This if for Roleplay posts. Notes - meant only for single persons should be posted in the Roleplay stories / Personal letters section. Only In character posts are allowed, and no smilies.
Today i was hunting around abyss and someone from order of imperial came to me and asked me to leave for no reason...
Do you people think this is right?
After a while talking about the problem i said straight i had no reason to leave, and after that he just straightly attacked me.
I dont think this is acceptable from someone who should be keeping order in malas.
Sure, though I don't remember seeing your name on the message, it saddens me to see such disrespect toward life. I wish to tell you you may hunt anywhere within Felucca unharrassed.
As far as the Order of Imperial is concerned, unless they relinguish such idiots from their command, their beliefs, and their order will turn to dust.
Their time is numbered, and soon their order will be destroyed. Too long have they killed innocent citizens under their false pretenses and morbid idealistic tendencies.
If you lost anything in the encounter, send me a message to the Order of Law altar, and I will see if I can help you.
but i wont still allow this kind of "justice" from order of imperial
telling people to leave good hunting grounds with reason "its holy land" isnt acceptable to my ears
im forgiving person and i wont do anything if this was the last time you do this but if this continues
i wont be as forgiving as your god.
and to order of law
im thankful for your support i didnt lose a thing because that priest ran away pretty quickly after taking few hits
I'm also a citizen of Malas and I think Imperial only has one sacred place, which is the temple in Luna. If I enter the temple, I go there unarmored and without weapons as their rules state.
The places in which Imperial has control are Luna, Coldcreeps, Wildpoint, Gravewater Fort - and in Britannia, Moonglow.
Umbra is ruled by chaotic necromancers and lich lords - not Imperial. Drifter's plain has a couple of inhabitants too, but no ruler.
There is no definite "Malas-Britannia" division, because Imperial controls a part of Britannia, and a part of Malas is uncontrolled.
In reality, the Divide of Abyss island has nothing to do - in history or at the moment - with Lord British, Lord Blackthorn, Order of Law or Order of Imperial. With the exception that the two last mentioned may find it a great hunting place.
This morning i got this message probably from order of imperials priest
To reedeem yourself of your actions towards the empire, you will have to visit our temple and kneel before us, or else you shall be considerd and enemy when in malas and shall be dealt with
and this is my answer
I wont kneel down for fake gods of yours for no reason. Send apology message for me about your actions and i shall forgive you.
I havent done anything wrong on your land and you are making me enemy of yours, you shall pay for this sooner or later
Well, I start to believe Imperial has some issues, because anytime I go there (Abyss Island) hunting, there is someone from Imperial, and they may or may not blame me for:
- trying to cause bodily harm to them
- trying to cause financial loss to them
I'd love to see Law officers in Despise telling others how Law owns the lizardmen and others shouldn't hunt there.
Personally, there is a reason why I regular that island. When I was young, I was in the woods playing music with my friends with lutes and such. Suddenly an impaler and some skittering hoppers appeared. Some of my friends were killed, but I managed to escape due to my decent horseback riding skills. It was a traumatic experience for me and from that day I've sworn to slay any impaler and skittering hopper I encounter. I patrol the areas in which those hideous monsters are seen on a regular basis until the bitter end!
Oh yes please patrol more often! Me and my merry band of men would love to play with any of you. Eldaric by luck you got away from me, well mostly cause when I flipped the coin it landed in your favor, but none the less!
Law, it is your time to stone the evil guy who lured the ant warrior into your brave soldier causing a major catastrophe. And also remember to imprison for lifetime the guy whose name I don't remember, who killed a ratman while you were nearby - considering how you own the lizardman because it happened in Britannia and a crime was therefore committed.
Your senators need to show discipline to your auxilla and stop the madness going on in Britannia - Imperial society is like 1000 years before yours.
The Order of Law doesn't subject itself to vain rules, sir Eldaric.
If the Order of Imperial insists in slaining, or attempting to slain innocent people in Malas, there shall be no peace treaty between our orders.
On a more personal note, you are young and your goddess might have blessed you with power for some reason, yet that power doesn't give you the right to lie. You forget that your elders, people that have shed blood for that lost cause of yours long time ago, know the real facts because they were there, in the events you're trying to use as excuses. And they know you're lying with every filthy teeth that is left in that mouth.