Non-PVP weekend

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Should we have a Non-PVP weekend?

Makes no difference
Total votes: 76

Kent Strider

Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Kent Strider »

Mike wrote:Actually a general ceasefire day has the potential to be fun, in that means the guards won't attack reds so we can go into town.
Would be decent imo as well.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Edward Sinclair »

Shadow_Nirvana wrote: Noone is saying that a non-Pvp weekend will enhance Rp but it shows that many people feel that there is not enough rp going on.
Lack of RP aside, the PvP and the nature of some players on this shard (i.e. corpse camping, cutting corpses of pets so they can't be ressed, looting keys and camping players houses to kill their alts too, etc) has created a lot of tension on this shard that has driven an IRL wedge between people. I'm not innocent of this- I don't make contact w/ specific players anymore, there's this segregation going on. Yet even in your eyes, ONE day is too much to ask for, just so there's no PvP?

If you're so high & mighty, feeling self-righteous about RP, a valid RP "excuse" can be manufactured:
A dark force with intentions that go against the will of everyone, including the 4 religions (yes, including Dennac's cult...) unleashes its minions throughout the world...These dark minions invade towns, dungeons. Fighters/mages must combine forces to ward off this evil, etc.

There, done. You have an RP excuse for people not to fight each other on that particular day. So this is ONE day, out of 30 where there aren't players fighting each other. If that's too much to ask, fine, make it ONE day out of 60/2months, surely that is tolerable enough to allow the survival of the ever elusive PvP bloodline that's such a rarity these days?

Another thing I'm sure someone else can come up with- to get players to occassionally break down barriers and once in a while work w/ each other. Other than that, I wonder if the GMs are looking for a scripting solution or manual control of such days. For example if a script were made, it would make it so players can't do damage to each other on that day, script would auto spawn hostile mobs to simulate dark forces taking over, etc.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Mike »

PvP during quests has never been a problem, so that aspect should be fine. Tekstone usually came in and got a lot of loot, but that's another story.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Gullivral »

Ivan wrote:PVP is part of the game and RP is part of the game also... Everyone who plays here has to RP its one of the requirements of the shard... If you play fighter char its natural that it includes PVM and a bit of PVP in any case... if you want RP only just play Merchant (most suited for that) and if you want PVM only use magic user (cheap gear makes it less likely to get robbed)

imo it would make as much sense if gms removed all monsters from the server for one weekend to encourage pvp or hold non-rp weekend etc.
Come to think of it i think GM's removed loot from mobs during "rp times" to herd the bunch to one area... pretty sure it's not a complicated procedure.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Aileth »

I guess this has had enough time for everyone to vote. Lock it before it gets trashed.
John L
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by John L »

Wolfie wrote:
John L wrote:Well at the moment its kind of hard to do some hunting, since there is so many robbers. Atleast i would like to play my other charracters and not get robbed everytime.
So thats why i say thumbs up for non-pvp weekend.

(Dont take this as a whine, it just my honest opinion.)
Everyone always claims that "If I go hunting im going to get robbed" Practice safe hunting, in and out as fast as you can, play during robber down time, hit dungeons that are not common!
Well im playing with 2D and i cant outrun those 3D client speed racers, so i can "safe hunt at Britain Gy" maybe.
Johnny one weekend does not mean you couldn lose gears other times (and you still can lose your gear to monsters.)
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Ivan »

Do not mix 3d problem into this, my topic was about it and idea for possible temporary fix was declined so i will be running on 3d nowdays also. Just stfu and play with 3d like rest of the shard because its impossible to play without.
Kent Strider

Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Kent Strider »

lmao does 3D have to be brought up in every thread? Also euros please feel free to use it because I found out 3D does in fact have a speed cap, so you will be running no faster than anyone else :)

Anyways, so a yes to 24 hour no pvp period?
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Quintoz »

6 days of fire 1 day of rest. Thoose are the rules.

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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Wolfie »

John L wrote:Well im playing with 2D and i cant outrun those 3D client speed racers, so i can "safe hunt at Britain Gy" maybe.
Johnny one weekend does not mean you couldn lose gears other times (and you still can lose your gear to monsters.)
Don't make excuses, i also play 2D. I also live in North America. You are hunting on grounds that johnny has marked his obviously. HMMM! think, where hes going to be on "HIS" land maybe? Hunt somewhere else simple as that. Lots of safe places to hunt. Also, I do believe i have more to lose then you while hunting.
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