AR - Useless?

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Uzriel Raven
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Uzriel Raven »

Yeah, I like my idea, but yours is far more simple and just as effective, if not more so.
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Gorath Blackmind
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Gorath Blackmind »

I agree Kenyon. It's pretty frustrating to die to frost wolves and ice skeletons with 70 ar.
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Arolith »

Yeah... I'd like to see more monsters making only physical dmg too, and I think boosting AR on ores that don't give ele resist would be in order.

EDIT: And those mobs that do elemental breath damage or cast spells shouldn't hit with ele damage.
Jam Rave
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Jam Rave »

Ivan wrote:Just turn all normal monsters elemental dmg into DMG and leave elemental damages for fiends and suchs.
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Whitewolf »

Jam Rave wrote:
Ivan wrote:Just turn all normal monsters elemental dmg into DMG and leave elemental damages for fiends and suchs.
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Houston »

Kent Strider wrote:Drop the elemental damage from some monsters is a good start and leave it only to the elemental themed monsters, then boost plate AR some is the perfect solution if you ask me.
Exactly my idea.

To boost the AR of plates far more than it is now.

If invuls give 50 right now, they would give 60.

If dskull gives 62(?) could be 70 or even 75 without shield.

I mean, plates should really work far better than they are now.

The ele dmg doesnt spoil the armors, except that plates and "high" ar is mostly useless against elemental mobs.
Andrew De'lere
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Andrew De'lere »

Was this one of those issues that was fixed before the shard got bummed my seraph and monad? But then they removed the fix when they transfered the shard...
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Quintoz »

I love my knight.
But auro plates are exspensive and my 70ar dosen't make a diffrence when fighting mosnters with elemental dmg =(.

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Agen Kolar
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Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Agen Kolar »

Andrew De'lere wrote:Was this one of those issues that was fixed before the shard got bummed my seraph and monad? But then they removed the fix when they transfered the shard...
I remember Monad informing of the changes which included at least:
- Elemental melee dmg was removed from most low and mid level mobs.
- Pet dragons were nerfed.
- Plate ar boosted by some number.
- Vampire bone resist dropped by 1 per piece (not sure but I recall that was the case too).

They didn't remove the fix but Alteran took older version of the scripts from someplace else?
W/e but yes I think those fixes should come place here aswell.
~ Heron Katsaros ~

Re: AR - Useless?

Post by Alteran »

was a 3 mounth old backup we used , so yes all that never happend on thise files.

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