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Re: debate

Post by Ricardus »

Yeah yeah, powning you was the only goal we had in those days loool
Rather you like it or not, we all part of the game. And Teks only exist because of the other religions, if they disapear Teks has no place in this server. Currently they're trying to take Imperial place in the game, daoing everything they did befose, but using other means atm, because Imp can't plaque, etc.
ImageSTFU Noob!!
Boris wrote:Don't worry, we're not here to kill baseclass, it's Telboreas duty.
- Boris
Kent Strider

Re: debate

Post by Kent Strider »

I feel like the only two truly worthwhile religions are probably Law and Tekstone. Nature is a weird very hypocritical religion if you ask me.
aldath c'om
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Re: debate

Post by aldath c'om »

Boris wrote:1) Malas came out in 2007'ish. Not seven years ago
- Boris
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Ultima Online: Age of Shadows was an expansion released February 11, 2003
New landmass – Malas
in pangaea malas is new thing. but that aint gonna lure anyone here when u call it unique or new. they cant see how it looks before they find it themselves. at least i wouldnt bother to create account and run to that "unique" malas, which was made 7 years ago, where you have added some decos and dungeons from samurai empire expansion.
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Re: debate

Post by Boris »

Malas in general came earlier, yes.

With our current playerbase it would be ideal to have only two religion. Good guys vs. bad guys... but ofcourse, shutting down 50% of the religions is too much.

- Boris
Last edited by Boris on Fri May 28, 2010 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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aldath c'om
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Re: debate

Post by aldath c'om »

then it would be kool to keep tek and nature as they are natural enemies.
Kent Strider

Re: debate

Post by Kent Strider »

Law and Tek are also natual enemies, so bad example. If only two religions were to stay it should be Law and Tekstone, Nature is too queer :P

If Imperial gets shut down I will be the only one needing a religion transfer, if I am even allowed that is.
aldath c'om
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Re: debate

Post by aldath c'om »

if u shut down nature as well wtf i am supposed to do then?

move some spawns from malas to spots in fel that are empty. but dont make areas overspawned.
Kent Strider

Re: debate

Post by Kent Strider »

Lol, you would do the same as me more than likely...Doesn't that seem logical?
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Re: debate

Post by Ricardus »

Well if you put things that way, i realy would love to see nature join law and imp join teks lol (or both join us... but logicaly Imp should join teks cause imp are enemies of law and nature are law's allies). That's goint to be realy fun to watch :D
Now seriously... I agree with it, it's hard to see one or two religions just disapear like that, but if it's for the good of the server i vote yes.
And you guys may choose what religion you wana be transfered to, in case of Imp and Nature be dismanteled. Personaly i get along with anyone :D so all is fine by me, now it's up to you guys and the staff.
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Boris wrote:Don't worry, we're not here to kill baseclass, it's Telboreas duty.
- Boris
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Re: debate

Post by Quintoz »

Imp should not join tek cuz tek dun want Imps.
My logic is great.

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