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Post by Athan01 »

Yeh sure thats one way to look at the whole thing, good luck having an active playerbase who is comfortably pvping in a year though. Did you not realise the shard is going more and more inactive recently, and this past week its starting to pick up? There is a reason for that..
Without this fix I think pangaea is on its last life, 2d and 3d cant co-exist, simple as that. This is a solution that will enable the shard to continue with american players yet you 'wont be bothered either way'?
Now you've said that, I really do hope if it goes back to the old server that 3d is banned. This whole thing has been done with alot of effort from boris, to keep the americans playing... can you all not see that?
Kent Strider


Post by Kent Strider »

I see it indeed, but no changes are being made other than this. Some creatures speed need adjusting with this new update. If some some other adjustments would be made along with this then I would even donate myself. Your only seeing it from one side of the fence, which I do completely understand your side of it, trust me I really do. When the server was in America I laughed when you Euros were whining.
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Post by Vaux27 »

Well, I'm among the Americans that like the change. I'll wait to see if the Euros care for this change with more donations, don't wanna waste mula. About $40 would do...which is 30€ roughly.
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Bella Pious
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Post by Bella Pious »

Ok, after reading the posts here are the facts I gathered from what you guys been saying, please do correct me if I am wrong because that's hell a lot of words to read and most make no sense.

(1) UO is a game designed for 2D. 3D is something bonus that could be added to advantage.
(2) Staff sees 3D has to go for a reason .The majority of people agree with the idea.
(3) Staff has found a dedicated server, but it needs to be paid.
(4) After testing, majority North Americans agree their 2D speed can match up (with maybe a tiny difference) to European 2D speed.
(5) But now that they are forced to use 2D, they argue monsters are faster so they need speed nerf.
(6) Some North American claimed that if the above requirement or more are not met, don't expect of donation for this dedicated server from him/her/them.

Alright, here is some opinion I'd like to throw in :

(a) Pangaea was born and shaped and developed in Europe. It is an European server. As far as I remember, some of us North American return to play HERE right now because the shard that immigrated to North America died.
(b) Why do you use 3D in the first place, again? If now there is little difference between North American speed and European speed with the new dedicated server, it would only mean the dragon is running at its "proper" speed as originally designed? I think people are getting too used to the 3D speed that they think the monsters speed need adjusting instead of people's tactics.
(c) I think 3D should go with or without the dedicated server, therefore, it is more for us North American's sake that it is donated.

-- West Coast, Canada
Bella Pious, The Vet
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Post by Andoriel »

bella... :roll:
Monster speed is ok its the lag spikes thats troublesome. As i stated when you have lag spike for a 1 second, dragon teleports from 2 titles away and hits you. Lag spikes is not long as before but it does happen frequently. With slightly slower mosnters you can get away with small spike, but with dragon its a death wish. Please go back and reread my post. Allso we dont use 3d...we cant use 3d. Soo why do you use 3d in first place sentance makes no sence at all.
Ps for the anti 3d crusaders: I am not saying 3d should be back but monster speed could be adjusted a bit, so people dont die because of Lag Spike.
Last edited by Andoriel on Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
Kent Strider


Post by Kent Strider »

Smh...I honestly don't care what you guys do anymore not sure why I keep replying, 3d is going to be banned whether the server is kept or not I can almost guarantee it so no reason for you to get frustrated.
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Post by Bella Pious »

The impression I got from some previous post was people had to use 3D because of the speed different between European and North American when it comes to PvP. Now with the dedicated server both 2D speed seemed to match up and yet I still hear people prefer to go back to 3D instead of supporting this new server. That confuses me.

I do not use 3D and the server is not only located across an Atlantic Ocean from me, but also a Canada. So if I shall compare the old server and new, regarding the speed and lag spike in 2D, here is what I have observed : it is clearly a big improvement of speed and the lag spike is greatly reduced with the dedicated server. I could run all the way in Destard until dragon comes into view, turn, and quickly run out of it's sight -- something I couldn't do before. Before I had to take 3 breath of fire before I could disappear from a dragon's view, now 1. If you (any of you) and I feel differently towards the server change, it is most likely because you (any of you) are evaluating the present 2D situation with your previous 3D experience. The lag spike probably comes from crossing the Atlantic Ocean and it probably has and will always be there for us (North Americans). On our side, I wonder if adjusting our tactics in this situation could help the problem.
Bella Pious, The Vet
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Post by Andoriel »

you never play 3d before from what I heard. You live in the furthest corner of possible. You allways laged. So for you this is improvement considering you hardly ever hunted before.
For me its a trouble, becasue my gameplay is slightly diferent they yours and there is a good chance its more closer to an "avrage" player then yours. I been around longer then 3d. Before 3d our fix was 3.00c and with that I was able to play the game exactly how it was intended, no spike, wasnt faster then eu 2d...It was perfect. Just saying this to point out 3d is not the only comprasion here.
Second of all yes exactly cross atlantic lag spiek will be there unless pang sudenly becomes a runuo server or 3.00 enabled. Since that wont happen we can adjust monster behavior a bit that leaves everyone better off. Like Boris said, we take speed we give it somethign else. thats all to it people, really!
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Post by Bella Pious »

I never said your idea was a bad one. You gave an idea but people develop on it and slowly it lost focus. Please read my post as a whole.
Of course my game play case is not the average and thats why I see it from other angle ;)
And no, if I have a hunter I wouldnt need to suggest maybe ppl should experiment more on their tactics -- I would experiment it myself.
Boris makes sense. I wonder if the dragon could be so slow that even I would have no problem at all taming them. Give them much more health point in exchange for the gain.
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Post by Boris »

Pangaea has done its part by upgrading HW and connection. If you lag, it's no longer due to us. Yes, the server locates in Europe and that gives you extra ping, but nothing will change that. If you're still experiencing lag or spikes, instead of pointing your finger in our direction, take a look in the mirror.

- Boris
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