3/20/11 Clean Looting

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Do you want clean looting on Pangaea again?

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Re: 3/20/11 Clean Looting

Post by Mike »

When you've actually fought a few battles with full gear and no dryloot, you''ll come to appreciate what looting does for PVP.
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Re: 3/20/11 Clean Looting

Post by Mag'etherian »

Not really. You know how long I've played UO? I started back when it first came out and have played it ever since, on and off. I've played every roll, every class, tons of shards. Different RPs. Both good and bad, with drylooting and no looting. The real days of UO was where people enjoyed encountering others to RP with in a social way or go hunting with, or talked to one another before and during combat and after, not caring about looting. I never have and never will enjoy looting, period. Coming from a guy who's played both good and evil, and killed many people before. As for merchants getting more business? There's a reason merchants aren't getting any business from at least 3 of us who play on Pang. It's simply too slow aquiring gold as a beginner. When you try to harvest the Brittain fields, you get killed. As my brother did yesterday by some guy claiming whoever the name was owned the fields. (Baseclassed, my bro was btw.)

Oh and another thing, when you finally make it to class, you still need to do much much hunting before you can aquire enough gold for better then crap gear to go hunting with to make better gold. Hunting orcs, lizardmen, ettins, trolls etc is very boring and trash loot. =P It's very frustrating when a high skilled character comes and claims all your crap gear leaving you with nothing, nor having the cash to get anything else without harvesting fields you may only get killed at.

Maybe we need more challenging creatures that people take a high chance of losing their gear when hunting them so merchants can rejoice and have more business? :) I don't know, can't say I've had the pleasure of being able to hunt those high-end mobs after losing my account to inactivity and needing a new one made. If we already have such mobs though, then why are merchants losing business? Nobody wants to lose their gear on them? Well people like me for one also hate losing gear. The playerbase is also a big issue for merchants. We need more players for the economy, simply put.

Anyways I'm going to stop here. I don't mean to argue with anyone. I'm only trying to state my opinion and express my feelings about this whole topic. When I play on a server that states it's an RP based, but allows PvP/PK, I only expectthe majority of people who play are here for the RP, and less about killing everyone and looting their things. Stop using merchants as an excuse btw. :P That's not the true reason you all love to dryloot people.
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Re: 3/20/11 Clean Looting

Post by Andoriel »

Fang-Qui Droma, loosing your gear to someone else allso was a motivation in this game. You tried to be better, make friends with other stronger groups, and climb your way up to on the latter. It forced you to socialize with other people. This competition differentiated uo from rest of the idiot approved mmo games out there.
For example I remember constantly challenging Armageddon glory in britain grave yard, risking loosing my gear so i can get better at pvp. It was exciting, it gave me reason to play. Rp is good and all that but what made uo special was that there was something for everyone. Honestly I just started replaying pang so i will be around for a while, but when i hit the point "been there done that" once again, there will not be a good pvp challenge that will keep me playing this game.
That being said, a big YES from me.
Kent Strider

Re: 3/20/11 Clean Looting

Post by Kent Strider »

The rush you used to get from maybe losing your gear. The heart rate doesn't really go up these days knowing I won't lose anything important.
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Re: 3/20/11 Clean Looting

Post by Glarundis »

Kent Strider wrote:The rush you used to get from maybe losing your gear. The heart rate doesn't really go up these days knowing I won't lose anything important.
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Re: 3/20/11 Clean Looting

Post by Ernil »

Glarundis wrote:
Kent Strider wrote:The rush you used to get from maybe losing your gear. The heart rate doesn't really go up these days knowing I won't lose anything important.


