Robbing isn't broken

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Kent Strider

Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Kent Strider »

Johnny Walac wrote:I wonder why people think robbing is the only kind of PvP that has to do with the economy/looting.
Quoted for truth.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Glarundis »

i think that we need to progress to drylooting even though i find it very risk with this playerbase.
but then i'm hoping that life does get harder for robbers, stoning included. i would also like to see stoning between religions too. also, i don't understand why must tekstone be always seen as helping goes beyond me.
i don't see any reason at all for stoning between religions being forbidden right now. part of gaining strength over the enemy can come through stone. and that's what religions want, to be stronger than others. also, if you get stoned, it's a minor inconvenience, you can get unstoned by your religion..
it's like with malediction, if there was a way (from the old rites page, abjuration or smth like that used to work for that, even thought i think it didn't actually work?) to take away all its effects (so that malediction would never be permanent), why shouldn't we be allowed to cast it? permanent skill loss is bad, but temporary skill loss is ok..
anyway, about robbing, i agree with what the staff will try to do (according to what monad said)
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Mike »

I think robbing is fine too. I was never in it for the items, it's all about building up the Kingdom and bringing the pain to those don't join up. Taking gear is merely the tool that gives intimidation meaning.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Glarundis »

right right..
all for the kingdom! just a question. are you sharing that with your "citizens"? :P

and damn you mike, i just ventured into your "truth" link. my world shall never be the same nooooooooooooo
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Bella Pious
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Bella Pious »

Ok, I had been reading this post and I had no idea what everyone was talking about until today.

So this is what you guys been talking about? The new style of robbery?

I was in a Britain house with a new baseclass friend ig who started playing just few days ago, chattering. There was a guard outside the house, the door was not locked. THen we saw this "red" character running around the house which made the guard went nuts. Instead of running out of the door, we sat in the house trying to act like a person ig who couldn't of course see the red name. We didn't even tried ".mayday" because obviously he hadn't started robbery yet. He kept on running in circle of the house, making the guard running inside out, upstairs and downstairs. It was beyond my understanding why he must rob this way. After around 20 seconds of such running, and I honestly didn't think this made any sense, We started teleport. He dashed in, said "HALT!" then dashed out of the door and ran behind the house because of the guard. When we try to recall again, he came in and killed both of us inside the house.

//picture removed//

Afterwards, he left my corpse alone but I had nothing valuable on me, but looted the new player. Oh, my steed went after him after I died and most likely he took it too. Luckily Monad was online so we got to return the items taken from Ugjer. But I feel so sad this had to happen.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Ricardus »

So for what i know he broke 3 rules with that lame robery. And Mike will say "oh he was right to robb, we don't care for items" ....blablabla!!! If you guys don't care for items, why don't you leave them on te corpse of the char you killed? You guys are not 14 years old anymore, so don't expect the other players give you the age "excuse", we all are adults now (most of us anyway) and are a bit tired of those "robbing is good for economy" bs. And robbind new comers is very good to decreace server's population! So guys have a bit of comon sence and make you brain work a bit (probably will cost you a lot, but i'm sure it repays), and work on a solution that don't involves you guys robing us with 3 diff char in 3 diff guilds
ImageSTFU Noob!!
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Ugjer »

Hahaha, 1,5 hour later I figure out what he meant with "HALT". I thought he was RPing something involving the guard and yelling at him since he was making him run all weird. If only he roleplayed it out I probably would've handed over some money. I didn't realize it was a robbery untill he was looting my corpse lol. Generally I don't mind robbing, it adds a sense of danger to the game. But to all the robbers out there I ask that you roleplay it and don't try to rob people when there's a guard on your tail causing you to spastically run around. It's just confusing and weird.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Aznar »

This is exactly what I meant. Robbers should show more RP. Why the heck you would even try and rob someone in a guarded area is beyond me. This is bad RP, it's as plain and simple as that.

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En maak je maar geen zorgen want niet iedereen hier speelt het spel zoals die boef :mrgreen:
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Kerbal »

Darian Darkmind wrote:Imho things were a lot better when stoning was allowed and Tekstone was forbidden to help the robbers. In other words, you robbed freely what you wanted, but should you end up stoned, you had no other option but to wait for the stone's power to decrease to zero. And if Wronged you had to ask help from the regular players to clear the Wrong, which of course is a lot harder than with priests.
+1 on this. Though freeing shouldn't be forbidden. Reasons for freeing should be examined closely within the religion so that every bandit wouldn't get a get-out-of-jail-freecard. But lay out some cash or do a deed and you might get out of the stone.
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Re: Robbing isn't broken

Post by Ugjer »

Aznar wrote:This is exactly what I meant. Robbers should show more RP. Why the heck you would even try and rob someone in a guarded area is beyond me. This is bad RP, it's as plain and simple as that.

Welkom op de shard trouwens, mede nederlander.
En maak je maar geen zorgen want niet iedereen hier speelt het spel zoals die boef :mrgreen:
So I take it robbing people in guarded areas isn't really common? Or should I be careful where I alt-tab?

En bedankt voor de welkom. Ik heb hier een paar jaar terug ook een korte tijd gespeeld waardoor ik nog wat mensen ken die heel vriendelijk waren en mij weer op gang geholpen hebben. Daarnaast heb ik een aardige tijd in een WoW roleplay community gezeten en ik denk niet dat ik hier snel veel vervelendere mensen tegen kom.

But I suppose it would be polite to stick to English in public. ;)