Best classes for certain playstyles.

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Re: Best classes for certain playstyles.

Post by Kerbal »

Imp knights are still Lux Emanio Plebis-machines! :o
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Re: Best classes for certain playstyles.

Post by Zaradon »

PvP, char isn't in a religion - Barbarian/Archer/Necromancer
PvP, char in religion (piety) - Knight/Ranger
PvP, char in religion (piety) and boosts/bless from yourself/other players - Barbarian > anyone.
PvM, char isn't in a religion - Barbarian/Archer
PvM, char in religion (piety) - Ranger/Knight
PvM, char in religion (piety) and boost/bless from yourself/other players - Barbarian > anyone.

I didn't read all of the replies, but i merely do think the barbarian hit vs armament needs a double check.

Armament most certainly removes the maxhit cap from barbarian hit, where'as no other bless doesnt for the non-religious barb. Tested in PvM by myself.

Bard + druidbless will increase the damage yes, but with the same blesses + armament, Religious barbarian has already 2 VERY good favors before the non-religion barb.
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Re: Best classes for certain playstyles.

Post by Masano »

Zaradon wrote:Bard + druidbless will increase the damage yes, but with the same blesses + armament, Religious barbarian has already 2 VERY good favors before the non-religion barb.
Join a religion then? Getting sick and tired of reading these posts from barbarians complaining about either losing their ability to recieve religious blesses out of religion, or complaining religious blesses are too good. Either stay out religions and dont hit as hard in PvM or join a religion enjoy the blesses but have the disadvantage of getting hurt from opposing religious damage in PvP. Its a very simple choice to make depending on how you want to play your character.
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Re: Best classes for certain playstyles.

Post by Athan01 »

Darian Darkmind wrote: Dunno if they can use the 'awesome' aura. Keening should be doable. Out of Tekstone tome the area plague was the boss, apparently. Not any more though.

Nah, knight > ranger due to mauls and higher strength. At least in PvP.
With 65 med(20p) kneeing still fails an awful lot, and with such med the damage sucks major peen, and as far as the aura goes as a knight with 50int and not able to med without removing plates - its not worth casting for the small advantage it gives.
Biggs wrote:Op = priest.
Easy = priest.

I think a priest nerf is needed ... =D
I couldn't agree more, from my experience in the past 3 weeks scepters are doing absolutely insane damage when I have like 86ar (56with no shield) and taking damage of like 80-160.

And i can't see why they are allowed to have higher ar AND gm healing, I thought it would be either or.
I assume when a priest is fully buffed they have higher ar than full plates? Infact im almost sure on that. So wtf.

My last and final complain, 100 resist?! I have a 100 resist on my magicuser, i'd say for any fighter class (especially one with 100 healing) its OP as hell.
The armour and healing i've come to terms with, afterall priests were obviously designed to mock every other class. Its the 100 resist that pisses me off as I see no reason why any fighter should have this, it should be left for people who understand magic - magicusers.
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Re: Best classes for certain playstyles.

Post by Ivan »

And they can use hellfire, healing, life, magic reflect wands + gheals etc and everything. Summons? No problem wand of daemons are avaible, dragons were taken away though. Hmm what else priest hass that other fighters dont have? While barely having any disadvantages.


All of us know that priests statcaps dont matter at all because of their blesses but except that rites have a lot of effects that you can put on top of these advantages :)

Basicaly there are things that class system shows, so it wont give a real picture so here we go:

100 heal, 100 anat, healing wands, possibly aura, rite for healing, gheals
85 tactics, arnament, 100 mace, 100 anat
AR chains + arnament (ability to have more ar on chains than knight has in plate suit)
stats: 105str (+20), 75 dex, 75 int, +30-40 bless normaly (might be even higher i dont know about nowdays stuff)
100 resist

Oh thats not all they got ability to use ranged damage dealing rites on top of that while having all the neat advantages.

As i've said before they are fighters with all abilities of magic users. Perfect all rounders depending on their religion.

(7:50:57 PM) ivan: is it missing something?
(7:53:54 PM) *****: i think not
(7:54:01 PM) *****: except that some rites can do like 700-800 dmg to monsters

And that people is pangaea balance.
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Re: Best classes for certain playstyles.

Post by KaneThun »

(7:50:57 PM) ivan: is it missing something?
(7:53:54 PM) *****: i think not
(7:54:01 PM) *****: except that some rites can do like 700-800 dmg to monsters
which rite?
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Re: Best classes for certain playstyles.

Post by Xippy »

For knight hint Indy meditation. Does wonders. Recalling,blessing,aura,Shielding, and some others aint problem.
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Re: Best classes for certain playstyles.

Post by Simmo »

KaneThun wrote:
(7:50:57 PM) ivan: is it missing something?
(7:53:54 PM) *****: i think not
(7:54:01 PM) *****: except that some rites can do like 700-800 dmg to monsters
which rite?
I guess this ***** means Discorporation?40-60 piety makes such dmg.
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Re: Best classes for certain playstyles.

Post by Zaradon »

I would like to really see the era when the Knight's used to own basically everything, being in a religion. Rangers/Knights should be > Priest in PvE...Imho...

Lets wait til there's some decent religious ranger before we start claiming any 'crappy' classes.
The dev's have done some great job there, but we just need the time to find out what 'surprizes' they gave to us.
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Re: Best classes for certain playstyles.

Post by Vaux27 »

The Priest class has been broken forever fellas, not much can be done without a massive amount of whining. Some how we all just live with it and go on.

The biggest travesty is Priest being able to cast rites better than a Monk. Nerf Magery to 85 and give the Monks 100 Med. It's pretty simple.
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