robbers and looting

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Robberes shut be alowed to loot

Poll ended at Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:00 pm

Nothing (Just do it for RP)?
Gold & gems?
Other things to (Hides, bones, regs and so on.)?
what they ask of the victim?
Everyting but magic cloth
Total votes: 27

Jam Rave
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Jam Rave »

Thats true.. its gonna ruin tailor/smith market all you need to do is save some money to buy one l33t armour and your never gonna lose it :D
Rohan Koht
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Rohan Koht »

Jam Rave wrote:Thats true.. its gonna ruin tailor/smith market all you need to do is save some money to buy one l33t armour and your never gonna lose it :D
It's gonna ruin the tailor/smith market that you're back too, but we've been quiet about it, haven't we?
Jam Rave
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Jam Rave »

Rohan Koht wrote:
Jam Rave wrote:Thats true.. its gonna ruin tailor/smith market all you need to do is save some money to buy one l33t armour and your never gonna lose it :D
It's gonna ruin the tailor/smith market that you're back too, but we've been quiet about it, haven't we?
hows that? :D
Kent Strider

Re: robbers and looting

Post by Kent Strider »

LoL@Rohan, your little group has a bowyer, tailor, and so forth. Never see you sell anything so I would guess you just help your own little group out, now THATS what helps destroy the economy right there.
Rohan Koht
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Rohan Koht »

Jam Rave wrote:hows that? :D
The wipe doesn't delete your old screw ups. :roll:

Kent Strider wrote:LoL@Rohan, your little group has a bowyer, tailor, and so forth. Never see you sell anything so I would guess you just help your own little group out, now THATS what helps destroy the economy right there.
My "little group" had a guild before the wipe and had several sales, as well as buyouts of raw stuff.
And if you check the IC forums well, you'd see I've sold recently potions, materials, ores and bandages. ;)
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Houston »

If the religions wouldnt be so harsh towards robbers and look it at a RP view for 100% then it would be even fun to be a robber.

But there is too poor roleplay on both sides, robbers and justice.

Re: robbers and looting

Post by Alteran »

if you keep getting so destrubed about, how the sales are going , then we can change it to 2 hit ,and the armour is destroyed would that help you ?.
I don´t see this as a problem , the more that playes here the more armours is needed , and i belive that all like to have some nice armour.
i my self have not had the time to hunt much ,since i became and admin, so for once i have no armour beside what i have found from mobs.
i see all this robbers thing as a bad excuse , because the things you rob is not destroyed at all, just placed in your boxes , and if they are destroyed, then it jail time for those that do.
When i ran masters of craft we had a full box of different armours , and yes they did get used, because some still die ,and lose all the things because it deacy , and our blacksmith was allways behind with the ores.
It like in the real world ,if there are too many of one kind, there will be some with out a job.
Just my 2 cents

Kent Strider

Re: robbers and looting

Post by Kent Strider »

But Alty its clear as day that tailors and smiths arent making gold man. Looting rules work fine for me like I said, but in the long run its going to kill the market. I completely understand people getting pissed about being robbed, like Houston says, in the past there has been bad robbers that don't roleplay at all, and thats just annoying. I used to like being robbed by certain people. they kept it entertaining and fun. Just sucks when people like Winter Vex and Abraham Warton were around, they didn't roleplay at all was just "Halt or dai!!!" I think if robbing were to go back to the way it was they would have to show exceptional roleplay or they couldn't loot anything.
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Houston »

Well, i think that robbers should be asking money from the foe, when he refuses to give the money then the robber is allowed to kill him, but not before the foe says "No" (meaning, whenever a player does not respond or move for 2 minutes, you are not allowed to attack him) - its just sick how it works, everything is being abused and that what i dislike most on pangaea.

Also, Order of Law shouldnt be too strict on their actions, more RP could be added for robbers. Longer roleplay than the fight - it sucks if you ask me.

I never liked PvP on pangaea, either a robber or law or just duel. Why? Inbalance between classes, weak roleplay.

Something could be changed, there aint any quests for merchants, only fighters and hunters.

Why not adding some more? I just came up with an idea.
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Mag'etherian »

Glad to see someone has the same thoughts that I do. Robberies aren't the only thing that causes you to lose your gear. I've mentioned it in a previous post and this here for instance:

Alteran wrote:
When i ran masters of craft we had a full box of different armours , and yes they did get used, because some still die ,and lose all the things because it deacy , and our blacksmith was allways behind with the ores.

Thank you Alteran.

I for one haven't even had time to begin saving up for anything that I might want. Because I am constantly spending it on merchants ever since I came back. I lost ALL of my characters during the 4 month setback. I still do not even own one GM skill. When I go out on a good hunt to gain my skills and such back, make profit, I probably lose around 4 or 5 armor class. What happens then, well I need new gear. There I am needing a merchant again and I wasn't even robbed. I don't like to just have my gear repaired, I want a brand new set. Right now the only items I'm using crafted by a merchant are 4 pieces. I'm still trying to save for I can get new gear, supplied by merchants. I don't even know how many times I've nearly lost my gear when hunting, but there was people around that could help me. Not always were they there though, I was just quick enough but it won't always be like that. I've lost gear lots of times hunting before the switch-over.

Kent Wrote:
LoL@Rohan, your little group has a bowyer, tailor, and so forth. Never see you sell anything so I would guess you just help your own little group out, now THATS what helps destroy the economy right there.
I'm not going to accuse anyone on this subject, but yes, if things like this happen, it does ruin the players economy.

Honestly people coming from playing MANY merchants in my life.. the merchant market will NOT, I repeat, NOT be destroyed if robbers are not permited to dryloot. All that does is cause more stress on top of things to some people, and a lot of us already get enough of it in real life. UO should be a place to get away from stress, not build more. I do however suspect that there are people with merchants that do help their characters or friends of theirs at least a little. Hell I've done it before myself, but not on Pangaea as I don't even play a merchant on here. ;-) But there were times that I couldn't even play any other character I had except for my blacksmith, because every day I would have people ordering gear out the whazu, and there weren't even people playing robbers. If you all think that the merchant economy is dieing, then maybe this shard is too easy. Maybe characters are too powerful, or monsters are too weak. I don't know, just throwing that out there.


Since a lot of you want to use the robbery rules as a reason for the merchant market losing out. Well what about people who are/were constantly robbed and can't afford new gear due to that? That's not helping the merchant market any at all. Taken from the way the rules were previous. Not everyone thinks or plays their characters the same as everyone. So if we did allow drylooting, people would abuse it. Rules were broken before. Let's just save the hassel and let things play out the way they are. When we grow more in numbers, the merchant market will pickup. You don't need to be making millions every day.
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