Non-PVP weekend

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Should we have a Non-PVP weekend?

Makes no difference
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Aileth »

Darian Darkmind wrote:There could be a non-PvP week every now and then. However, such weekend should be filled with quests, market, events and tournaments so that everyone has something to do beside killing each other.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Boris »

You could try to create an event list. Someone hosting a jousting tournament, someone hosting theatre, someone hosting a market and so on. You really don't need us to create a day full of events.

- Boris
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Aileth »

It would be good to have a minimum overseeing from GM's on those days, so we need to know if any of you are available on a specific date and willing to patrol.:lol:
There is a second reason for GM overseeing which is when a player starts asking around if others would participate in the events, it tends to fall on this: some players' answers are "cba" or "too much work" or "no one will participate" or even "GM's won't allow for it".

I'll make something on the ideas section later. Every idea is welcome!
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Biggs »

Markets are the best way to get people together i have always argued this point. I could pissibly host a jousting tournament means as though IM THE CHAMP! (But it would have to be in an arena all can reach or would just have too pay imperial to use jhelom arena but this would mean no enemy of imperial could enter.

Ill get back to everyone on these matters.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Biggs »

Stuff like that the herold sorted back in the day with the months news and events coming up was nice shame i cant match engels/monad photoshopping skills lol
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Maxadinara »

...a valid RP "excuse" can be manufactured:
A dark force with intentions that go against the will of everyone, including the 4 religions (yes, including Dennac's cult...) unleashes its minions throughout the world...These dark minions invade towns, dungeons. Fighters/mages must combine forces to ward off this evil, etc.

There, done. You have an RP excuse for people not to fight each other on that particular day. So this is ONE day, out of 30 where there aren't players fighting each other. If that's too much to ask, fine, make it ONE day out of 60/2months, surely that is tolerable enough to allow the survival of the ever elusive PvP bloodline that's such a rarity these days?
It's not a good excuse. It's a very bad one. Even my character doesn't fit that. It doesn't matter if the world is going under. She would never fight along side murders or any other babarian scums. If she was strong enough she would stab them while they were fighting these dark minions. And there should be many more that wouldn't fight together. Especialy among the "dark" minded people I would think. But even those with "good" minds.

Non the less. Seems people really want this day. So have it. I'm just saying it goes agingst RP. Role-playing is about freedom to do what your character would do. Any OOC rules limits this freedom. And in my opinion this is a big limitation for many situations. So the goal of any RP server should be to have as few OOC rules as possible while trying to make sure people are role-playing and making sure the role-playing isn't destroying the worlds story. OOC rules are the rules given of what you aren't allowed to do on the server. Everything else should try to be controled with ingame rules. Like punishing the criminals with fees, jail and maybe even taking away their houses from them. These are just exemples. A lawbook can be writen by the ones controling the diffrent parts of the lands in the world.

As for what someone mentioned that runing away tends to end RP premeturely. Not right. Your character runs when he or she would run. The runing in and of itself is also RP. You don't need to talk or write emotes to role-play. I know my writing skill isn't the best. But everyone has something they aren't good at.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Wolfie »

You keep going on about RP, RP, RP honestly, shut up. This day isn't about RP this day is just a safe time to hunt so people can get their lost shit back.

Somewhere in your last post you said something similar"I don't really have a strong character..." So you obviously don't have anything worth to lose. If you don't like the idea just say so we get it. You don't need to write useless text walls.

ALSO! along the lines of RP Dennac's goal in the world is similar (Tekstones do correct me) "I am going to take over the world with my minions, and they will be treated greatly in my dark void" Well, I am more then sure that if some other god comes strolling up to Dennac's lil cornor of Ultima Online he isn't gonna be like "Yeah its ok, you can take over this land no probs!"... Its going to be more like "Oi! Minions go kill this noob hes on ma turf."

And its great that your character has RP, thats fine Quests are not a RP time, they are a time for everyone on the shard to work together and show their stuff. Even in game events get rid of most RP. The actions of your character should not limit your gameply from gainning more than anyone else, thats why during quest/event times everyone can get together.

And sorry, you do need rules in RP. If there were no rules in RP it would ruin alot of it. Honestly, think even if it hurts your head so much for 1minute... If RP was not limited who the hell you think would own Britain? Because I am more then sure it would not be Law. It would the robbers, it would be Tekstone, Shit it could be Nature!

And another thing! There is a PvP rule:
No robber or robber guild is allowed to rob the same person more than once a week.
Lets just do away with this rule! It goes against RP. If I am known for robbing people I am not just gonna go, opppss can't rob you until 3more days have fun!
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Edward Sinclair »

It's not a good excuse. It's a very bad one. Even my character doesn't fit that.
I suggested for people to come up with better RP excuses/ideas that would justify the non-PvP weekend.
It doesn't matter if the world is going under. She would never fight along side murders or any other babarian scums.
Your lack of participation will not be noticed.
I'm just saying it goes agingst RP.
You cannot find it within you to tolerate even ONE day out of 60 with no PvP where the RP is that humans must unite against an enemy that would destroy them all?
As for what someone mentioned that runing away tends to end RP premeturely. Not right. Your character runs when he or she would run. The runing in and of itself is also RP. You don't need to talk or write emotes to role-play. I know my writing skill isn't the best.
Also attacking victims on sight w/o word would be "RP", at least this is the impression I get when I read this. Come to think of it, incantations/spells that actually work would not be RP if we want to mirror "RP" on IRL past.

Hopefully if such a weekend (or however many days) is implemented, you're welcome to ignore any rules set, you can be our "RP" martyr :)
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Bella Pious »

Oh god, this post is still going on.

So since it is going to take the staffs some time to figure out how or if it is possible to do it, maybe we just need 12 guilds to volunteer. Each guild takes a week of a month, and host an event on that day, and it should be done!
Kent Strider

Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Kent Strider »

I don't think people are understanding the main point of this, the idea itself was "no PvP" weekend. Thats what this is about. The events and stuff would be something that would happen during this period of time, IF it were to happen.
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