So, how did you come up with that name?

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Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Post by Houston »

Houston Wales - Houston, a state in america, Wales something in europe xD
Thatr's my first char name, so dont laugh why i got this char, however.

Havel Wales - I started to like to have a first letter in H and second name in W so i created this one, using my superleet immature imagination ninjutsus!

Zaradon - Woah, dont ask me. I was probably listening to a good track i really liked and it might've had lots of Z letters in it :D

Nah, seriously. I think first letter Z fits for a fighter, especially a brute/warrior? Dunno, matter of taste.

Zabren - Read above =)
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Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Post by Gorath Blackmind »

Gorath Blackmind: Dunno, just came up with it. Needed a priest's name that would sound Tekky-like. :p (first in law, then tekstone, then deleted, now law druid. what happened? :o )

Dealayne: Just a hooker with scissors

Sebastian Slade: MOUSTACHE! Sebastian = moustache imo. You cant have a character named Sebastian without proper moustache. And Slade fit in well. Sebastian Slade is a slimy, woman harrassing perv, a char I always wanted to make.

Jonathan Icewind: No idea why I even agreed playing with a char named like that. Like James Kazuma said, "that's probably the crappiest, gayest and most clichee name EVER. *tear*" But alas!

Adarius Redcloud: Just a tinker, first name that popped up, she never needed a real good name worth remembering.
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Vonnie Agora
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Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Post by Vonnie Agora »

Vonnie Agora - firstly was named Vonn Antartica without the mid. c in it
, but since Imsomnia had something against it with his/hers EGO and it was changed to plain Vonnie. Insomnia: *lifts the eyeglasses and starts cursin' in angry java >8E * ( Doh my surname is a irl place name and Von + "surname" is a way how to call "royal" people in deutchland? KINDA GEEKY WAY OF COMPLAINING FROM OOC IN NAME EH? WTF is for example HOUSTON WALES then, and he started playing way before me LOL (joke, Zarishard :D no need to fire) just mentioned it because you said it earlier. Btw Vonn is a metrosexual name, to fill the empty gap in the knowledge of yours Immy. )
After year or so, I rpd with Vonn, so I'd get surname without marrying anyone ig and got surname Agora.
Vonn Antartica... Damn I'd like to have that name once again, but Vonnie Agora sounds kinda cool too.
Vyvyan - was a character of this 80's british serie of "the young ones". Gotta love this punky guy with the 'tardness.
Cortequi - lastly, I think up this name from mexican name Cortez and added french like ending in it.
"That's all folks!"
Vonnie Agora - 669 ' 355 ' 581 Skara Brae
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Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Post by Dyne »

wow.. i know this is an ancient thread and no one will probably see this but meh here it goes.

Dyne came from the Game Lunar the silver star story after Drangonmaster Dyne. and Stormhammer just came to me after i thought for bit about what would be a cool smith name

and Krum was my first Character in Dungeons and Dragons. he was a 2nd Edition Orc Barbarian. and the funny part was when i made my orc i couldnt think of a name at the time had i had just had some chips and a sandwich and i looked at the plate and seen a crumb and thought. "THATS IT!" lol and yup you may have guessed it I play them the same... and Stonewall was just something I made up on the spot because a GM told me i couldnt be just "Krum" because of some fag off hairy potter was named krum :roll:
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Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Post by Ivan »

Well my first char was Felissa but that account was deleted because i didnt know the rules with my friend and i started playing right after my friend logged so gm deleted my account because friend had so much better char... Name came probably after friend made Elizabeth so i somehow came up with Felissa...

Later i made new account this time i understood a bit more about the rules and ended up with knight Ivan... no idea how i came up with that name probably again i was after something not so popular and totaly different from european or american names...

Then i had few random chars which i deleted most of them had some finnish names turned to english etc... Tailor, bowyer, tinker, cook, barbarian (yes another one), knight, base classed multi money maker(kindlings and sand did money at their times) dont even remember all.

Vladimir my smith which i deleted had also russian name just because of Ivan i took that name for my smith.

Then i remade Felissa as an archer

Then Aliza its from one kids series came up with it because of my lil sister...
Alisa came by changing one letter...

And now my Evan the priest one letter change also...

So yeah simpler patterns in my names and never realy tried too hard when coming up with them ofcourse i could make up now last names if i wanted... i had few in my mind but i was too lazy to send rp story to gm and ask for change... but ill write here how i would have named my chars.

Ivan Nazarov
Felissa Windblade
Aliza Ghostbane
Alisa Ghostbane
Vladimir Nazarov

But cba they dont even sound so good...
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Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Post by Whitewolf »

Alexisonfire band = Alexis whitewolf
WoW book: day of the Dragon = Rohan Black
Tek Pluage rite = Calamity
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Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Post by Neku »

carlito bell - taco bell ;)
carlos demetario- had no idea so i googled random name :D
beerlow - wanted beer flow but for obvious reasons i couldn't :P
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Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Post by Arolith »

Whoa... You guys have simple naming processes compared to my retarded ways it seems. :D It takes me like 1-5 hours to come up with a good name.

Arolith Oceatlan - Had just seen a documentary about Arnold Scwarthzenegger ( o___O ? ) and decided my next character name would start with an A. Then I used those super RPG name generators that can be found all over the internet. After refreshing the page a couple of thousand times I saw a name that began with "Aro", the rest of that name was alright too, but not cool enough. After a few more thousand refreshes I found the ending, "lith". There were several other options, but those were the ones I chose in the end. The last name, Oceatlan, I came up with since I wanted it to sound a little like ocean, since at that time one of my most prized possessions was an ocean ostard. :D

Draech Adridrach - Don't even ask me about this one. I think it has something to do with those generators again, and a truckload of vodka. :P

Veyarn Eorlar - Using RPG name generators has altered my mind in a way that I'm able to come up with random syllables and combining them in a RPish manner. This was one of the easiest names I've had to come up with, somehow it just fit my archer from the start.
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Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Post by Akkarrin »

Akkarrin is a character from the black magician trilogy
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Re: So, how did you come up with that name?

Post by Nymphea »

Sukatai Suran's story - she was formerly named Ula. My first char ever, Ula the Noob. I made her long time ago and I mostly role played on her. After that I havent played for a long while (a year or more) and one day I decided to check my old account again and what I see? :shock: Someone made a necro and named her Ula and gm's made me change the name :roll: even if I had that name before the other did.
Sukatai Suran was just an option for her and I must say I really like it now :P

Amy Lee - I like name Amy (sounds so girly) and Lee ;) well i also like martial arts...
Some say from Evanscence singer but NOP, that wasnt the idea.

Robbie Quixton - gms changed it again. I scrolled the web in search of names and popped up with Leviathan :) wonder why they changed it :lol:

Nymphea - not nymphomaniac as I always have to listen from others :roll:
The name is a part of her story - she was found in woods by the lake etc, Nymphaea is a genus of aquatic plants in the family Nymphaeaceae. Just took off one A.
Suits for her, doesnt it?
Last edited by Nymphea on Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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