The Treacherous Johnny Walac

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Kat Asherstone
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The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Post by Kat Asherstone »

*waking early in the morning outside the bar, having obviously been thrown out the night before, most likely for being lude, Kat stretches and walks around a bit and sets to the task at hand*

*Jumping onto the edge of the fountain outside the bank she dips her leg and skims the cool water with her toes, splashes some water on her face then pulls out of her bag a bottle of wine and her special drinking glass, this is after all, a special occasion*

Listen all Brittanians, It is known that this man Johnny Walac is not to be trusted, He has turned is back on the Order of Law in order to usher in a new era he claims, In reality you are fools to not see through the charade, he has blinded you with the fury of mercenaries. He and he alone is responsible for the Talborean attacks on the city, because without them he could not ask for an election. He like most men saw that he was unable to stand in the shadow of greater men and so he see's to bring them down to his level, he has asked us, no, demanded through this coercion that we oblige him and give power to him rather than the rightful king.

Ask yourself this when you go about your business this day.

Do I want someone for a King that will turn their back on the people as they have their religious beliefs?
Religion is not for all the people of the land, but to claim a life devoted to a religion and to reject your own faith, is surely a sign this man will reject the peoples as quickly as his faith.

Do not trust this Johnny Walac, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing nipping at the fragile heels of our country while it is at war with a foreign nation, he attempts to pray on the people as though they WERE sheep.

Are you a sheep?

*With that Kat gets off the fountain takes a drink from it and spits it on the ground*

That is for Johnny Walac and all the treachery he has brought to this land
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Johnny Walac
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Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Post by Johnny Walac »

*Soon after Johnny returned from the trip to save Britain he heard of the latest speech. He looked around the citizens of Britain and felt sorrow. Someone was trying to fool them. Trick them not to reach for peace. He shouted to gather the crowd*

I have heard there are rumors that my cause is not pure nor noble. I assure you my intentions are for the people! While this drunk tried to bring me down I fought to save Britain against the giants. I fought alongside people like yourself in order to save our families and friends. Tell me is that not noble? Is that not for the greater good? Do not listen to this wretch and its poisonous words. Its mind is wicked and its tongue is foul. It will only spread war and death. The wretch clearly do noes want me in the power in order to make peace. It want you all killed. So listen friends! Together we shall beat down people like that. Together we can beat them!

Kent Strider

Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Post by Kent Strider »

My name is Holger Pious, old bard of the lands. Now I will say this, I have met the man Johnny Walac and I believe this to be a good and honorable man. I will vote for him in the coming election.
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Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Post by Vaux27 »

I was told these people fought alongside each other, while you spread your propaganda during battle. Their weapons wielded more so beside our noble High Priest of Imperial, Ondoher.

A skewed perception indeed it would seem, but with myself not being present I cannot speak on these matters personally.

- Camerest Vaux
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Johnny Walac
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Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Post by Johnny Walac »

The hounds of Esuna, those who took a town and killed innocent citizens. I vow to destroy you all. I shall fight you until the end. I shall liberate the people of Ocllo and Moonglow from your grasp. I shall not let you take Britain and kill its citizens. The Britannian Blood Guard shall strangle Esuna until her last foul breath, her body shall be sent to the abyss for eternal suffering. I hate Imperial for what you did to Britain so long ago. And I tell you now, we have not forgotten. From the innocent blood spilled that day. The guard have risen. Risen to protect and serve. Your reign of destruction shall soon come to an end.

Johnny Walac
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Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Post by Gutian »

So if I understand correctly, It is a reign of more blood and battles that you wanna bring to the people of Britain.
Am i right? Or or the wine is distorting my ideas already?
Let´s just drink together and forget the battles and the blood will

Signed. A drunk and concerned citizen
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Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Post by Mike »

What you don't understand is that Esuna and the Order of Imperial wages war on Britannia, and will continue until they are defeated. Their conquests of Moonglow and Occlo speak of their desire to make us their slaves. The choice to avoid death and bloodshed does not exist, but we can chose whether it ends in our triumph or our destruction.

Gaius Lucretius
The Britannian Blood Guard
Kat Asherstone
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Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Post by Kat Asherstone »

* walking through the woods Kat runs across the towncryer from earlier and stops him*

"Didn't we meet earlier this day? Wait, was it last night? I didn't..."

"No! Disgusting wretch, what do you want?"

"Any word of this Johnny Walac?"

* the cryer fills Kat in on the details of the recent rhetoric*

"Well surely he jests to think that doing things for the kingdom is anything to brag about, we all do our share for the kingdom, and why has he simply skipped over his leaving the religion?"

"I don't know, why would I know that, you are a daft woman aren't you?"

"You must be daft to not see the snake in the grass for what he is, He shows his true color when he shows his ability through force alone, it is by force he seeks to gain the throne by actions that gain him favor, it is by action he will hold the throne by tyranny! To claim that a messenger of the people seeks to harm them is quite odd for someone that claims themselves noble, he seeks out any and all that he can turn the people against, the Talboreans, Bards of the land, The king himself, he even refers to people as things in the reference of it, what kind of monster would stoop so low? He shows his true colors and seeks to make people into sheep, in his own words he seeks to turn the people against one of it's own for the sake of his blessed crown, the one he will never get"

*Kat pulls out her bottle of wine and glass and takes a sip, turning the glass to the cryer*


*in disgust the cryer walks away trying to remember what babbling she had made*
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Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Post by Haley »

Haley wonders through town and overhears a drunken woman talking with the town crier. She listens intently once hearing Johnny Walac's name.

"Pardon me miss. I overheard you talking to that man over there about Johnny Walac. He came up to me today and asked if I would support him and vote for him for something or other.
I told him that I couldn't support him until I saw his words put to actions.
What I don't get is why he doesn't go after Tekstone. They seem more deserving of retaliation than Lord British or the people of Imperial. I mean if his intentions are to rid the land of killers of innocent citizens, wouldn't they be more fitting of penance than the people of Imperial or Law?
Don't you agree? Miss? Miss....?
I think she passed out..."
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Re: The Treacherous Johnny Walac

Post by Gutian »

But people fail to realize that, on one side and the other, they just want to get rich and kill! Each one invents different reasons, but the goal is the same! Beware citizens, They are looking for power and only that!!

Beginning to feel sorry for the thieves that to feed their familis are forced to steal whatever they can.

Signed. A lost voice in the middle of the citizens
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