~*~Warning to travelers~*~

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Iru Kandji
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~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Post by Iru Kandji »

The land between Trinsic and Britain are now the lawless country. Bandits and robbers of all types roam these wooded areas. The lands between Britain, Yew, Minoc and Vesper are now also considered outlaw land. Travelers beware! If you find your way into these areas you will be accosted by highwayman and relieved of your possessions and probably even your life if you do not pay for passage. If you are found to not have any items you might as well consider yourself dead for passing through these lands and not paying proper tribute. Consider this a first, last and absolute final warning!!!

The Highwaymen Clan
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Gorath Blackmind
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Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Post by Gorath Blackmind »

Oooh, we're scared speechless. Your so called "clan" shall be a heap of leaves, blown away by the wind of Law. Worry not, citizens, these scumbags shall be dealth with swiftly.

-Jonathan Icewind, Head Priest of Law.
Iru Kandji
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Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Post by Iru Kandji »

Imperials have just been killed in the zones where they were warned not to travel, continue to disobey the will of the Highwayman Clan and death shall follow. Beware!
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Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Post by Neku »

Whats a highway?
oooooooooooh I almost forgot. If its the highwayMAN clan, does that mean its just you or are your butt buddies going to join you?
Kent Strider

Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Post by Kent Strider »

Of course his butt buddies joined him, today they played around in Ice and attacked the Imperial Necromancer, and tomorrow they will all fall to my scepter. Hear me boys, I am coming for you.
Iru Kandji
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Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Post by Iru Kandji »

2 more have been found and killed in these zones. Continue to disrespect these boundaries and more will surely die. Pay your respects to the Highwayman Clan and you will be left to pass freely.
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Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Post by Neku »

shaggoo man is curious! what did they do to disrespect the land you believe you own and are you the new formed nature??
Hendrik Kar'lon
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Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Post by Hendrik Kar'lon »

*A gracious figure walks to the board, he begins to read whilst he strokes the stubbly whiskers upon his chin. Within afew seconds of reading he grins and begins to write:*

Well, i have nothing else to write but this: and heed my warning.

Two of these so called Highway Men were found within the boundries of Britian not so long ago. I must say they gave quite a fight. However, the forces of Winchester, shall I say "Palmed them away?" and then they were found again at the foot of Covetous mountain.

After a short confrontation they fled... So I shall say this once, and only once. Don't bother.

~ Travellers, if you have any doubts in your minds feel free to contact your closest Officer we will personally escort you to your destination or alternativley arrange for a magical gate to be made to get you there.

~ Highway Man,
Our officers will now be carrying free bags, so we can send you on your way with all your limbs inside.

Thank you all for reading. Stay safe, stay smart, and above all continue with your buisness.

~ High Paladin Ezikial,
312-436-203, East Brit

Defend, Protect, Serve
Adrian Kreios

Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Post by Adrian Kreios »

*Adrian walks to the boards and ties hair of the heads of Jopelius and Xaron still bleeding from the neck*

Two more have been slain, and we have taken their gold as the punishment for not listening to the warning, all those that are found should be on watch, because you will be the next target..

Signed, A.K.

*Adrian removes the pen from the head after inking the message in the two travellers heads*
Iru Kandji
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Re: ~*~Warning to travelers~*~

Post by Iru Kandji »

Four more have fallen. . More will continue to die until our land and our laws are respected. If you come into the boundaries marked without paying the correct amount of homage you will be removed of your possessions or your life, you decide. Venture at your peril travelers!!
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