderator: Game Masters
Forgot Password, Please help....
(**Fonzo - Ranger**)
- Daren Priesten
- Posts: 1247
- Joined: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:24 pm
Re: Forgot Password, Please help....
I am sure a GM will be able to help you 

Re: Forgot Password, Please help....
On that note. I got another question. I had an old account, for awhile ago and a few weeks ago I remebered the username and password. However, the system says I cant enter beceause it got lock or something. So my question is if that account is deletet or does it still exist?
Re: Forgot Password, Please help....
Only one account per person. I would need more details to answer your case.
On a side note, those of you who share the same ip/connection should let the staff know to avoid future troubles. Keep in mind that if someone os found abusing this will end up baned and at best will have to start from a new account.
On a side note, those of you who share the same ip/connection should let the staff know to avoid future troubles. Keep in mind that if someone os found abusing this will end up baned and at best will have to start from a new account.