The Confession Thread

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Re: The Confession Thread

Post by Tyrion »

When there were dragons in Despise, was hunting with Ovinnik and Arden Darkfall. Kakme came and robbed me while others were still off killing dragon. Got beat down quite nasty that day, haha! IT was nice to see that Kakme ran off without looting anything though due to an almost instakill mind blast by Ovi ;D!
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Re: The Confession Thread

Post by Dalton »

Two evens I suppose, back when I had just started playing and only had one char - a scribe!

Back then I collected all the mounts available, with special focus on the ostards. Obviously there was this one ostard I could not find anywhere to be sold, the nature ostard! So I tried to buy from someone who already had it (cant remember who was the nature guy though), I even raised the bidding up to 300k for it lol :oops: Now when I recall it, it was just funny how the guy wasnt able to explain that the ostard was for nature only haha :P (this was all done IG & IC ofc)

Around the same time, I used to venture out around britain every once in a while with that same scribe killing orcs and what not, convinced it could actually do some fighting... So one day I talked Azuran (HAH!!) to go hunting with me... we actually cleared the passage from britain to trinsic LOL :P
Scribe pwns! : >
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Re: The Confession Thread

Post by Zaradon »

Haha well, when i came here i made Havel (He's my second char i made on pang) and the first thing i wanted to get on him was a superleet staff 'indy frigid yucca mage staff of vanq' but when i first met jyrgen he tried to explain loads of times that i need the raw staff to make it happen and i cant stack the prefix/suffixes into one staff without the old prefix being stacked with the new one.

oh boy, after i realized what he meant to tell me i fell into a deep depression and thought mages were even more useless.

For the first char who i made Houston Wales, was the coolest thing i joined InC - i managed to hunt in khaldun along with other members, Sarkania was being my babysitter (healed me so greatly when i had 100 hp with bless and 70 swords hah)

Smith powa!

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Re: The Confession Thread

Post by Hilda »

Exploring giant island with a bowyer

and then killing them on a boat.
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Re: The Confession Thread

Post by Johnny Walac »

When I was Nature HP they invited me to help with Balron. I said sure but what they didn't know that I was drunk as fuck. Made the whole party wipe and get looted by Balron. Good times all around. Or when I first started Pangaea as a smith. Sailed around the world to Tekstone Island. Fucked up so hard Repsak felt bad for me. Ressed and teleported me back to Britain fields. Oh the shame....
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Re: The Confession Thread

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Back when D'spine armors cost 200k, D'rock plates for 600k and stuff like that I had collected these awesome "town armors" and stored them in my bank. I was selling my elite malachite plates to this one dude so I took the bag from the bank and traded it with him in order to show what other cool armors I had - to show-off that is, in other words. Of course the bag was too heavy and it dropped on the ground and the guy looted it and banked it - I think his name was Nux or Nix or something short like that. Refusing to give it back to me I begged for Repsak and other GMs but there was nothing they could do - the asshole rule didn't exist back then. Then the dude went to Graveyard where Gabriz and the cabals were. I told them my story and cabals decided to kill the guy repeatively - eventually the guy even turned red himself. Azaroth - If I remember his name correctly - kept collecting my armor pieces one by one robbing them off people and nicely returning them to me. I never really knew why Cabals were being so nice to me... maybe it was the time Gabriz was killed by Crowley - who didn't have time to loot him - so I looted all of his indys, elite D'spines, some frosty spear of vanquishing and other awesome items which I then returned to him. Yeah, must have been that. :D

So there's actually two mistakes done there. I lost my armors and returned Gabriz's stuff which I could have sold for more than I ever lost. Although after that day I was pretty much untouchable by robbers... so perhaps it was better that way.
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Re: The Confession Thread

Post by Vaux27 »

"I wish to sail to Britain" at Britain docks. I've probably wasted a couple K doing that accidently now.
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Re: The Confession Thread

Post by Zaradon »

Vaux27 wrote:"I wish to sail to Britain" at Britain docks. I've probably wasted a couple K doing that accidently now.

Rofl, after my comeback few months ago, i wasn't really updated of the Imp & island control but here it is. I joined nature, decided to take a trip to see the 'new' terakeep and i had to take the route of the public boat. Yes, i almost made my pants full when i arrived to Nujel'm -_- (luckily, i survived to the hordes of guards chasing me ;D)
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Re: The Confession Thread

Post by Quintoz »

I guess the biggest fuck up was when Johnny was working on a boat and was gone for like 6-7 weeks and I forgot to refresh Tek temple and loot for 10-15 mil decayed.

Stop the cuckening on Pang #MakePangGreat
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Re: The Confession Thread

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Quintoz wrote:I guess the biggest fuck up was when Johnny was working on a boat and was gone for like 6-7 weeks and I forgot to refresh Tek temple and loot for 10-15 mil decayed.
Oh yeah, don't even start with house decays. :D

All Nox houses before the wipe, and after the wipe me and Andrew's Law house.
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