No one can protect you except for yourself, grow strong, grow wealthy and be taken down like everyone else!
*note left unsigned*
Letter from concerned citizen
Moderator: RP Moderators
Re: Letter from concerned citizen
Fact, Order of Law can not be around all the time, we try our best to be but we are only human. Fact, NO ONE can be around all the time. You can use the fact that we are human to further your cause if you like, but we do it free of charge and to the best of our ability.
~Kent Strider, Brute of Law
~Kent Strider, Brute of Law
Re: Letter from concerned citizen
Hum... all you fellas can do is complaint all the time, yet you never do anything to help, and expect Law do all the work on their own! Why don't some of you apply to Law if you think you can do a better job, let us have your "great knowlege and skills" helping us!! Allways been easyer to destroy things than keeping them in shape or repair them if needed!! That's what telbooring bullies and other comon robbers like them do all the time.Diego wrote:Cant believe you wrote " under the protection of the Order of Law" even you know you cant protect us, and if you believe you can, you live in a lie. Do something visible so people knows you can do what you say.
- An very concerned and alert citizen
STFU Noob!!
Boris wrote:Don't worry, we're not here to kill baseclass, it's Telboreas duty.
- Boris