Pet issue...

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Pet issue...

Post by jalabar »

So, I have been here on Pangaea a couple of weeks, and really like this shard. It seems like a lot of thought has gone into the classes. I know I played on a lot of servers where, frankly, blacksmiths and leatherworkers and bowyers were useless, because the lowest looted magic was much better than the crafted goods. It seems some thought has gone into that here, which is commendable.

However, I do have one issue with pets. Let me start by saying that I have issues with my computer overheating and shutting down. When I first started, before I joined the Bowyers, I was levelling taming to get a mount. While doing this, I tamed a flock of ravens. I had just fed them when my computer shut down. I logged back in to find all four had gone feral. Later, I had bought a packhorse, and the same thing happened. I fed him, then disconnected. When I logged back in, my packhorse had gone wild. Luckily someone was nice enough to retame him and give him back to me, so I promptly stabled him. But the last straw was the other day, when it happened with my mount while I was crafting. And now that I have joined the bowyers, I no longer have the ability to retame my mount. To whoever tamed Tanner in Skara Brae, thanks for taking him off the streets.

So, I find now that it is best that I don't have a mount, which I find very disappointing. Not sure what the answer is, but mounts are too expensive for me to keep buying a new one if they are going to go wild when well-fed any time I lose conn. I am already disappointed that I can not use pack animals for fear that a fully loaded, well-fed one will go wild on me.

My solution would be to make taming a penalty skill, not a denied one. At least that would fix the issue with my mount. Wouldn't bother me so much if I could retame him. Or remove the ability for pets to go wild. Another solution... increase the number of mounts available on NPCs and drop the cost to 1/10th of current. Whatever the solution, this issue is definitely detracting from my ability to enjoy the game. I want to ride.
Character - Damelion Cormier: bowyer, woodsman, and citizen of Skara Brae.
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Re: Pet issue...

Post by Wolfie »

Haha yeah I understand how frustrated you are. But personally I think the current mount system is fine as you don't have to fed them to often.

I think the problem lies more in your computer because you are saying that you have just fed the pet then it goes wild when you can log back on. But the thing is I figure a horse gets hungry maybe every 30min, so try lowing some of the settings on your system so it doesn't overheat. ( I know on min I have a high performance and entertainment setting, high performance wasn't worth it imo) Also if you claim that this is to much money just for UO, I mean like if its always over heating just buy some more fans or look into liquid cooling.
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Re: Pet issue...

Post by Mike »

I've not encountered this problem in my years of playing. Anyone else been hit by animals roaming when you lose connection?
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Re: Pet issue...

Post by Glarundis »

Steeds on npc's are there so that you can buy them in case there are no player tamers around.
But they are that costly because if they were as cheap as you want them to be, no one would buy horses from tamers anymore.
You can buy horses from a tamer at like 400-500gp and llamas are even cheaper (atleast considering the last sale i've seen).

Pets go wild because, well, that's just how the game is, if they are not fed they go wild. perhaps something could be done like, if they are hungry they suck in battle, and if really hungry they'll die in one hit. so horses wouldn't roam, but it would be better to have them fed.

If you have problems with your pc i'd suggest getting it fixed anyway, because the problem only happens because of your pc and not because of pangaea :P
and with that problem, you'll have greater trouble if you use fighters or magic users chars, and are on hunts/pvp
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Re: Pet issue...

Post by jalabar »

OK, like I said several times, these animals were all fed. In fact, the packhorse I had fed literally seconds before I lost conn. So, it has absolutely nothing to do with the animals being hungry.

And yes, I understand why the NPC tamers are expensive, and I have no problem with paying them, or player tamers, if my animals will stay tame when they are well-cared for. However, this is not the case. All of my animals have been well-cared for and gone wild anyway. My computer overheating is not the issue. The issue is that, I feed animals, log out for whatever reason, log back in moments later and the animal is wild.

And I gather from the responses that I'm going to get no help with the matter, so I guess I just go mountless, or find another server that doesn't have this issue. I did play on another server where mounts could only go wild while being ridden, which seems better than this. It also allowed players to keep their mounts in stables, which is a much more realistic way to keep them RPly. That server is no longer operational.

I feed myself, I feed my animal. As soon as the blue message appears that I am no longer stuffed, I feed myself, I feed my animals. Always. This is what I did when these animals went wild.
Character - Damelion Cormier: bowyer, woodsman, and citizen of Skara Brae.
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Re: Pet issue...

Post by Wolfie »

The thing is no one else has this problem. You can buy Ethereal Mounts from a player and they are never hungry so they won't randomly roam on you. And you keep saying you log/your computer overheats, how long are you actually off line for? Because it must be quite awhile if pets are roaming on you.
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Re: Pet issue...

Post by Glarundis »

in here, you'll automatically feed them if you're riding them (and have food for them). if you're walking, it'll appear a message saying they are hungry. no need to feed them all the time you're hungry. also, if you're "dropping" food on them that they don't like to eat, it's no good :P
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Re: Pet issue...

Post by Biggs »

welcome to pang :)

best solution to this untill you fix the over heating problem is etheral steeds or obsidian steeds (these can be brought froma tinker)
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Re: Pet issue...

Post by Daren Priesten »

lol i feel bad for you maybe when you log off its like you abandoned the pet and it goes wild I think that's how the system is..I'd hate that to happen for a dragon! But possibly look into ethereal / tinkered steed maybe a nice tinker will hook you up with a fair price!
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Re: Pet issue...

Post by jalabar »

Well, it happened again... this time is wasn't my computer overheating, it was an internet blip. I was offline for less than 5 minutes. I dismounted in front of the bank, fed my mount, walked into the bank. I was in there a few minutes and was walking back out when I disconnected. I reconnected 3 minutes later and my mount was wandering. So, there is a white horse named Mary wandering Skara Brae, if anyone wants her. And I'll just avoid mounts until I can get a crafted one.

For the record, this doesn't happen ever time I DC, it seems rather random. It would seem to be a glitch, but since it doiesn't seem to affect anyone else, I'll just deal with it.
Character - Damelion Cormier: bowyer, woodsman, and citizen of Skara Brae.
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