Its what makes pvp better in ultima from any other shitty mmo.
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Re: 3/20/11 Clean Looting

Post by Mag'etherian »

To a player who chooses PvP over PvM, the heart rate and such might not be as good. Although to me, the heart rate comes from the fight itself, wondering if I'll win or lose. I don't care if I can full loot somebody since I am not all about the items. I just like the victory. I've never really been a big PvP maniac though, if I was than I would play on a pure PvP server. I choose personally to PvM and that's where my rush comes from. But the fact that once I'm in class and losing all my income from hunting will only make it that more difficult to achieve that rush again. So I may not lose my weapon or armor, but I'll lose all my gold and gems and potions which will only require more risking to get the money for. So in the end it will only appear like I'm playing the game to feed the greed. Which is going to make getting to a suitable level to match everyone else that much harder and you'll always be killing a noob. Congratulations, you got skillz! =P

I like to dungeon crawl and take on hard monsters knowing full well that I may lose my gear, but that's where my rush comes from. Taking on the higher-up challenges PvM offers. Chances are I won't be losing as much in PvM that I will be in PvP which makes losing gear tolerable. I can choose to go hunt dragons, giants or the other higher-up monsters or I can decide to hunt lesser creatures that still pose a threat but will most likely end up dieing. In all my years playing Ultima, I've never had any luck what-so-ever in finding items of value. The most profit I normally end up with is from the gold aquired during a hunt. We've got religions that oppose eachother, we've got the opportunity to toggle war between guilds, there's tons of PvP opportunity out there without needing to rob 3-5k from a low skilled player. What mostly ends up happening is you're aquiring chump change. If a player chooses to quit because they can't get anywhere on the server since they're being killed and robbed every day multiple times does not make them any lesser of a worthy person for playing here IMO. But that 3-5k may have taken that player over an hour to aquire where it only takes you moments to get.

I remember the first year of Pangaea's existance. The playerbase was amazing. Honestly I didn't have an issue with PvP/Robbery back then since we had a ton of people playing. So there was enough for everyone to be happy. Pure PvM or PvP / PKing. There was more players to do everything with. Now we've got 32 at the most online at one time that I've seen. However I do see how things can get boring for those who play the killers on Pangaea. You've played a long time, stayed active and never lost your accounts or have had a long time to train your chars. That may be your crave in the game now that you've achieved what you wanted. When I first started on Pang when it first came out there was no fear of being killed or robbed by players. You could hunt for end-progression without some other player coming up to you and taking all your gold, or gems or what-not. People were training for high-end stuff whatever purpose they played Pang for peacefully. Although maybe there was less encounters for people (like me) since there was so many players back then. Everyone was friendlier and more respectful. Anyway I'm not going to continue with this. I don't see it going anywhere and I need to go make a fire to get the house warmed up!

All in all best of luck to Pangaea and it's players / staff. I'm not trying to step on peoples toes or make anyone angry. I'm merely stating my personal opinion. See you all in game.

P.S: Yeah.. I read a post something about people should start hunting down people to come back to Pang. I wish that would work, but most old school players have moved on to new things. Family, kids, jobs requiring too much time, or new games / adventures probably. I might try and track down some old schoolers though. If my old ICQ will work! >< I've so far got my two brothers playing here and one of them got his fiance. :P
Kent Strider

Re: 3/20/11 Clean Looting

Post by Kent Strider »

Either that or your just afraid you yourself would get looted...As most people will truthfully at least state they don't wanna lose their own gear, which I respect much much more than a round about way of saying the people that want dryloot are greedy, when in fact it seems the ones that do not want it may be the greedy ones.
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Re: 3/20/11 Clean Looting

Post by Mag'etherian »

What I said is what I mean. Simple. If I didn't care so much about what I wrote than I wouldn't have wrote such a long reply. I stated my way of playing and what I like, if you still want to pick at things than that's your issue. Now I'll ignore anything un-productive.
Kent Strider

Re: 3/20/11 Clean Looting

Post by Kent Strider »

So, you use a long paragraph to make yourself seem smart. When in reality all you did was call people that wanted drylooting greedy. The only un-productive thing here is you. I did the same thing as you did, except I did it in one short sentence.