Non-PVP weekend

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Should we have a Non-PVP weekend?

Makes no difference
Total votes: 76

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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Andoriel »

Seriosly Ivan relax hit the gym or learn martial arts, you have too much anger in you dont take it on cyber space. Do it in rl, it might actualy come with bonuses such as fit awesome body that chicks dig. That is all :)
But as for the original idea, I dont mind it.
Last edited by Andoriel on Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by KrondorZuula »

Do believe he was in his house.. And yes i know many run.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Mike »

KrondorZuula wrote:Do believe he was in his house.. And yes i know many run.
Yeah, he was running out of there :)
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Tyrion »

The responses in this topic show the need for a non-pvp weekend in my mind. All of the people defending the 'uselessness' of it are not taking Pangaea into consideration. If this place is not a fun place to play and people have to constantly be worrying, they won't play. Very selfish thinking. I don't see the harm in implementing days or weeks during a month where NO-PVP is allowed. I believe it will actually force people to read the forums thoroughly and pay more attention to the rules as well as bring notice to the current loopholes players use to get a corpse victory. I say yes to this idea.
Last edited by Tyrion on Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Zaradon »

Gutian wrote:I don´t know what is really going on... some years ago it was way worse about the fights and robberies and I never saw so many people talking about it... It was funny indeed. Now, just because two or three guilds are doing the same it seems the end of the world. That is a part of the game and with nice RP it can be good!!

I have been trainning out of Brit for 1 month or so and i only had a nasty situation. just one...

Anyway... I am up to a weekend without PVP as i said.

That was back then, after they started nerfing everything it was pretty much impossble to achieve anything. Til the day of today it is still pretty laughably hard to achieve anything into your virtual private world.

Now that we look how easy the robbers get THEIR loot and how they use it. Is simply amazing.

But not to turn this thread into a flamewar, the non-PVP weekend should definately go into consideration so people would actually have some better RP input than "HALT!" on the shard.

Yes, PVP is a part of the shard but due to the 'nonsense' i wrote up there, you should dig the point of it.
And what's the point to be a robber if you fail to be one.
Kent Strider

Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Kent Strider »

We used to have loot weeks when there no looting, why not a no pvp weekend where you can't loot? Kind of shows how biased you guys are :P
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Tyrion »

Zaradon wrote:
Gutian wrote:I don´t know what is really going on... some years ago it was way worse about the fights and robberies and I never saw so many people talking about it... It was funny indeed. Now, just because two or three guilds are doing the same it seems the end of the world. That is a part of the game and with nice RP it can be good!!

I have been trainning out of Brit for 1 month or so and i only had a nasty situation. just one...

Anyway... I am up to a weekend without PVP as i said.

That was back then, after they started nerfing everything it was pretty much impossble to achieve anything. Til the day of today it is still pretty laughably hard to achieve anything into your virtual private world.

Now that we look how easy the robbers get THEIR loot and how they use it. Is simply amazing.

But not to turn this thread into a flamewar, the non-PVP weekend should definately go into consideration so people would actually have some better RP input than "HALT!" on the shard.

Yes, PVP is a part of the shard but due to the 'nonsense' i wrote up there, you should dig the point of it.
And what's the point to be a robber if you fail to be one.
The problem these days is that there isn't enough RP involved in PVP. Most do a really good job of following the rules and not abusing technicalities to benefit from. The other bad apples like to point to the rules and say, "Look, I didn't break the rule because it's not written anywhere that I can't do it (it = abusing lack of tracking time IG for RP purposes in robberies, house camping / robbing a recently killed / robbed players home)." These things are ridiculous when they occur and do not take into consideration the other players position. Another fact that is not getting any mention is that the RP that needs to go into the PVP has meandered. Some groups do not even stick to their RP any more per what they actually wrote and distinctions in allies are blurred.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Bella Pious »

I vote YES. Easier to remember if we make it the First weekend of each month.

My reason? Seems there are people who need it. Plus, I can't see why others can't live with it.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Arion »

I have to agree, though I love pvp sometimes a small break from it is needed. This will help you robbers anyhow if you think about it. Give players the chance to get better items then you can rob them?

Have to say the whole rp with robbers is gone down the drain. Every robber guild is the same and should probly just be under the same banner as they all say the exact same things ig and do the same things ig. If you wanna rob thats fine by all means go out and get your loot but do it with some class I mean make yourself memorable.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Boris »

It think non-PvP days are okay, but not weekends. They're the biggest days in online count and generally in activity.

- Boris
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