Robbing isn't broken

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Robbing isn't broken

Post by regdab »

You go solo you cant kill shit in pvm as a blue guy, it takes a while to make money
You go solo on a red, you kill some newbs rolling in vamp bone, you whine cuz you only get vamp

Grow balls and kill people worth something, go in a group and take out a group like we do in dungeons to take out monsters worth something.
Or take on someone who isn't someone freshly classed. I know players with decent play time don't roll around in vamp bone
with a lunar maul.

I'm sick of the whining for not getting 400k when you kill someone. With that logic, I'm angry that the trolls near wind don't get me rich when I go there too. That doesnt mean that troll hunting is just too hard and isn't worth it.

The bottom line

Just because you cant loot 100,000+ gold worth of gear from everyone you rob doesn't mean that robbing is broken.
Last edited by regdab on Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Jon »

Where did this come from?
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Milkbags »

Wherever it came from, its truth indeed and wise words have been spoken this day.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Did you ever stop to think that the reason some of these robbers around here go around being "lame" robbing everyone out of all the junk, is because robbing the "rich" players doesn't really give you any better loot. Or well, sure it might give you better armours but the risks aren't worth it. If clothes etc. were actually lootable, I'm sure most of the robbers would focus hunting down hunting-groups instead of single lone-newbies in their vampire bones and lunar weapons.

At least that's how we did it with Nox back in the days. Robbing a newbie was a waste of our time and would only fill our chests with junk.

The bottom line is, if you can only loot shit, then don't be surprised when the shit is looted from everyone, newbs and veterans a like.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by regdab »

I carry 10 mauls, a few 1 handed weapons and some bardices, a few of them being elite
nicer armor, and str jewels of perfect quality.

not to mention all the other assortment of semi valuable potions and whatnot.

You said it though, do be put at a higher risk you want 10 times the loot.

So if you aren't willing to go for the full potential, don't complain that it isn't there.

Its like saying Dungeon loot sucks, because when i clear despise i dont make much. Sure i could go with a harder dungeon. But its not worth it.

Also i never said it was lame to rob newbies. The way it is done these days is pretty lame though.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Darian Darkmind »

If I'm not mistaken you can't loot potions... only weapons, jewels and armours.

Anyway, I do understand where this is all coming from, but a simple fix for it would be full looting. The problem would fix itself. We didn't have these kind of problems back in the day except in some few rare cases.

Alteran's lead made you all too comfortable to be ready to take the risk.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Uzriel Raven »

That makes no sense Darian. Your group happens upon a player with basic armor and weapons. He dies, you loot said gear, run away, store it, and never use it. What's been accomplished? Nothing, aside from ruining a player's day/night. Robbing has always been risky, nothing's changed. The guy's right, this current generation of robbers.. They lack substance. They're not robbing to make money at that point, they're doing it to screw with people. If you can't take down people with similar gear, the problem is with you, the robber.

When a group of robbers is stupid enough to kill everyone and loot crappy gear all the time, people realize they're better off always wearing crap. If the robbers actually showed that they valued their time and only went after people with better gear, people would eventually get cocky and wear better gear.

After all.. when you're constantly buying basic gear all the time, it's hard to save up for better gear.

It's all pointless though. If the current robbers keep on robbing anyone in the manner they do, we will never be able to have drylooting ever again. It's a fact, they're not responsible enough for that kind of power.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Aznar »

Imo robbing should be allowed with full looting.
A major part of the excitement of Pangaea has and always will be the danger of risking your items.

That being said, I think that robbers should pay a LOT more attention to their roleplay and not be greedy sons of b****** all the time.

*noob with crappy gear is hunting in despise*
*robber shows up*
Robber: Halt!
Noob: uh oh...
Robber: I can see that you are hunting in my dungeon.
Noob: Is it yours? I didn't see a sign at the entrance
Robber: Yet it is my dungeon.
Noob: So?
Robber: The law says that you have to pay a toll in order to hunt here.
Noob: What law?
Robber: My law.
Noob: I'm not gonna pay you!
Robber: Yes you are.
Noob: No way!
Robber: Yes way. If you don't, I will take much more than the few gold pieces in your pocket, including your life.
Noob: .... alright, it seems I have no choice. But I don't have much.
Robber: You've been in my dungeon for an hour now. If you can't at least give me 1000 gold, I will settle for that crappy armor of yours and you may consider yourself lucky.
Noob: *sighs* alright
*both robber and noob leave dungeon alive*

In practice it will rarely go this way, I know that. But if we all spend a bit more time talking in stead of rushing into a fight, it would change the shard in a positive way.

Fact: as a robber you cause fear to people outside cities.
Fact: as a robber you have a hard life because you can't go to cities and your only friends are your co-robbers
Fact: lots of people wander around wearing crappy gear, in a big part because there are so many robbers around
Fact: people wearing good gear are never alone and hunt in groups so they can at least defend themselves better against robbers should they show up
Fact: if robbers wouldn't rob everyone totally dry every time, people would start wearing better gear and more expensive items, because they can afford to buy it and because they fear robbers a bit less. This would make being a robber more worthwhile.
Fact: too greedy robbers or robbers who kill noobs just for the kill, take their stuff and store it to never use it again are not robbers but griefers

Back in the day when we were robbing people as BoP, we rarely drylooted people (even though it was still allowed then). We would let people get away with at least part of their gear, so they can return to hunting sooner and buy better gear with the earnings of that hunt. If you harvest your grapes too soon every time, they will never ripe. Besides, what's the challenge in robbing noobs? If you manage to rob / kill an experienced player, there will be more satisfaction and probably better loot too.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Darian Darkmind »

I agree with Aznar. I'd rather rob from the rich and keep for myself. It's a lot more fun and challenging. But I can understand why some of the robbers do it the other way with the current set of rules.

Robbers very rarely use the gear they rob, it's either sold back to the owner or it is left in the house to dust... and then due to inactivity the house will decay and tens of millions of worth of items decay like what happened with Nox houses back in the days. Thus Nox did help fixing, or at least maintain some sort of economic balance!

Also Aznar, yes it would be nice to have that kind of robberies, but we both know the victim either run or is too scared to actually RP with us and the conversation leads nowhere. Which is also why I'd rather rob experienced players as they might not completely freeze upon seeing a red name asking for your items.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Monad »

Currently the situation is that it's easier for reds than it was in Repsak's days, but same time they don't have as much to gain by robbing because of the looting rules. As Boris have stated previously we are slowly moving away from what the situation was for long time in Alteran's day (no looting at all basicly). Next step would be to extend the looting rules from what we have now, but also make reds life harder (boost to wrong, stoning back without restrictions etc).