Non-PVP weekend

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Should we have a Non-PVP weekend?

Makes no difference
Total votes: 76

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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Glarundis »

i'm actually surprised this topic hasn't been locked yet.
some other topics get locked so easily..
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Monad »

Kent and Johnny banned from the forums for 7 days because of personal attack spamming. You may continue with the subject of the poll. I won't let them destroy this idea by locking this if there's still more to say about it. Anyone jumping of their wagon and continue this useless spam will get same time to cool off from the forums aswell. So rather stay out of it.
Corvus Albus
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Corvus Albus »

Edward Sinclair wrote:
Corvus Albus wrote:A big no from me aswell.
It's okay, you'll still have 95% of the time to PvP :) I look forward to this, a day or two devoted to RP events and PvM is something that the shard playerbase could really use :)
I can not understand how PvP restricts you from RP'ing or organising any events. I myself don't even PvP a lot, in fact I lack time to even do anything else besides macroing...
What we're all trying to say is, if you people just group up and stand against the mercenaries together you wouldn't need a non-pvp weekend. You need to log in and solve the problem ingame instead of sitting here on the forums.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Zaradon »

Corvus, you've been away for awhile to actually realize the lack of interest from the players input for RP.
Roleplaying has lost it's power due to ignorance or you may call it by another name.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Edward Sinclair »

I can not understand how PvP restricts you from RP'ing or organising any events.
And I cannot understand how you can respond like this if you had any idea what the topic was about. The topic/poll title: Non-PvP weekend. The topic wasn't about invoking a non-PvP weekend to allow for RP, but about allowing a tiny amount of "breathing room" for those who have become sick of the PvP. IF such days were allowed where PvP were not to occur, suggestion were made to fill it with something to keep even those who can't live w/o PvP to PvM or do other things like attend RP events. So here you have a few days you can have no PvP AND integrate the RP events/market stalls, why not?

I thought I had misunderstood you. So I decided to re-read your comment, here I seek informational content...hang on to your seats ladies and gentlemen:
A big no from me aswell.
This comment was so content dense, that my head almost exploded, in fact I feel like a mental midget already.
I myself don't even PvP a lot, in fact I lack time to even do anything else besides macroing...
So you don't PvP much if at all, yet you felt the need to put down the idea for there to be 1 or 2 days where PvP isn't permitted?

It constantly baffles me, when people like you feel the need to trample on ideas/suggestions that don't affect you much (remember you claim you don't PvP a lot, and that you spend what time you have on Pang, MACROING- something you can do just as well in a non-PvP weekend, heck, even do it in front of stalls naked if you wish). We can't test out new ideas if all you do is stomp on them and cry "Neeeeeooooooo!".
What we're all trying to say is, if you people just group up and stand against the mercenaries together you wouldn't need a non-pvp weekend.
Doing so would require PvP, the very thing that 54% of those voting in this poll DON'T want to get into just for a day or two per month or every other month!
You need to log in and solve the problem ingame instead of sitting here on the forums.
And you need to read the forum fully before posting single sentence comments to put down ideas/suggestions that half the shard wants to give a try.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Johnny Walac wrote:I ain't against the idea of a non-pvp weekend. I'm just suprised people think it will create alot of RP that wasn't possible to create before.
This is actually the very truth.

Non-PvP weekend changes absolutely nothing. I too have nothing against a pvp-free weekend. However, what people here are asking isn't actually PvP-free-weekend but rather more RP in terms of events and quests. Events we as players can do ourselves if we just decide to and quests are up to GMs.

So in other words, no need for this, because this alone won't increase RP.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Aileth »

Darian Darkmind wrote: However, what people here are asking isn't actually PvP-free-weekend but rather more RP in terms of events and quests.
If you read through the 17 pages you can find that a big % of the 55% DO WANT a PVP-free-weekend, but apparently it's considered a no-go because it doesn't increase RP.
PVP doesn't increase RP either: someone from one of the sides will just run bashing everything like a headless chicken and give no chance whatsoever to RP.
PVP or non-PVP: it doesn't relate to RP. The only big difference I see is forum rp, which I don't see many people reading unless it's of their interest.

Edit: and if you complain about non-pvp day being bad for RP you should sit near some vendors to see "me buy" or "buy" or other interesting text on a daily basis.
Corvus Albus
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Corvus Albus »

I just try to point out that treatment of the symptoms doesn't cure the disease.

What you're asking doesn't solve the problem. This is a way to find the easiest solution to a problem much more global. This poll just points out some of the problems we're having here on this shard.

"Doing so would require PvP, the very thing that 54% of those voting in this poll DON'T want to get into just for a day or two per month or every other month!"
Who asked them to pvp? I asked you to log in and play the game, in some time you'll notice how all the troubles fade away. Use a little bit of imagination please... 54% of the shard can get together and find a solution to their hunting problems, no?

You don't need a non-pvp weekend to hunt, rp or have fun.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Aileth »

The intent of this topic was to give everyone a feel of what is going on in the shard that needs a bit of a tweak. I think we can have a decent view on this by now and I'm certain some will go ahead with this in their own way.
It's not about curing anything.. It's about all those people that don't complain publicly but are forced to deal with PVP in some ways and some that are too late to bother with this and leave. It's about letting that grief/testosterone/adrenaline feeling rest once in a while, it's about having fun and having a place where it isn't as tense as in the real world.

It doesn't require PVP to tweak things into a good thing, it requires time and people who are willing to fight for it and put up with the flaming and whining that comes with change.
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Re: Non-PVP weekend

Post by Quintoz »

Can I ask for more info on a situation where PvP directly ruined your... "RP". When it comes to hunting I don't know what has happend to you but I've never been interupted by robbers / enemy religons when trying to hunt. To me it feels like people shit their pants on the tought that you can get robbed in a dungeon and don't hunt at all and just whine.

You can have your 2 days by me, but be honest about the reasons instead of bullshitting saying that it gives you time to RP.

Stop the cuckening on Pang #MakePangGreat
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