Non-PVP weekend

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Should we have a Non-PVP weekend?

Makes no difference
Total votes: 76

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Johnny Walac
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Johnny Walac »

Wolfie wrote:
John L wrote:Well im playing with 2D and i cant outrun those 3D client speed racers, so i can "safe hunt at Britain Gy" maybe.
Johnny one weekend does not mean you couldn lose gears other times (and you still can lose your gear to monsters.)
Don't make excuses, i also play 2D. I also live in North America. You are hunting on grounds that johnny has marked his obviously. HMMM! think, where hes going to be on "HIS" land maybe? Hunt somewhere else simple as that. Lots of safe places to hunt. Also, I do believe i have more to lose then you while hunting.

Remember. Telborea does not require taxes if its not their land. Offensive attacks happens all the time though against enemies etc.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Maxadinara »

I'm abit upset by this idea. It's telling me here is one day a week where you can't rollplay. PvP allows freedom and freedom is the most important part for rollplaying in my mind. The reason I play Ultima is for it's freedom and this idea want to take away an important part of my freedom. Rollplaying for me means being able to get the feeling of another world, another kind of life. The diffrance between acting and rollplaying is that feeling. You can rollplay by acting aswell ofcourse. But then you aren't feeling everything. Not just thinking like your character but also feeling what he would feel. Now the monsters out in the world can still give me the feeling of being scared. But my character would go where she feels more safe. Where she thinks she can handle herself. She should still fell worried and alert for robbers and other babarians. This rule makes it harder for me to get that feeling. I'm away now but if you have this rule when I get back home I know there is one day everyweek I won't play druing. Atlest not with one of my charactors. This idea is disableing freedom and ruining RP alot. I looked around alot of a RP server that allows PvP and gives good freedom and doesn't have too many PvP crazy fools that PvP just to PvP or to ruin things for others. Becouse it's just so important to RP. This is the best server I have found. This server is great. I love it here. Non the less. This idea means to me that there is once a week I shouldn't play. And this idea can't in any good way be enrolled to RP. I think Shednil is right.
While it would be very nice to be able to hunt and just fix with your own things or go out together and hunt without need to worry about being attacked or robbed I do think it would just ruin too much of the feeling one get to the world of pangea that way.

Iam one that have only been the victim side to such characters and can only see me remain as that for a very very long time. But that is what you build up the character around and get to know the world as, I do just think it sounds strange to add a few days where all are to be safe from robbers and murders. While one could add a religious peaceful day or a feast where everyone are to live in peace if only for a few days I cant imagine that all the murders characters would agree on that. Some of them do not simply care of any religion and at some are not able to let the honor of it being a certain day control their actions.

I have seen the lack of RP from some of the ones that pvp, as late as two days ago I was attacked by a group that I never seen before and did not say a word to me before attacking but that do also bring a feeling into the world.
It would just be silly of my character to imagine that everyone will atleast greet you before attacking because they dont and that is how this hard world has turned out to be.

By adding a day where people are not allowed to do their robberies or spread their chaos to the world would just add a feeling of safety that do not belong in the world I have gotten to know.
And I do feel that not would it only ruin the robbers and pvpers kind of RP by not being able to do what their character would do but would also ruin mine because it would give my character a feeling of safety that the characters she have met never would give her.
Not being able to loot anything was bad enough since it also ruins RP. But I can deal with that. No PvP is something I can't deal with except for maybe with my merchant while he is in the town working. And I only have weak characters and have never killed anyone in PvP. Don't think I will for a long time. Altough she is determined about training since she needs to become stronger. Main point I wanted said is that PvP is too important to RP.
Kent Strider

Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Kent Strider »

Who are you even?
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Quintoz »

Kent, why does that matter when FINALLY somebody gets it?.

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Kent Strider

Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Kent Strider »

Your serious aren't you? Trying to figure out why one day is so bad, you guys are ridiculous.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Andoriel »

I have confesion to make:
people who refer their chars by " he/she/it" continuesly as if they are real people in non roleplaying forms Freak ME the FUck out :shock:
Kent Strider

Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Kent Strider »

Completely agree Tim, your taking this game too seriously more than likely when you refer to your characters as such.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Quintoz »

Buhahaha, you mean that he/she actully understand RP... yeah that's so rare on Pangaea that I can understand you are getting confused.

Stop the cuckening on Pang #MakePangGreat
Kent Strider

Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Kent Strider »

You do realize I have about 34 screens of you going OOC randomly right?
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Edward Sinclair
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Edward Sinclair »

Maxadinara wrote:I'm abit upset by this idea. It's telling me here is one day a week where you can't rollplay. PvP allows freedom and freedom is the most important part for rollplaying in my mind.
You're beginning to sound like a Fox News anchor. PLEASE at least read posts before before you make comments such as these. I already made a post regarding this "no-PvP day = anti-RP!":
...a valid RP "excuse" can be manufactured:
A dark force with intentions that go against the will of everyone, including the 4 religions (yes, including Dennac's cult...) unleashes its minions throughout the world...These dark minions invade towns, dungeons. Fighters/mages must combine forces to ward off this evil, etc.

There, done. You have an RP excuse for people not to fight each other on that particular day. So this is ONE day, out of 30 where there aren't players fighting each other. If that's too much to ask, fine, make it ONE day out of 60/2months, surely that is tolerable enough to allow the survival of the ever elusive PvP bloodline that's such a rarity these days?
People really need to open up their minds, put their creativity to use- there are much better RP excuses one can come up w/ for a day w/o PvP.
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