Natures Attack

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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Bruce »

the old man kicking a stone aroung in the courtyard... mumbling to himself.. and looks what has been written...

Dear Mr Alverena

From this painting i see why this lady would hide from your men... Quinta robe seems to have the colour of that group of bandits...
But it seem Mr Walac is enough of a reason to hide from.... Also you let your members to chase down any person who walks into your town... carrying heavy weapons... are you sure your town is free...?

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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Simmo »


If you are really looking for proofs. I have evidences that indicate Johnny Walac and Alus Vitellus were first on the scene. They tracked Her down but when they found her she tried to hide.
Quinta arrived later.

Akkarrin, if she was on her way to help friends, why did he hide from my members?

Simmo Alverena
The Headpriest of Nature
Kent Strider

Re: Natures Attack

Post by Kent Strider »

Just as the other officers said, Yew is Natures, and only Yew. Don't bring it to Britain and expect us to let Law be your bitch. Secondly, what makes everyone so entirely sure Rosita is a spy?

~Kent Strider, Guardian of Law
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Re: Natures Attack

Post by KrondorZuula »

After a long day, and being attacked several times by Natures member Johnny Walac, and their ally Quinta. Orin has convinced me to travel to Yew with him to speak with the Head Priest and deal with the current issues..

John L
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Re: Natures Attack

Post by John L »

*John reading board and starts to ponder: Can it be...?? Dennac or something evil has corrupted Nature.. Can it be??*
*John takes pen and starts to write*

What is this maddness? Since when Order Of Nature was so hostile against any god greated living creature?
You should protect life not destroy it.

John Longfall
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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Glarundis »

I don't know where does their holy power come from. But I'm not entirely sure it comes from Gaea. And to think I was part of them just recently.
Gaea shall win this battle. But winning this battle doesn't mean defeating the now enemies of the Order of Nature. Winning this battle means uncorrupting the souls of those that claim to be the Order of Nature.

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Re: Natures Attack

Post by Glarundis »

How can Johnny and Alus not be in a prison already? Everywhere they go, every religion they're in, it's the same old story.

-a citizen
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