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Post by Daemorth »

Sorry I've awoken from my drunken coma.
Any admin feel free to remove this topic.
Last edited by Daemorth on Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The staff.

Post by Melkor »

Private shards arent, and never were a democracy.

once you tell the head admin to fuck off, big chances are your getting a ban.
some players just couldnt handle it that they failed a macrocheck, its been seen before, nothing new here,
when you joined this shard, you accepted to play by its rules, no matter what they were, or how stupid they were, if anyone has got a problem with it, theyre free to leave anytime.

Re: The staff.

Post by Biggy »

Melkor wrote:Private shards arent, and never were a democracy.

once you tell the head admin to fuck off, big chances are your getting a ban.
some players just couldnt handle it that they failed a macrocheck, its been seen before, nothing new here,
when you joined this shard, you accepted to play by its rules, no matter what they were, or how stupid they were, if anyone has got a problem with it, theyre free to leave anytime.
Too true, shame though but all we can say is see you on pang 2 i guess.

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Re: The staff.

Post by Ernil »

One could onyl imagine what they were biggy o_O
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Re: The staff.

Post by Gutian »

Maybe some of you dont know but the staff is constituted by real people, so it is normal if you like some of them and you hate others and like humans they have the right to be wrong sometimes (not saying that is happening right now)...Now, making topics like this one, trying to make riots and leaving the shard because one of your friends was banned or decided to leave is just childish.

The situation with Alexis is sad, and maybe they could talk better in order to get a better solution or whatever. Now if you are just comming here to say "see ya in pang 2" or "bad bad GM´s!!!" just look for some part-time while pang 2 is off.

My point here is that there are several ways to solve (or to try to) the problems and maybe people just choose the wrong ways.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: The staff.

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Didn't really care much before, but now I start to like them.
Agen Kolar
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Re: The staff.

Post by Agen Kolar »

Darian Darkmind wrote:Didn't really care much before, but now I start to like them.
~ Heron Katsaros ~
Andrew De'lere
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Re: The staff.

Post by Andrew De'lere »

But yeah, not really got a problem with the staff, they're doing what they can with limited resources, yet from time to time act like retards, as do most people.
Last edited by Andrew De'lere on Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Misstake

Post by Alteran »

it realy easy to spread roumors , and to say that we are not doing a great job.
i agree totaly we could do better , but i do expect players to follow the rules , this is not the first time i caught him with this program , last time i just treated it as a normal marcrocheck and lowered him , but the same deal i send the marcrocheck , then i show up with in 2 min speak and chat with them , you then suddnly stop marcroing, and this is camping , so you can easy see that they stop marcroing , then it wait 2 min then it log off , he was in his house , means he has 15 sec log out , so he should have been long gone bye then .
the next thing i get blamed for not doing my job , i was looking for jam things and i found them , took me 3 hours last night , spoken to oomarie most of the night on ,gms .
alex and quintos had so many marks on there account that we had to delite the showen jail time to be able to ad new marks.
you normaly check players that has broken the rules , poilce do the same thing , and i can remember those 2 account name with out even have to look them up , then you know you spend too much time on those things.

Allways remember when you play here , you agree to the rules , and if you dont like by them you can get cought , and when you do , the best thing is to help the police so you get a lower sentence.
Calling any staff names or flaming them will bring bad things your way , i belive that if you flamed the old staff you end up with the same deal.
we have runned this shard for allmost a year now and we have permently jailed 3 players , i dont think that is totaly bad here.

Andrew De'lere
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Re: Misstake

Post by Andrew De'lere »

Apologies Alteran, it is however just the minority of the shard who're being complete cocks, i think the majority back you fully.
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