robbers and looting

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Moderator: Game Masters

Robberes shut be alowed to loot

Poll ended at Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:00 pm

Nothing (Just do it for RP)?
Gold & gems?
Other things to (Hides, bones, regs and so on.)?
what they ask of the victim?
Everyting but magic cloth
Total votes: 27

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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Whitewolf »

just make it so once your a crime you cant Log untill 15 min later, Ofc you can close the game, but even in house your there for 15 min

Re: robbers and looting

Post by Troy »

You know there could have been a chance that we would have allowed all your robbing however as stated in another topic all you all care about is the loot. It should be about the roleplaying, maybe if you all would actually roleplay some robbers for the roleplay right now maybe we could have reconsidered it.
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Daemorth »

Troy wrote:You know there could have been a chance that we would have allowed all your robbing however as stated in another topic all you all care about is the loot. It should be about the roleplaying, maybe if you all would actually roleplay some robbers for the roleplay right now maybe we could have reconsidered it.
Just as much RP everybody did when I was manhunted for what.. 3 hours?.
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Ravniel »

What does it matter does people care more about the loot or the rp?

People play this game for having fun, and for the lot of people, robbing gives exciting moments. Honestly, How many people of the shard history has made a robber only that he can rp being a robber and risk his life to get stoned? Robbers gives exciting moments for the laws and for themselfs also. You won't see any robbers here if they can't loot anything else than money.

Im not myself the most activeted roleplayer of the shard, but I do like roleplaying and funny roleplay moments.

Also roleplaying rules are great(example. have to rp before attacting someone etc.)

What's the roleplay view of giving all priests 50 piety? -There is no one. The most of players have priest, so it was made that everyone could ENJOY the playing. Like the religion transfers.

So, We shouldnt watch this only from the roleplaying perspective. We should have the drylooting and let the people enjoy the game. Im sure it would also boost roleplaying of the shard, atleast it would bring back something we have missed.
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Roleplay <> talking

When chasing someone you don't chat. You kill fast! When attacking town you don't chat but kill fast. When robbers rob without talk or kill without words it is not lack of roleplay, but lack of talking or killing in sight, which is (usually) still roleplay, but forbidden for other reasons. It is illogical to say it is not roleplay, let's just say it is forbidden because of practical reasons but not use the "roleplay" card, when the issue is not about roleplay but in reality game mechanics.

Roleplay is acting in character; for example if you roleplay a defender of Britain, you don't go helping Imperial (at least the ones you have fought against) when a giant or reaper kills them the next day, unless you decide to become neutral or even more - you don't change your ideology every day or metagame. Unless you roleplay a psychotic person. Or in some way unusual fellow. But you must acknowledge you roleplay a psychotic person if this is the case.

Just my opinion.

I have been in real dumb situations. I chased a well known and active robber with a Law member, my character had became an ally of Law and it was a well known fact. Okay, we heard there is a robber at Despise. I already knew where to go to catch the robber to avoid logging off; Vesper inn. We went there with the Law member, chased the robber for 5 minutes from Vesper to New Haven through Yew. I managed to paralyze the robber finally, by recalling to the spot in which I though I would find the robber, precasting paralyze and targetting. And the robber died. There was just one problem; no one had said "halt"... so the robber was free to go and keep his items. Sigh. :)
Last edited by Maximilian Lhoth on Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Mike »

Yeah, RP is not = talking.

But imagine the fight between Vader and Obi Wan without the lines before they started swinging. In some cases talking before a fight is just something you do because the rules say you have to RP. But sometimes the extra thought and effort can introduce a memorable element to the game. More than pixels moving around.
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

In a situation in which the town is already under attack I find it hilarious people start to talk (the same ol' "die in the name of " + random_god_name) in the middle of the fight summoned+spawned guards are whacking each other next to them.

Another situation is if I track a single Imperial member at the graveyard... I don't go precasting paralyze and getting my phoenix or so. I go and find out what is the reason for them to be there and tell them to leave (quite often they are just meeting someone to buy/sell something and leave when told to).
Last edited by Maximilian Lhoth on Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Mike »

That's forced RP. Not likely to add anything to anyone's enjoyment.
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Re: robbers and looting

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Mike wrote:That's forced RP. Not likely to add anything to anyone's enjoyment.
It's even UN RP imo, acting ridiculously is not (your average character's) RP, acting logically is.

Re: robbers and looting

Post by Troy »

50 piety was not given for everyone to just have fun. If you make a statement then make sure you fully understand what you are saying first. 50 piety was given to people who were in a religion for over a year previously because of the wipes and everything, plus with the closing of tekstone we allowed people for a certain time to switch their religions.

The reason roleplay is important is because this is a RP shard. If you want some pking and funny moments go find some random pvp only shard. It is just as fun to only rp a robber and not get anything out of it except the enjoyment that you had good rp times, a thrill of a chase and knowing that you can have your name well known throughout the lands. Not everything has to be about who can get the most loot and everything.

Honestly I remember everyone whining about people drylooting before, and us haveing to create asshole rules for certain things, now when we take it all away and make it a safe environment (which we did allow robbing in religions if you all so do set the rules) you all whine even more. All I see people do is go hunt, ask for little quests and what not, wait for gms to start something, or some version of nonroleplay. You all have the potential to do things too and create fun events. I remember imperial set up an event one day with different activities and had things for sell, ofcouse they did page a gm to decorate but they set it up mostly themselves. You can create your own adventures, start doing fun things.

Maybe if you all started showing that you can roleplay and that it isnt just about whos the best we could add in more things. We have allowed you to macro at banks again to try and get activity around it to come up. But you all dont do that.
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