Corpses walking

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Iru Kandji
Posts: 51
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 2:06 am

Corpses walking

Post by Iru Kandji »

*the day of hallows eve has arrived and Iru looks for new corpses to fillet*

the voices inside of him demanded blood for the night of the dead and they were incessantly demanding more and more. he was powerless to stop them, for all his might and bravery, he had been hopelessly possessed by some evil none could fathom nor cared to indulge to learn. the voices demanded blood and when his master pulled the string, he sprang into action.

the death of many had occurred this night, but he knew that between his telborean kings demands and that of the voices that demented him into such a bloodthirsty frenzy, he would probably never see an end to this carnage, what scared him most, a part of him was beginning to enjoy it. it wouldn't be long before his sanity was all but gone and the voices took him over forever.

the lawyers of the land, sat high in their bricked house with the other miscreants of civilization. he hated them their lofty perch. death will come for them all, the few that had fallen under his blade would know similar fates again and again and again (Akkarin, Orin, Azrael, Lionell, Sebastian, Nerlya Etril etc.) the heads he collected would please somebody, and he hoped soon he would find a place of community to channel his anger into. the king had not shown himself at all lately and the taxes were beginning to pile up, he required a signal soon or else he would soon become a lone psychotic deranged madman. . . *you are ours and you shall learn to be at home deary!* the voices continued to taunt him.

Hear ye, the taxes need paying and they are soon to be collected! Remember to pay or meet a similar fate like the lawyers of Britain and the innocents they are incapable of protecting! I attacked your precious city with a fallen brother and slayed many, your guards were powerless to protect them just as they will be powerless to protect you all whom evade the taxes! Forever Telborea, long live our king and lord!

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