Magical items

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Should we get rid of magical items?

Yes, get rid of them all
No, they are needed
Don't get rid but make more rare
Total votes: 61

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Re: Magical items

Post by Zaradon »

Darian stated a valid point there. But the active hunters out there should be rewarded with unique items imho aswell. Roleplayers and so forth. But we can always find a solution to maybe put a random 'high quality and rare' magical weapon or armor part into the adventurer's menu, the magic items should aswell be randomized every week or so.

Also quest deeds could contain the rare and unique items.

But normal no no.
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Re: Magical items

Post by Xerxes »

You can always limit the magical abilities to

"Charges" (fire/poison/electric/cold resist)
"Magical" hammers/skinning knives
"Magical" Cloth

Remove the magical abilities from armor pieces and from weapons.

Raise the damage done by elite staves (and let druid staves/necro staves be craftable)

Albeit, do raise the amount of veins and remove the guardians.
Why removal of the guardians; If I need to find a vein, I just search for monsters nearby. That way I can identify the estimated location of veins.
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Re: Magical items

Post by Bella Pious »

I wonder what are treasure hunters going to sell now?
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Re: Magical items

Post by Monad »

Bella Pious wrote:I wonder what are treasure hunters going to sell now?
Actually that's one potential idea. To limit magical armors/weapons mainly to treasure chests.
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Re: Magical items

Post by Aileth »

Monad wrote: Actually that's one potential idea. To limit magical armors/weapons mainly to treasure chests.
Seems good.
If you take a look at the newbie chests in either magincia or britain they're full of lesser magical weapons/armors, and they're usually the first items new players get, the need for tailor/smith goods is greatly reduced because of this.
Limit it to treasure chests! :D
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Re: Magical items

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Monad wrote:
Bella Pious wrote:I wonder what are treasure hunters going to sell now?
Actually that's one potential idea. To limit magical armors/weapons mainly to treasure chests.
As an idea it's alright, however lockpickers already make millions faster than any other fighter class. Give them the ability to be the only ones finding these magic items and voila, millionaires just turned to billionaires.
Xerxes wrote:Remove the magical abilities from armor pieces and from weapons.

Raise the damage done by elite staves (and let druid staves/necro staves be craftable)

Albeit, do raise the amount of veins and remove the guardians.
Why removal of the guardians; If I need to find a vein, I just search for monsters nearby. That way I can identify the estimated location of veins.
If we think about this seriously, what will this even change? The prices goes up a bit, but due to more veins the market will soon be flowed with even more smithed items thus decreasing their price even further.

Am I really the only one here who realizes this would collapse the whole PvM system? Every game evolves through time, you grow stronger and stronger, in here even if your character sadly cannot evolve through certain point (ancient) you can still evolve through your items... you continue to hunt in order to find that d'fear weapon of vanq, that hekhranish maul of vanq and those auropians of invulnerability.

Mark my words, do this and the prices stay the same (Because there's still the same amount of crafted goods around), or in fact start to decrease(Because more goods are being crafted), but PvP increases even further and will be the only thing left worth doing.
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Re: Magical items

Post by Jessica »

Like Darian already stated; removal of magic items would be only partial fix for the economy, if even that.

UOs (Pangaeas) problem has always been that amount of items keep climbing all the time, when there's almost none "natural exits" for the items in the game. Each time smith visits mining and produces new items, it adds to the item pool what we already have. Each time a hunter finds something worth looting, it adds to the pool. Each time any merchant produces anything, it adds to the pool. At some point, item pool is so big, that it covers demand easily. Pangaea has been at that point atleast since Alterans times.

If we _now_ restrict something what reduces the income to pool, it doesn't fix a problem, becouse the items will still be at the pool. Also, since there has been a lot of time for people to hunt in these magical items and armors, there has been more than enough time to collect a stash full of different armors. These armors can be used for years until this change would kick in. And even when we can see a time point, where the change would kick in, theres still a lot of more things which are breaking the economy.

Also, this change would be a nerf for hunters, since the amount of loot would be decreased. Shard is today at the point that there isnt so much to hunt for, mainly becouse of economy. After this change, hunters could try to find one of those rarest clothes, which still get paid for - or just plain gold (and alchemy reagents) from the monsters. I honestly can't think anything else worth looting. Hunting as an activity is something what we should praise in this game, since it makes players enjoy the game and also break and lose the stuff, which leads into more demand of the goods. If you continue nerfing loots, there will be less people hunting, less visible activity on shard.
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Re: Magical items

Post by Quintoz »

I would rather see the Iron magical shit removed since that's the things being used instead of smithed goods while keeping the special ores / hides / logs of vanq / invul.

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Re: Magical items

Post by Monad »

Many of you seem to base your arguments on issues what can easily be handled.
Here's how I'd propose it to work (nothing final, just my personal proposition):
  • 1) Wipe all armors and weapons with magical properties from the shard
    2) Limit the availability in monster lootgroups only to armors with charges (no other suffixes or prefixes) and magical weapons (only force, power and vanquishing with special ores, no durability)
    3) Make those more common from high level treasure chests than monster lootgroups.
    4) Add more ore veins
    5) Make monsters drop more hides/bones
    6) Boost crafted staff/instrument properties
Am I missing something?
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Re: Magical items

Post by Kerbal »

Quintoz wrote:I would rather see the Iron magical shit removed since that's the things being used instead of smithed goods while keeping the special ores / hides / logs of vanq / invul.
Sounds good. Although the items out of special material should be more rare than they are now. (Wait, NO! Gonna lose all my shit if this happens! :o )